This is—incidentally—why I’ve started wearing a hammer.
Don’t. Let. Them. Have. Shit.
Not medieval iconography.
Not Pagan mysticism.
Not Christianity.
Not Classicism.
Not “the west.”
Not the Renaissance.
Not the SCA.
Not Nietzsche.
Not Tradition.
Nazis don’t get anything. By dearth of wanting it, they should be denied it.
All of it.
No you eugenics-worshiping human tar-pit, you can’t have any of that shit. It’s mine. It’s humanity’s. Diverse & lovely.
Not folk-metal.
Not tabletop gaming.
Not console or PC games.
Not history.
Not high art.
Not even fucking Wagner.
Nazi dipshits get nothing. Push them out of your space and retain ownership of your symbolism. That shit is YOURS. They can only take it if you let them.
Go forth and serve others.