I am reminded frequently in your posts of your core world view you spoke of a while ago, that you see things in stark black & white terms, eschewing most nuance.
It shows up all the time. And here.
Your thoughts seem to require absolute
I dont suppose you'll hear it, this BW filter cuts out most of the actual conversation/points/information being communicated, not only by me, but almost every communication... but I think there is a deep strain of these
But not all, not by any means. But it doesnt take all, or even a
So it is w racial (and other) hate.
But we see it being worked out.
So there is that.
But what is most interesting to me is your avoidance of the more essential responses to my posts.
And you ignore the lying that your man Trump does, and I pointed out, even in basic black and white terms...And yet you do not seem to be upset about that immorality?
The proven lying, far more consequential, you have
Talk about straining at a gnat while swallowing a camel.
Makes one wonder to what your allegiance actually is. Your acceptance of Tr seems to be
Or, if you want a biblical reference, building your house on sand. It will be swept away on the next storm.
As seems to be happening. And what will you say about all this now?