Residency is NEVER mentioned in these ND to MD comparisons. 🤔
1,500 hrs vs. 10,000 hrs.
That is the difference in clinical training volume between me and a naturopath who calls themselves a family doctor on their website.
ND students see a generally healthier patient population and work in primarily one type of setting. Family medicine residents see a huge range of patients in a wide range of settings.
There is no way I would have felt prepared to be a family doctor the day after I graduated med school.
Every new MD grad about to start a family medicine residency feels the same. There is SO MUCH have to be able to do before we can practice.
Even though I see plenty of kids in my family practice, I'm still not allowed to imply that I'm a pediatrician. Because I'm not.
Imagine if @OntariosDoctors allowed MDs to post misleading profiles on the OMA website.
NDs setting up practices use this language for their websites and advertisements.

The various provincial and federal regulatory authorities seem content to look the other way on this misleading information. So nothing changes.

To some degree NDs are themselves misled by their orgs, so that's where our focus needs to be to.
Our medical regulators need to stand up for informed consent and stop ignoring this issue.