Witness: Yes. To Tegucigalpa. I asked Tony Hernandez to help get him transferred there, it was a more important location in terms of cocaine trafficking
Witness: Yes. In 2007, I paid him $5,000.
AUSA: Did you have any discussions with the defendant about the payment.
Witness: Yes, he confirmed to me he had received the payment.
AUSA: Is that that only time the defendant helped you with police transfers?
Witness: No. Also Flores Santos.
AUSA: Why did you want him stationed there?
Witness: It was the principle route to #Guatemala.
Witness: Ruben Mejia was the owner of a car dealership and a butcher shop too.
AUSA: What security was used to transport it?
Witness: My workers escorted it to Guatemala.
AUSA: Did they carry guns?
Witness: Pistols and assault rifles
Witness: $10,000.
AUSA: Did you make any other payments to Tony Hernandez for this?
Witness: Yes. $5,000 for police checkpoints. And more for radar.
AUSA: What was the destination?
Witness: the United States
Witness: He said $1.5 million should be in hundred dollars bills.
AUSA: Did you meet with Fernando Chang about this shipment?
Witness: In San Pedro Sula in my house there
Witness: Yes - to the National Party campaign for Lobo as president and Juan Orlando Hernandez' re-election as Congressment. I have $100,000, from drug profits to which I am devoted
Witness: Yes. He said if Pepe Lobo was elected and Juan Orlando Hernandez was re-elected to Congress we'd have more connection and access to information from the police and army
Witness: About 10.
AUSA: Who's shown in that photo?
Witness: Bonilla.
AUSA: Government offers Exhibit 104.
Witness: That Police Officer Bonilla was a man of great trust to Tony and Juan Orlando Hernandez, a man who was very violent and could commit murders.
Witness: Yes. Tony Hernandez said that even if the US Embassy asked for it, it could be slowed down or stopped in the Honduran Supreme Court
Witness: For radar for the drug plane. In the ledgers by then, instead of writing Antonio Hernandez, we'd write Mario Jose
Witness: 500 kilos.
Houle: Did you meet anyone named Daniel?
Witness: Yes. Daniel Romero a/k/a Daniel Miranda. I met him in 2007 or 2008. He was trafficking cocaine throughout Honduras
Witness: Yes, in 2017, in Guatemala City.
AUSA: When you began cooperating with the US government, were you honest about your trafficking?
Witness: No.
Now AUSA Houle asking the (wife shooting) witness about his cooperation deal. It will be up to the judge to sentence him. #5K1
Witness (after a pause) Yes.
Malone: Kids are something extremely important to you?
Witness (after another pause) Can you repeat the question?
Witness seems to say $500 profit per kilo.
Malone asks about additional profits from deliveries. Has witness added up his profits?
Witness: Can you repeat the question?
Malone: Do you miss the wife that you shot in the face?
[This is a Tony Hernandez trial variant on the old "When did you stop beating your wife"- #lawyering
AUSA Houle objects, referring to privileged information.
Here's Inner City Press' story on the morning: innercitypress.com/sdny4hondurast… thread continues
Witness (pause) Please repeat the question.
Malone: You knew you were supposed to tell the truth during that meeting.
Witness: The document was in English.
Witness: I don't remember.
Malone: Did Tony Hernandez come up in that meeting?
Witness: I don't remember the topics that came up.
Judge Castel: Just ask the question.
Malone: Would an honest man lie?
Witness: I already told you, I was afraid.
Malone: You never had any problem exacting punishment on people in your history, right?
Witness: I cannot suggest anything to the jury.
Witness: Yes.
Malone: They downloaded the information from your phone, right?
Witness: Yes.
Malone: Did you use WhatsApp?
Witness: No.
Malone: So only phone and text and in person?
Witness: Yes.
AUSA Houle: Objection.
Malone: Did you ever text with Tony Hernandez?
Witness: No.
Witness: Right.
Malone: Is that your handwriting, on all of the ledgers?
Witness: I don't understand the question.
Witness: Repeat for me the question?
Judge Castel: Let me see counsel at the sidebar.
[White noise turned on.]
Witness: Yes.
Inner City Press note: #6ix9ine's specified 47 years - and this witness, with 140,000 kilos of cocaine and shooting his wife in the face, has 40 years patreon.com/posts/30481697
Witness: It will also have full detail of all my crimes.
Witness: That is not correct.
Malone: Is it fair to say you don't want to spend 40 years in prison in the US?
Witness: That's right.
Witness: Repeat me the question.
Malone (specifies cell phone was turned over to DEA by Diaz Morales' lawyer in Guatelama)
Witness: I do not remember that.
Witness: No.
Malone: Where is the money?
Witness: Please repeat the question.
Malone: Can I have the court reporter repeat that?
Witness: Part in property, and part is owned to me.
Witness: That's right, I don't have one.
Malone: What kind of property?
Witness: A few houses and a few ranches [fincas].
Malone: How many fincas?
Witness: More than two.
Witness: Yes.
Malone: And houses in Honduras?
Witness: It is my daughter's house.
Malone: Does she live there?
Witness: No. The house is under investigation. The ranch too.
Diaz Morales: I don't understand the question.
Malone: What did you do with the money?
AUSA Houle: Objection - asked and answered.
Malone: But he didn't answer.
Diaz Morales: In that period of time there were also expenses.
Diaz Morales: Yes.
AUSA Houle: Were you charged with it before you arrived in the US?
Diaz Morales: No.
Diaz Morales: Yes.
Houle: Has anyone made you any promises what sentence you will get?
Diaz Morales: No.