Gregory Waters Profile picture
Oct 9, 2019 376 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Almost daily #ISIS raids in central Syria now.

Three days ago Hani Hassan disappeared somewhere between #DeirEzZor & #Bukamal.

Hani was a member of the #SAA's 17th Division, 10th Reserve Regiment & comes from the largely Alawite village of Na'arah #Homs
Member of the 137th Artillery Regiment (claimed 17th Division although the unit is historically 7th Division) killed in Harbisha #DeirEzzor just east of #Sukhna #Homs… Image
Reports of clashes between #SAA & #ISIS in central #Syria northeast of #Sukhna #Homs as govt forces intercepted an ISIS convoy (loyalist claim) Image
Three days after an #ISIS IED kills a member of #SAA 17th Div in #Harbisha #DeirEzzor another IED in same area kills 1 & wounds at least 5 others from the same unit (Oct 26)

Today an #ISIS attack near #Palmyra #Homs killed a likely ex-rebel from #Dael #Daraa ImageImage
Member of the #17th_Division's 484th Engineering Battalion killed in #DeirEzzor today. He is likely an Alawite from Dweir Baabda in the #Jableh #Latakia countryside.

At least the 3rd 17th Division death here in a week. Image
#ISIS killed at least 14 pro-govt fighters in #Deir_EzZor b/w 12/24 & 12/25

12/24 - 17th Division losses 7 men
12/25 - 5 Liwa al-Quds fighters killed + commander of eastern region wounded west of #Sukhna & 104th Brigade #Republican_Guard Major & Captain killed near #Boukamal ImageImageImageImage
The 17th Division men killed on 12/24 belonged to the 10th Regiment (pic 1)

Unclear if this is the 10th 'Reserve' Regiment which lost men here on Oct 6 or the 10th Border Guards Regiment, which currently operates under the command of the 17th Division (pic 2) ImageImage
In the span of one week this man lost both his uncle (KIA 12/24) & his brother (KIA 12/30) in the fighting in #Deir_EzZor

Both men were from the loyalist town of Al-Bahdaliyah #Damascus Image
11th Division denies all reports of heavy deaths near #Boukamal #Deir_EzZor today, claiming that only the driver was killed (pic 1) and several others wounded.
At least 2 #ISIS attacks in Mayadeen, west #Deir_EzZor past 48 hours killing +13 members of the #Republican_Guard including a Brigadier & Captain

Jan 14 - SRG "special tasks" men from the largely Druze Martyr Nafidh Assadallah Group ambushed
Jan 15 - 104th Brigade group ambushed
More than 22 loyalist have been reported killed in #ISIS attacks in the desert this month including members of the #Republican_Guard, 5th Corps' 7th Brigade & 11th Division's 67th Brigade.

Unlike last year's focus on #Homs recent attacks have increasingly targeted #Deir_EzZor
Funerals have been held for 2 more 104th Brigade #Republican_Guard men killed near Mayadeen #DeirEzZor on Jan 14 while a man from northern Homs was reportedly killed by #ISIS near #Palmyra yesterday. ImageImageImage
Three members of the #Republican_Guard were killed by a mine today in #Deir_EzZor (pic 1)

Meanwhile a new batch of #Damascus #NDF fighters are deploying to the badia for counter #ISIS operations (pics 2-4) ImageImageImageImage
Multiple SAA fighters wounded today when #ISIS attacked their checkpoint new the T3 pumping station in southeast #Homs Image
Feb 16: Three men from Salamiyah #Hama were killed when their car was attacked near Ruseifa #Raqqa. Unclear if the killed men were civilians or combatants. Image
Feb 17: Two loyalists from reef #Damascus killed by #ISIS around Tanf #Homs. Third loyalist from Damascus possibly died their as well.

Feb 18: SAA 17th Division reported a colonel & second soldier killed in the #Deir_EzZor countryside ImageImageImageImage
Feb 21: Loyalist pages report claims from #Raqqa countryside that #ISIS killed 11 civilians and stole 2,000 sheep & some vehicles in a raid near Sabkha. Image
A 1st Lieutenant & 8 of his soldiers were killed in an #ISIS attack in the village of Huriybat on the Ithriya-Ruseifa road. Report was posted today but the Lieutenant's death was reported on Feb 27 (in Idlib).

This attack came six days after ISIS killed 11 shepherds in Raqqa CS ImageImage
Two days after the above attack (Feb 29) a member of the 554th Regiment / 14th Special Forces Division was reported killed during anti #ISIS raids in south #Raqqa

While ISIS has continued attacking around Sukhna #Homs it seems they've expanded significantly into the Raqqa CS Image
March 6 - a landmine left by #ISIS in the Huryibat region of SE #Raqqa killed 1 member of the Deir Ez Zor NDF and wounded 4 others today. Image
Some pictures from the NDF's recently launched "combing operations" in regime-held Raqqa against #ISIS
Post notes the NDF has "advanced tens of kilometers east" ImageImageImageImage
Mar 5 - A regime soldier from #Tartous was reported killed near Mayadeen #Deir_EzZor

Comes amid reports of two checkpoints raided by #ISIS that day further north, around Najib & Harbisha Image
The bodies of 6 regime soldiers killed near Ruseifa #Raqqa reached the Salamiyah hospital today. One of them was confirmed killed on Feb 27 - I suspect the others were killed with him then.

NDF just secured Ruseifa today which is likely when they recovered the bodies Image
Mar 6 - #ISIS landmine kills 1 & wounds 4 NDF fighters near Huriybat #Raqqa

Mar 8 - Republican Guard fighter from Tartous killed in #Deir_EzZor countryside

Mar 13 - 148th Brigade 1st Lt from Deir Ez Zor killed in #Raqqa countryside (his father killed in 2011) ImageImageImage
Mar 17 - Criminal Security Branch fighter from Qamishli killed in #Deir_EzZor countryside

Mar 18 - 40 year old Major from Baniyas killed in #Deir_EzZor countryside

Mar 18 - 2 SAA fighters killed in #Raqqa countryside when their vehicle came under fire ImageImageImage
ISIS has already killed ~65 loyalist fighters this year.

The scale of ISIS attacks in Badia is far greater than the new Homs video lets on. Many of the attacks filmed were among the few that already had photo releases.
A member of the Deir Ez Zor NDF was killed near Jabal Bishri, Deir Ez Zor today, some reports claiming from a landmine.

ISIS cells still operate on the mountain despite regime "capture" in February Image
Mar 31: 3 men from the "Desert Combat Group" killed in the Badia (unit had just completed sweeping ops)
Apr 2: 3 members of 17th Div 137th Reg killed in #Deir_EzZor
Apr 5: 1 DeZ NDF KIA in #ISIS attack near Wadi Jweif (Jabal Bishri)
Apr 6: 4 Liwa al-Quds KIA north of Shoula ImageImageImageImage
Excellent piece by @ajaltamimi covering the LDF commander killed in an #ISIS IED attack on April 13 while driving in the Badia with an IRGC commander…
Apr 21 - Suqaylabiyah & Mahardah NDF units (from north #Hama) deployed to #Sukhna area of #Homs. These NDF units have long history of #Russian support & training

Deployment comes 2 days after #Russia|n generals from Hmeimim met w/ & awarded the NDF commanders. ImageImageImageImage
Apr 22 - A second anti-#ISIS combing operation w/ local NDF units took place, stretching south & east from Sukhnah to Deir Ez Zor city & Harbisha. ImageImage
Apr 23 - Military Commander of Liwa al-Quds "overseeing" anti-ISIS operation in #Deir_EzZor (pic 1)

DeZ NDF also combed the Duwayr-Sayyal area of the western Euphrates today ImageImageImageImage
Apr 23 - 333rd Regiment (former 4th Division, now NDF) conducting anti-#ISIS operations in eastern Salamiyah #Hama countryside ImageImageImageImage
Suqaylabiyah & Mahradeh NDF have finished their anti-ISIS operation (started two days ago alongside Salamiyah NDF).

The units claim to have cleared the hamlets of Marina and Qutnah of ISIS in far eastern Hama...
Some unpublished pictures of the recent east #Hama operation. Mahradeh NDF commander Simon Wakeel claims no #Russia|ns ground presence but RuAF provided support for the op, although no clashes actually took place. ImageImageImageImage
Apr 25 - attacks renew 2 days after widespread anti-IS ops. At least 2 KIA (ISIS claims 4) near Mayadeen #Deir_EzZor
Apr 29 - Liwa al-Quds captures an ISIS truck+motorcycle near Tuwaynan Gas Field
Apr 30 - 6 men from 60th Brig/11th Div killed near Humaymah #Homs & 1 killed in DeZ ImageImageImageImage
Regular attacks in Mayadeen #Deir_EzZor & renewed Palmyra attacks 1st week of May
May 1 - 2 reported deaths in Mayadeen (17th Div)
May 3 - 1 KIA in DeZ + 1 KIA near #Palmyra #Homs
May 4 - #ISIS attack NDF checkpoint in Mayadeen
May 5 - 2 LDF commanders killed by IED in Mayadeen ImageImageImageImage
May 7 - Lt Colonel Ahmad Mahmoud, Air Force Intelligence commander of Dibsi Afnan sector of W #Raqqa, killed by a landmine
May 8 - #ISIS attacks an NDF-SAA checkpoint east of #Sukhna

First confirmed attacks in these areas since Feb 27 and Apr 9 (respectively) Image
May 10 - an #IRGC commander, Syrian #Hezbollah fighter & Salamiyah NDF member are killed by an IED on the highway near Ithriya #Hama
May 10 - ISIS captures an oil tanker near Wadi Azman, Shoula
May 11 - ISIS attacks 3 regime positions around Jabal Bishri, no deaths announced ImageImageImageImage
May 11 - Liwa al-Quds begins an ongoing anti-IS op around Ruseifa #Raqqa w/ SyAAF support. Coincides w/ opening of Tabqa-Raqqa crossing.
May 12 - NDF operation in SW #Deir_EzZor captures ISIS truck.
May 14 - ISIS releases pics showing execution of 4 "spies" near Sukhna #Homs. ImageImageImage
May 17 - ISIS uses fake checkpoint b/w Shoula & Kabbabj to kill 5 (1 5th Corps/7th Brig man+2 Shaitat tribal fighters (inc cmdr)+1 soldier+1 civilian)
May 18 - Liwa al-Quds fighter killed somewhere in Deir Ez Zor. He had received Russian PMC training in early 2019 ImageImageImageImage
May 19 - Damascus NDF sends ~930 new recruits to the Badia for anti-IS ops
May 21 - Reports that SyAAF destroyed an ISIS truck, likely in Raqqa CS
May 22 - Palmyra NDF convoy attacked 15km SW of Sukhna #Homs. One man killed attempting to flee (a recent recruit from Liwa al-Quds) ImageImageImage
May 22 - Liwa al-Quds combing op continues around Wahab Oil Fields #Raqqa w/ capture of some ISIS vehicles & equipment
May 23 - Liwa al-Quds loses one man in Raqqa CS ImageImageImage
May 26 - Suqaylabiyah & Muhradeh NDF begin a second anti-IS op in eastern #Hama. New trucks provided by #Russia + Oleg Blokhin has joined to document their valiant driving efforts. ImageImageImage
May 26 - Memeber of Military Security, Badia Branch, killed by mine near Palmyra #Homs
May 27 - 3 Palmyra NDF men wounded when vehicle hits mine near Palmyra
May 28 - 137th Regiment man reportedly dies "of a heart attack" in #Deir_ezZor ImageImageImage
May 28 - False reports today of 2 (old) 4th Division deaths @ a checkpoint in DeZ (see pic). According to local NDF however, two #ISIS fighters attacked an #Iran|ian checkpoint in Buwaytiyah north #Deir_ezZor, killing 3 #Pakistan|i Zeinabiyoun fighters.… Image
May 30 - a Liwa al-Quds fighter is killed near Ithriya #Hama during the group's anti-IS operations there (see pics 2 & 3)
May 30 - soldier from #Homs is killed somewhere in #Deir_ezZor province ImageImageImageImage
May 31 - Soldier from Masyaf #Hama is killed somewhere in #Deir_ezZor province
May 31 - #Russia|n PMC Oleg Blokin announces that it is the last day of Suqaylabiyah NDF mission in southeast Hama. This is the second "operation" conducted by the group this month. ImageImageImageImage
June 4 - Liwa al-Quds ends its 20 day anti-ISIS operations that stretched from Ruseifa #Raqqa to east #Hama to just north of Palmyra #Homs. Claim to have cleared 98 villages (listed in pic) but make no claims about ISIS deaths... Image
June 3 - SAA fighter goes missing from Sayyid village #Homs. Major Fendi + 2nd soldier go looking for him

June 4 - Anti-IS op in Jub Jarah #Homs (pic 3) finds the bodies of Maj Fendi + 2nd soldier in the village of Umm Jobaiba, >30 miles NE of Sayyid… ImageImageImage
June 8 - Liwa al-Baqir field commander killed NE of Sukhna on the road to Ithriya (black)

June 10 - #ISIS kills at least 3 pro-govt fighters NW of Sukhnah (red). Three bodies are shown in pictures. ImageImageImage
June 10 - Damascus NDF sends its third batch of new recruits (likely mostly or all from ex-rebel towns) to #Deir_EzZor guarding towns along Euphrates. Well over 1,000 of these men there now. ImageImageImageImage
Correction on this tweet, got my directions mixed up:

June 8 - Liwa al-Baqir field commander killed *NW of Sukhna on the road to Ithriya (black)

June 10 - #ISIS kills at least 3 pro-govt fighters near *Jabal Omour (green). Three bodies shown in pictures
June 10 - #ISIS militants seize 2 villages in east #Hama, an attack that's been planned for months. During the attack they kill 3 Salamiyah #NDF fighters in a 3rd nearby village.

June 11 - 5th Corps, NDF & Liwa al-Quds reclaim the villages w/ air support.
... Image
#ISIS continues to demonstrate good intel gathering/prepping for these attacks deep into supposedly safe areas (see tweet). Despite knowing of their plans since March & having just combed this area, govt forces were still unprepared

June 12 - fighter is killed by mine near Ithriya #Hama
June 13 - a Liwa al-Quds commander is wounded & fighter killed in #Deir_EzZor
June 15 - a soldier is killed while dismantling a mine on the Ithriya-Tuwaynan highway #Hama ImageImageImageImage
June 16 - 3 NDF fighters and 4 civilians are killed near the village of Ghanem Ali southeast #Raqqa. Could be #ISIS but more likely killed by smugglers. Image
June 18 - #ISIS militants attack a government checkpoint near Ruseifa #Raqqa killing 5 & wounding 5 others. Two of the killed men were from Tartous, 1 from Hama & 1 from Homs. ImageImageImageImage
...continued from above

Attack took place near the Thawrah Oil Field on the border of #SDF-controlled Raqqa

#4th_Division's Tabqa Sector commander (only a 2nd Lieutenant) was killed, but 4th Div presence here is extremely small, likely no more than one or two checkpoints. ImageImage
A 6th man died of his wounds from the #ISIS attack in north Ruseifa #Raqqa on June 18

June 20 - a Palmyra NDF fighter is killed by a mine near Arak oil field #Homs

June 21 - a Liwa al-Quds fighter is killed near Faydat al-Jub #Deir_EzZor (…) ImageImageImage
June 21 - #ISIS militants kill at least 2 & capture several regime soldiers ~15km west of Mayadeen #Deir_ezZzor

June 22 - #ISIS claims to kill 2 & capture a technical near Sukhnah #Homs

June 30 - a mine kills 1 & wounds 5 near the Abu alFaydh Dam, east of #Ithriya #Hama ImageImageImage
June 30 - more Damascus #NDF fighters deploy to the #Badia for anti-ISIS operations. Most likely joining other units in Deir Ez Zor along the Euphrates.

This is the 4th such deployment since February. ImageImageImage
Jul 1 - Captain is killed on the Ithriya-Tuwaynan road (2nd death here in two weeks)

Jul 2 - Liwa al-Baqir fighter is killed & another wounded in an ambush on the Ithriya-Sukhnah road

Jul 4 - #ISIS claims to ambush regime fighters east of #Sukhnah, capturing a truck ImageImageImage
Jul 6 - #ISIS releases pictures of captured regime equipment from east #Sukhnah, taken sometime in past two weeks

Jul 6 - Suqaylabiyah & Mahredah #NDF redeploy to the Badia for anti-ISIS ops

Jul 7 - Suqaylabiyah NDF vehicle hit by mine/IED in #Raqqa, killing 1 & wounding 2 ImageImageImage
Jul 7 - SANA claims to kill 3 & capture 3 other men accused of being #ISIS fighters near Jabal Amor. The men were captured along with weapons and motorcycles.

Men were captured in same area were 5 ISIS militants on motorcycles ambushed 3 regime fighters on June 10. ImageImageImage
See attached post from Oleg Blokhin on the above event. Blokhin's accounts falls in between SAA claims and MaT claims. Seems the men had just left Rukhban camp and were *at most* looking to join ISIS/give information to ISIS. This was not the cell already operating in the area. Image
Jul 8 - Liwa al-Quds has 2 KIA & 1 WIA from a mine near Rasm Hadoul, east Salamiyah #Hama

Jul 9 - 3 members of the 75th Battalion/10th Border Guard Regiment are killed near Maizilah NW of Boukamal #Deir_EzZor. The unit had arrived there on May 12. ImageImage
Jul 9 - #ISIS abducts & kills two gas workers near Ruseifa #Raqqa

Jul 10 - #ISIS publishes photo of destroyed regime truck, most likely from east of Sukhnah earlier this month

Jul 12 - SAA 148th Brig bus leaving Ayn Issa hit by mine/IED near al-Rashid, north of Tabqa #Raqqa ImageImageImageImage
Jul 14 - A man goes missing near Shayrat east #Homs. He's found the next day shot in the back of the head

Jul 15 - #Tiger_Forces Sheikh Khalid Dhaher Group has 1 KIA & 2 WIA in clashes with #ISIS in Rasm Souf, south #Aleppo (black square on map) ImageImageImage
July 15 - NDF carry out an anti-ISIS operation around Tayem Gas Field, west of Mayadeen #Deir_EzZor & find the body of a 17th Div fighter likely killed in May 2019.

Jul 16 - Liwa al-Baqir fighter is killed on the Sukhnah-Ithriya road. Third death here from this unit since June. ImageImageImageImage
Jul 17 - #ISIS killed a Major from the 4th Division's Security Office in Deir Ez Zor today. He was from Talkalakh, Homs. ImageImage
Jul 19 - Suqaylabiyah & Mahradeh NDF units return to the Badia for anti-IS operations. This is at least their 4th Badia deployment since late April.

Seems part of their strategy included setting a small grass fire. ImageImageImageImage
Jul 21 - #Tiger_Forces' Sheikh Khalid Dhaher Group continues its anti-ISIS mission around Khanasir #Aleppo six days after clashing with #ISIS near Rasm Souf.
Jul 21 - Several men injured when their vehicle hit an IED/mine during anti-IS ops around Khanasir #Aleppo

Jul 22 - #ISIS & SAA forces clash south of Ruseifa #Raqqa. Despite initial reports, no Russian or Syrian jets were involved. ImageImageImage
Jul 23 - #Tiger_Forces' Abu Haider & Ali Ratib Groups (likely based in Dibsi Afnan) destroy at least one #ISIS technical in the Abu Ilaq village on the border b/w #Hama & #Raqqa (continued below)
(continued). Operation is reportedly led by Colonel Saed and is likely a response to yesterday's clashes with #ISIS in south #Raqqa. These seem to be local militias affiliated w/ Air Force Intelligence, not the classic Hama/Homs-based Tiger core.…
Jul 23 - A fighter from central #Homs is wounded by a mine east of #Palmyra

Jul 24 - A Liwa al-Quds fighter is killed somewhere in the Badia ImageImage
Jul 25 - #ISIS militants raid a village near Sa'an east #Hama killing one civilian and stealing sheep and vehicles

Jul 27 - a Border Guard Colonel from Draykish #Tartous is killed along with another soldier by a mine/IED in southeast #Raqqa ImageImage
#ISIS has released three claims of attacks:
Jul 26 - claims to execute 2 SAA west of #Sukhnah #Homs

Jul 27 - claims to destroy SAA truck near Dhurayhim, south #Aleppo

Jul 28 - claims to attack 2 vehicles NW of Sukhnah. Pro-regime sources claim civilians were among the killed ImageImageImageImage
Several pro-regime posts admitting to attacks came out today as well:

Jul 28 - a soldier from the Military Security Branch 221 (Badia) was wounded near al-Hayl Gas field #Homs last night

Jul 28 - #ISIS fighters kill 7 SAA in the village of Tel Sahba, west of Khanasir #Aleppo ImageImageImage
Jul 28 - (3rd attack that day) large #ISIS group attempts to raid an #IRGC warehouse in SW #Sukhnah, 5 hour fight around Jabal Tuntur kills 2 SAA & 5 ISIS acc to local NDF

Aug 1 - 4 NDF killed in ISIS attack near Kurayta, just north of where ISIS killed 5 shepherds in mid-Jan ImageImageImage
Death of the driver brings total killed in the Aug 1 attack to 5, along with 7 fighters missing/captured
5 other attacks reported in the first 4 days of August

Aug 1 - #ISIS claims to hit a truck with a mine near Sukhnah #Homs, wounding several soldiers

Aug 1 - unconfirmed claim 3 killed by IED near Maadan #Raqqa

Aug 2 - #ISIS claims to kill 3 near Sukhnah, posts pics of 2 bodies ImageImageImage
Aug 3 - #ISIS claims to kill 1 soldier with an IED near Durayhim #Aleppo

Aug 4 - #ISIS cell conducts a surprise attack on Hezbollah & Fatimayoun position west of T4 #Homs, likely moving through the Jub Jarah region before launching attacks from both north & west. Image
Aug 7 - 11th Division truck hit by IED on the Homs-Palmyra road, killing at least 1. #ISIS takes credit

Aug 9 - 2 KIA along #Raqqa-#Aleppo border, likely by a mine

Aug 10 - 1 KIA & 1 WIA when a Riot Police+Political Security patrol is ambushed near Rusafa #Raqqa. ImageImageImage
Aug 11 - A soldier is killed somewhere in #DeirEzZor in an "ISIS ambush"

Aug 11 - in an apparent separate attack, three 4th Division fighters from the same village in Homs are killed in #DeirEzzor ImageImage
Appears ISIS ambushed a 4th Div unit near Tabni, #DeirEzzor w/ claims the three men were captured then executed.

The 4th man, commander of the Liwa al-Quds unit "Forces of Uncle Omar Diab" was killed by an IED when his unit attempted to drive to the aid of the 4th Div men. ImageImageImage
^video shows at least three more Liwa al-Quds men killed in yesterday's ambush, bringing total to 4 Liwa al-Quds KIA (near Mujabib) & 3 4th Div KIA (near Tabni).

#ISIS also destroyed a wheat truck in the 4th Div attack ImageImageImage
Aug 12 - A driver and Military Security Platoon Commander are killed at dawn when #ISIS fighters ambush a food truck & its escort on the higway outside Boleel #DeirEzzor. By the time NDF arrived ISIS had fled and mined the roads. ImageImageImageImage
Aug 12 - a new batch of 17th Division recruits arrived at Deir Ez Zor airport. This has been a regular occurrence all year.

Aug 12 - Suqaylabiyah NDF ended another anit-ISIS operation in east Hama ImageImageImageImage
Aug 14 - #ISIS ATGM attack on a fortified point west of #Mayadeen #DeirEzzor killing a tanker of the 18th Division
Aug 15 - Damascus NDF send ~100-150 more fighters to Deir Ez Zor

Aug 15 - Deir Ez Zor NDF sets up new points along the DeZ-Mayadeen highway amid increasing #ISIS activity in the area ImageImageImageImage
Aug 15 - at least 5 Liwa al-Quds fighters KIA when #ISIS overruns a base west of Mayadeen #Deir_Ezzor

Aug 15 - NDF finds an ISIS camp near Khuwayliyah, east Sukhnah, triggering clashes. Pro-regime sources claim 12 ISIS & 12 regime KIA. Image
Aug 15 - ISIS releases photos of the execution of a man near Resafa #Raqqa

Aug 16 - ISIS releases pictures of the execution of 2 POWs near Sukhnah, one civilian & one military ImageImageImage
Aug 18 - A #Russia|n major general & the NDF's Mayadeen Sector commander have been killed by a mine near the Tayem Oil Fields.

Aug 18 - small NDF combing operation in southern Deir Ez Zor, from T2 to Faydha ImageImageImageImage
The Russian officer in question 👇
This is the 2nd Mayadeen sector commander ISIS has killed this year (1st was 4th Division) but by far the most important since NDF is the largest unit in this area. Should note Tayem had been "cleared" earlier this year
Death toll in yesterday's IED/mine attack in Tayem Gas Field (15km SW of Deir Ez Zor City) confirmed to be 6 NDF + the Russian General

8/19 - today #ISIS released images of two "spies" it executed near resafa #Raqqa recently. ImageImage
This video actually shows the deaths of both General Gladkhik and NDF commander Dhaher, along with one other NDF man (translator?). Matches initial NDF reports I heard.

A 2nd IED before/after this killed the other 4 NDF fighters.
8/20 - #ISIS claims to destroy two oil tankers NW of Sukhnah #Homs

8/23 - 1 KIA & 4 WIA pro-regime fighters from a mine in east #Hama near Raqqa border

8/23 - 2 civilians killed near Resafa

8/23 - ongoing clashes near Anbaj Junction #Raqqa, at least 1 Mil Security fighter KIA ImageImageImageImage
8/24 - #Russia|n officers meeting with 5th Corps' 7th Brigade command staff in #Deir_EzZor (these officers regularly advise 7th Brig on upcoming anti-IS operations)

8/24 - ex-Tiger Forces, now Liwa al-Quds commander preparing for an anti-ISIS operation in #Raqqa ImageImage
8/22 - #ISIS today claims to have killed 1 SAA fighter on the 22nd NW of Sukhnah #Homs

8/24 - Another mine kills 1 & wounds 6 soldiers near Resafa #Raqqa

Past 24 hours has seen 3 attacks in southern #Raqqa ImageImage
8/24 - pro-regime pages reported more clashes with #ISIS near Resafa, the 4th incident in #Raqqa in a 24 hour period.

8/26 - Video of a 4th Division Ghaith Forces-affiliated Liwa Aswed Iraq convoy, poster claims they are on their way to fight ISIS.
This group - a mix of #Iraq|i & Syrian fighters - is deploying to Qaryatayn for the time.

Also yesterday, #ISIS militants repelled an SAA attack on Doubayat Gas Field, just south of Sukhnah. SAA never took control of the field during their 2017 offensive
8/27 - a local NDF commander was killed along w/ his unit near Musarib, north of Deir Ez Zor city.

Some reports say #ISIS attacked civilians in the town, then set up an ambush nearby for the NDF fighters coming to investigate.

More than 20 NDF men have been killed this month ImageImage
At least 30 NDF killed in yesterday's attack w/ more men still missing

Ongoing clashes today in the town of Musarib while Humaymah is partially surrounded

Local NDF man told me "the tribes have been abandoned to the desert". Immense anger among NDF.
Video sent to me of local tribal fighters collecting bodies of those killed yesterday west of Musarib. At least one NDF fighter killed here by a mine during today's fighting.

Today also had at least 4 KIA & 12 WIA 11th Div men when their bus was ambushed near Humaymah #Homs
Also on 8/28 - Russian/regime planes reportedly bombed ISIS positions/vehicles near Maadan on the Raqqa-DeZ border and near the village of Bir Rahoum, south Raqqa near the Homs border

8/29 - at least 12 WIA 18th Div men from a mine on the Wadi Abyad Dam road, north of Palmyra ImageImageImage
Catching up on September's attacks below:

8/29 - tribal forces attack ISIS near the Sabkhawi water well #Raqqa, ISIS cell pulls back towards Jabal Bishri

8/31 - #ISIS attacks the outskirts of Wadi Doubayat #Homs

9/1 - Regime vehicle hit by IED while advancing towards Doubayat
9/2 - Liwa al-Quds fighter killed by an IED in the Badia, likely Deir Ez Zor or Raqqa

9/5 - a regime fighter from Homs is killed near Resafa #Raqqa

9/5 - ISIS fighters are arrested attempting to enter Mayadeen using a stolen vehicle & uniforms ImageImage
9/5 - regime forces "capture" Wadi Doubayat

9/7 - pro-regime Facebook pages report clashes north of Shoula #deirezzor

9/7 - at least 3 NDF fighters killed west of Musarib #Deir_EzZor

9/7 - #ISIS pushes regime forces out of Wadi Doubayat

9/7 - airstrikes near Resafa #Raqqa Image
9/9 - 2 NDF fighters killed by an IED. According to one source, this was likely an insider attack meant for Mahmoud Bouhamad, a Raqqa tribal commander who joined the NDF this year & was threatening to withdraw his fighters, approximately half of the garrison, out of Mayadeen.
9/9 - two soldiers killed near Resafa

9/10 - #ISIS attacks regime in south #Raqqa. Regime responds w/ airstrikes.

9/13 - 2 Liwa al-Quds vehicles & at least 6 fighters go missing west of Mayadeen #Deir_EzZor in the first confirmed successful ISIS attack near Mayadeen in a month.
9/13 - an 18th Division soldier is killed "near Palmyra". Likely killed somewhere b/w Palmyra & Humaymah

9/16 - Loyalists repel an ISIS attack on Shuhatiyah #Hama Attackers used medium guns & also targeted nearby forces to prevent them from assisting forces in the village ImageImageImage
Between 9/15 & 9/17 there were an additional 6 ISIS attacks reported by anti-regime outlets.
The claimed attacks occurred in #Deir_EzZor (Tayem Oil Field, Shoula, south DeZ, & Jabal Bishri), #Raqqa (Resafa), & #Homs (Sukhnah highway).
None of the attacks have yet been confirmed.
9/17 - 2 Tiger Forces fighters from Manbij area killed during an anti-ISIS sweep from south Khansir #Aleppo to east #Hama

9/17 - a fighter from Idlib is killed & others wounded by a mine near Ruwayda #Hama

9/18 - a fighter from Tartous is killed in #Deir_EzZor, likely by a mine ImageImageImage
9/18 - 5 (very young) Liwa al-Quds fighters are killed by a mine west of Musarib #deirezzor. 3 are local tribesmen while 2 others are from Deir Hafir, Aleppo

9/19 - militiaman from Hama is killed in the Badia

9/19 - an NDF commander is wounded by a mine in west Deir Ez Zor ImageImageImage
The NDF commander wounded yesterday died today. He was the military commander of the Eastern Sector. 2 other NDF men died with him

The Hama militiaman killed yesterday was hit by a mine near Uqayribat #Hama, 3 others wounded

9/20 - 5 WIA from a mine south of Resafa #Raqqa ImageImageImage
Liwa al-Quds officially announced today the already reported deaths of 5 'men' in west Deir Ez Zor from 9/18.

LaQ's 'Aswed Homs Battalion' has recently stepped up recruitment, looking for "fighters and drivers" to serve in Deir Ez Zor ImageImageImage
9/22 - a 5th Corps unit (possibly tank) hit a mine near Abu al-Faydh Dam, just west of Ithriya #Hama. 1 killed & 3 wounded. Similar mine attack happened here on 6/30 killing 1 & wounding 5

9/22 - NDF page reports clashes w/ #ISIS in west #Raqqa near the border with Aleppo & Hama ImageImageImage
9/24 - #ISIS militants on motorcycles attack two checkpoints simultaneously, one near Zakia Junction #Aleppo the other just west of Resafa #Raqqa. SAA reportedly abandons checkpoints, no casualties either side.

9/27 - Airstrikes in south Raqqa after an IED hits regime forces
9/28 - ISIS militants harass a convoy near Kababij #DeirEzzor, no casualties. Opposition claims that 10 vehicles went missing are false.

9/29 - #ISIS kills 9 shepherds in southeast #Hama… Image
I've been able to confirm 4 of these:
9/15 - #ISIS IED in Tayem Oil Field #DeirEzzor
9/15 - IED near Resafa #Raqqa
9/16 - ISIS surrounds LaQ group near Jabal Bishri, SAA artillery required for rescue
9/17 - Liwa Fatimayoun clashes w/ ISIS near Jabal Bishri
9/30 - NDF commander Mohammad Shaaban killed in Maadan #Raqqa by an IED in his car. Shaaban had commanded the defense of DeZ Airport during the siege & recently joined the new Raqqa NDF leadership

10/1 - Liwa Imam Baqir fighter is killed on the Sukhnah-Ithriya road, likely mine Image
Three #ISIS attacks yesterday:
10/2 - ISIS ambush of NDF convoy near Resafa #Raqqa. 1 truck seized & 2 KIA
- #ISIS fake checkpoint SE of Qaryatayn #Homs triggers clashes. 11th & 4th Div surround some militants, killing them
- Explosion at Tabni police station. 2-5 KIA+1 ISIS KIA Image
Interesting claim here if @OIRSpox is referring to the Badia west of the Euphrates. Would be significant if coalition forces hit an #ISIS training camp in regime areas. (Also runs counter to recent the DoD/DIA report downplaying ISIS threat in the Badia)
Oct 5 - #ISIS IED kills at least 1 in #Aleppo

Oct 6 - ISIS clashes with security forces in Tayem Oil Field, just outside #Deir_EzZor city

Oct 6 - ISIS attacks checkpoints around Sukhnah #Homs seizing 2, capturing weapons+vehicle & killing at least 4 SAA before withdrawing Image
10/6 - Major #ISIS attack in east #Hama. While most reports claim the attack happened along the "axis" (singular) of Tuwaynan-Fasida-Jabal Tanaj, one local page claimed militants attacked SAA in each of these areas plus Wadi al-'Atheeb

Will update if/when I have more details ImageImage
10/7 - fighting west of Resafa #Raqqa w/ unknown casualties

10/8 - fighting west of Resafa #Raqqa. Airstrikes reportedly carried out this time

10/8 - Loyalist pages claim Russians carried out strikes against ISIS bases in Fayda Ibn Muwaynah, south #Deir_EzZor ImageImage
10/9 - #ISIS mine in Wadi Dhakara, west #Palmyra kills 2 civilians & 2 soldiers, including the commander of the Mil Security detachment in nearby Bayarat. Colonel Muntajeb, a veteran of the Badia Branch, is injured.

10/9 - new 17th Division recruits arrive at Deir Ez Zor Airport ImageImageImageImage
10/11 - #ISIS attacks Mustarihat Tahmaz village near Uqayribat #Hama. Appears the attackers ran into a mine, destroying one of their trucks. Rest of attackers likely fled at this point while local security forces moved in to investigate.
Same area was attacked in June & Sept ImageImageImageImage
Some more details on this attack: #ISIS fighters raided a "secret" weapon depot in Fasida, seizing weapons, ammo, and 4x4s. 5th Corps guards reportedly fled so no deaths on either side. Fasida area has been the target of several recent ISIS attacks.
10/11 - DeZ NDF commander Feras Jeham tours positions around Boukamal

10/14 - #Raqqa NDF reports clashes w/ #ISIS in a village

10/14 - Salamiyah #Hama #NDF deploy to west Mayadeen #Deir_EzZor (pics 3-4) ImageImageImageImage
10/16 - Colonel Ali Hassan, commander of the 3rd Battalion of the #5th_Corps' 7th Brig, killed by mine near T2 #Deir_EzZor

Hassan was most important 5th Corps commander for south DeZ, working frequently with #Russia|ns during anti-ISIS ops & leading from the field ImageImageImageImage
10/18 - #SAA fighter from #Tartous killed in east #Homs

10/19 - Liwa al-Quds fighter killed by mine in Harbisha, west #Deir_EzZor. Opposition sites claim a 2nd man killed as well

10/19 - NDF clash w/ #ISIS east of Palmyra #Homs ImageImageImage
10/20 - Liwa al-Quds fighters are clashing with #ISIS in Abu Lafa village, bordering Rahjan in north east #Hama

Rahjan was last attacked in April, when ISIS "kicked off" its Badia expansion. Since then attacks have occurred nearby on 8/5 & 9/16… ImageImageImage
Seems yesterday's clashes occurred during a joint Salamiyah NDF-Liwa al-Quds patrol around Abu Lafa and the broader Rahjan region.
Big claims in the Badia today. Many rumors but here's what I can confirm:
- ongoing 3 day #ISIS attack b/w Rahjan & Ithriya, east #Hama. Today's fighting described as "wave after wave of attacks"
- #Russia|n helis & Syrian jets involved
- IED just south of Khanasir #Aleppo 1 KIA ImageImage
- Also claims of #ISIS attacks in Resafa #Raqqa (& airstrikes in response) & in Sukhnah #Homs - none of these have been confirmed yet

- Also claims many villages in Hama have been "captured" - not confirmed but likely that SAA abandoned positions.
10/23 - Commander of the Salamiyah NDF's Eastern Sector wounded by a mine/IED near Salamiyah #Hama

10/23 - #ISIS kills a Captain (reported as a Major) near Sukhnah #Homs ImageImageImage
#ISIS claimed to damage three vehicles on the "Palmyra-DeZ road" on 10/23, likely the incident in which the captain was killed above.

10/25 - Security forces claim to have captured 3 #ISIS fighters near Sukhnah #Homs (also claimed to kill "dozens", an obvious lie) ImageImage
10/27 - #ISIS fighters attack regime forces near #Sukhnah #Homs (confirmed). Some claims 4 5th Corps men killed (unconfirmed)

10/27 - clashes around Boukamal #Deir_EzZor. Many opposition claims of what happened, all I can confirm is that there was some fighting.
Deleted the previous post about the killed pilot as he had actually died in 2011, as several people pointed out.
10/31 - 5 SAA wounded by a mine in the Badia

10/31 - #ISIS claims to kill 2 SAA in an ambush north of Sukhnah #Homs

11/2 - 2 Liwa al-Quds fighters killed in a fake checkpoint ambush near Sukhnah #Homs ImageImageImage
11/1 and 11/2 - For two days in a row #ISIS militants use stolen SAA uniforms to ambush civilians on the road to Roud al-Wahsh, northwest of Suknah #Homs. At least 7 civilians are wounded and several killed. ImageImage
Three recent #ISIS claims:
11/4 - attack against SAA vehicle near Mayaden #Deir_EzZor

11/10 - IED attack near Shoula #Deir_EzZor

11/11 - ISIS wipes out a base near Abu Fayyad Dam #Ithriya #Hama killing more than 12 soldiers ImageImageImageImage
Deaths from the 11/11 Abu Fayyad Dam attack rise to 15

11/14 - 4 Liwa al-Qquds fighters are wounded by an IED near Qasr Hayr Sharqi, northwest of #Sukhnah #Homs

11/15 - #ISIS kills two Qaterji militiamen near the Tuweinan gas field, north of Sukhnah #Homs. Both come from Raqqa ImageImageImage
11/15 - #ISIS burned down a shepherd camp, killing at least 10 civilians near Jabal Amour, north of #Palmyra #Homs. Locals here have begun arming themselves due to increased risk of ISIS raids.
11/18 - #ISIS ambushed the commander of the 17th Div's 137th Brigade SE of Faydat Bin Muwaynah. 5 other SAA fighters & 3-4 NDF killed as well.

Local NDF reportedly set up the general, tipping off ISIS as his group went to investigate "abandoned" ISIS camp. ImageImage
This is the 18th regime commander #ISIS has killed this year. Also worth noting that #Russia reportedly carried out airstrikes against this area early last month
11/19 - #ISIS claims to overrun an SAA outpost near Durayhim #Aleppo & kill 3. At least one soldier confirmed KIA.

11/19 - Loyalists report that passenger buses came under fire south of Tabqa #Raqqa today

11/19 - pro-govt tribal forces deploy to Rahjan #Hama ImageImageImageImage
Some more details on the second attack:
#ISIS set up a fake checkpoint b/w Inbaj-Tabqa, killing a taxi driver & his 2 daughters from Raqqa & 2 soldiers.

ISIS used similar tactic on 11/13 on Salamiyah-Raqqa road to kill several civilian drivers
11/21 - tribal fighter killed at night near Ithriya #Hama

11/23 - 3 KIA & 2 WIA in Sakr, SE Ithriya #Hama

11/23 - Clashes east of Rahjan #Hama

Map shows the string of attacks along highway 42 over past five days ImageImageImageImage
Another soldier was announced KIA from the fighting in Sakr on 11/23. #ISIS reportedly attacked at night, implying the use of thermal/night vision equipment

11/24 - loyalists confirm an ISIS attack on an #IRGC checkpoint near Bukamal #Deir_EzZor Image
11/24 - At least 5 soldier KIA/captured near Wadi Qasr SW of #Palmyra #Homs in a midnight #ISIS attack

11/25 - NDF report ISIS is clashing with #Russia|n PMCs west of Palmyra. Ru jets reportedly involved. Image
The 11/25 Palmyra fighting left at least 5 #ISIS & several SAA dead, along with 1 #Wagner PMC wounded.

11/26 - skirmishes north of Sukhnah #Homs

11/26 - skirmishes near Tahmaz #Hama Image
Two days ago 5th Corps deployed new units to the Salamiyah-Ithriya area #Hama where they immediately clashed with #ISIS (see above). 5th Corps announced several dead & wounded.

11/28 - 2 KIA & 3 WIA from a mine near Palmyra #Homs ImageImage
Yesterday's mine hit members of the 18th Division's "Combat Group" (pic 1)

A Liwa al-Baqir fighter also killed yesterday. Location not announced but likely on Ithriya-Sukhnah road

11/29 - 5 WIA from a mine east of Salamiyah #Hama (same place an NDF commander was wounded in Oct) ImageImageImage
Haj Baqir visiting a Liwa Imam Baqir position reportedly on the Ithriya-Sukhnah road.

Liwa Baqir has lost at least 4 men here, incl a commander, to #ISIS attacks since June Image
Video claiming to show SyAAF L-39 carrying out bombing runs on #ISIS positions between Ithriya #Hama & Resafa #Raqqa. Likely from past two days when there was heavy air force activity in the area (though can't confirm it's not old)
Geolocation of the Baqir fighting position from earlier this month by @obretix (likely) shows them guarding the southwest approach to Tuwaynan.

Baqir has lost at least 4 men here in five months
11/26 - Soldier from Tartous killed in #Deir_EzZor

11/28 - #ISIS claims to kill 20 & destroy 2 tanks west of #Sukhnah. Unrealistic imo. Local forces claim several hours of clashes left 4 SAA KIA & 2 WIA with one truck captured. Image
11/29 - 2 soldiers KIA east of Palmyra #Homs, likely in one of the IED attacks claimed by #ISIS on the same day

11/30 - 4 SAA seriously wounded (possibly dead) from an IED/mine in #Raqqa. Occurred as SAA began sweeping ~15km south and southwest of #Resafa ImageImageImage
Something I totally missed, last month ISIS tried to attack Tahmaz, #Hama but hit a minefield & retreated. Last week they returned & successfully killed+wounded several 5th Corps soldiers in the area.

Catching up on #ISIS attacks from past week. Confirmed attacks won't be in chronological order for a bit.

12/1 - clashes east of Uqayribat #Hama

12/2 - at least 1 KIA from #Daraa killed near Resafa #Raqqa by mine/IED

12/4 - 2 KIA 1 WIA by mine near Ithriya #Hama ImageImageImage
12/4 - Airstrikes around Resafa #Raqqa, likely in response to a mine/IED attack in the area

12/6 - Chairmen of the Sayyal City Council wounded by a mine. Assuming he was specifically targeted this is a major escalation, first attack on civilian leaders west of Euphrates ImageImage
12/5 - #ISIS claims to hit a regime vehicle with an IED west of Palmyra #Homs

12/6 - 2 KIA in west #Deir_EzZor (likely near Kababbij, one death reported on 12/6 & one on 12/7)

12/7 - 1 man KIA east of Palmyra #Homs ImageImageImageImage
Quick geolocation puts the attack around here maybe? If so, not a very surprising area, although a bit weird the loyalist fighters weren't on the main road.…
12/8 - One 5th Corps KIA during ops near Ithriya #Hama

12/9 - 2 soldiers KIA near Resafa #Raqqa

12/9 - 1 KIA near Boukamal #Deir_EzZor. He was from the same #IRGC-backed LDF unit that lost its commander on April 13 & was also born in Qomhana… ImageImageImage
12/9 - local page reports clashes b/w SAA & #ISIS near Jabal Omour. Claims clashes triggered when ISIS attacked sheep herders (2nd time in a month). Also claims civilians KIA & sheep stolen.

12/11 - 2 Liwa al-Quds KIA in clashes near Baghala. Fighting also occurred here in Oct. ImageImage
12/12 - Soldier dies of wounds sustained in a IED/mine attack on 12/4 SE of Ithriya #Hama (2 others died in attack)

12/12 - Passenger bus hit w/ gunfire on the Tabqa-Ithriya highway while traveling from Hasakah to Damascus. At least several injured. ImageImage
3 civilians were wounded in yesterday's bus attack, which occurred near the Zakia Junction (Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa border).

Also on 12/12 - 123rd Brig Republican Guard engineer killed by mine in north Ithriya/SW #Aleppo. He was from Khan Asal & had been serving for almost nine years ImageImage
12/12 - Loyalist pages report 7 KIA in a mine/IED explosion near Ma'adan #Raqqa

12/14 - 8 soldiers WIA in clashes with #ISIS near Rahjan #Hama ImageImage
#ISIS claimed yesterday's attack near Rahjan, saying they engaged with a regime patrol/probe. Clashes in the area continue today w/ at least 12 SAA wounded now.

Loyalists say SAA entered 2 villages (in blue) after fighting yesterday & 4 more (in green) today. ImageImage
3rd & final day of clashes around Rahjan #Hama. At least 1 soldier KIA & 28 SAA+civilians WIA.

1 soldier KIA & 3 WIA by a mine/IED nearby as well.

1.5 months ago #ISIS launched a similar 3-day attack here w/ 50 fighters before disappearing.
Separately, #ISIS has increased activity in the Resafa #Raqqa area over the past week following the end of a small regime operation.

Local cells reportedly moved west during the op but have now returned, skirmishing w/ SAA every other day.
*unverified* unofficial #ISIS video posted today purporting to show the detonation of a (likely captured) Liwa al-Quds outpost in the Badia, possibly Deir Ez Zor. Unclear when or where this was filmed. h/t @CalibreObscura
#ISIS released weekly Naba couple days ago. 3 Badia claims in it, 2 attacks already recorded (in #Hama) + a claimed attack on regime forces near Durayhim #Aleppo on 12/12

I've had this area incorrectly marked on my google map. Proper area in pic below Image
12/15 - soldier from Latakia killed in #Raqqa countryside

12/18 - loyalists report several soldiers killed in an ambush on the Ithriya highway #Hama. Comes 2 days after the end of extensive battles NW of Ithriya ImageImage
12/22-12/24 - Maj Gen Khader followed up his meetings w/ tribal leaders with a 3-day tour of 17th Div frontlines in #Deir_EzZor, including meeting w/ 54th Regiment commander Col Mansour (wounded a year ago by #TSK near Tel Tamr)
Further evidence #Russia & Damascus continue to operate oil/gas fields in areas w/ heavy #ISIS presence

Here's a #Russia|n oil worker in Tuwaynan earlier this year

The Qatrerji-#ISIS oil relationship "post-defeat" remains a crucial & under studied aspect
Today 17th Div commander Maj Gen Khader & 104th SRG Brigade commander Brig Moufid toured positions on Palmyra-DeZ highway alongside NDF commander Firas Jeham.

This comes after several #ISIS attacks on SAA vehicles near Shoula. ImageImage
12/21 - skirmishes west of Jabal Bishri followed by 5-6 airstrikes

12/23 - #ISIS pushes SAA & Wagner out of Kawm #Homs after almost surrounding them

12/24 - #ISIS & SAA clash around Zemlah gas field, SE of Resafa #Raqqa
12/24 - #ISIS claims to kill 10 after attacking a bus near Shoula. Next morning one soldier is reported wounded after his car was attacked in the same area. Unclear if these are the same or different incidents.

12/28 - Republican Guard Colonel killed near Boukamal #Deir_EzZor ImageImageImage
12/30 - Night time #ISIS attack on 3 4th Div buses near Shoula. 28 KIA & 17 WIA (mostly from Homs).

This is the 2nd or 3rd attack on troop transports near Shoula in past week & comes two days after SAA, Republican Guard, & NDF commanders visited the area Image
12/30 - #ISIS fighters reportedly ambushed soldiers who responded to the bus attack earlier in the night, killing several

12/30 - ISIS claims an IED attack in east #Hama

12/31 - clashes in reef #Raqqa

2020 attacks mapped here Report out soon Image
1/1 - 2 5th Corps trucks go MIA near Palmyra #Homs

1/1 - large #ISIS attack west of Resafa #Raqqa

1/3 - ISIS fighters attack a bus late in the evening, killing at least 6 soldiers on the Salamiyah-Raqqa highway, just 7 miles west of Ithriya, and reportedly cut the road. ImageImage
More details #ISIS fighters attacked:
3 oil tankers
3 lorries (2 hijacked, 1 destroyed)
1 bus
6 KIA & 4 WIA (will rise) & unknown number kidnapped. Loyalists now saying all killed are civilians, but a regime journalist claimed (then deleted) that the bus & some martyrs are SAA ImageImage
Admitted deaths now at 9, including at least 2 confirmed soldiers.

15 minutes ago a local page reported renewed fighting at the site of the attack, with first responders forced to withdraw. ImageImage
1/5 - soldier from Jableh #Latakia killed in/near Shayrat Airbase #Homs

1/6 - light clashes around T4 Station, just north of Shayrat #Homs Image
1/7 - Four IEDs/mines:

- 1 KIA 3 WIA near Androna, #Aleppo
- #ISIS claims an IED NE of Palmyra #Homs
- Liwa al-Quds fighter from DeZ killed near Jabal Bishri #Deir_EzZor
- 25th Div 1st Lt KIA on the Salamiyah-Ithriya highway #Hama ImageImageImageImage
1/8 - #ISIS fighters engage in a protracted skirmish w/ regime forces near Rahjan #Hama. 5th time ISIS attacked the area since mid-October

1/9 - IRGC commander killed in #Deir_ezZor. Affiliated w/ Liwa Fatemiyoun, he was either killed in Shoula or Bukamal
1/9 - Over previous week 10 Liwa al-Quds fighters died in at least two attacks in al-Hayl Field #Homs
- IED destroys a vehicle
- 2 burnt out trucks found on southern edge of the field
Reminder that the adjacent Doubayat Field remains in #ISIS control Image
Fairly regular skirmishes north of Shoula #Deir_EzZor ever since the Dec 30 attack that killed 30 on the highway.

#Afghan #Fatemayoun soldiers + SAA/Quds killed & wounded each week during sweeping ops

Biggest attack on 1/10 when 6 Syrians were killed by IED+small arms fire Image
1/12 - #Syria|n/#Russia|n airstrikes "target" #ISIS positions near Bir Sabkhawi & Rujm Ajouz #Raqqa after ISIS fighters massacre 18 shepherds in Sabkhawi. Tribal forces had pushed ISIS out of this area on Aug 29, 2020. Image
1/14 - 2 #Tiger_Forces/25th Division soldiers killed in clashes with #ISIS near the Andarin archelogy area of #Aleppo
1st ever attack recorded here was seven days ago. May be a bed-down/hiding area for the cells targeting Rahjan, just 9 miles to the southeast. ImageImage
1/12 - #ISIS mines & attacks continue to kill loyalist fighters near Doubayt #Homs. 3 KIA by a mine this time.

1/14 - Possible special forces fighter killed near Palmyra #Homs. He's from the Masyaf area of Hama.
1/14 - 2 soldiers wounded by a mine north of Shoula #Deir_EzZor as operations enter their 3rd week here.

1/15 - 5 Liwa al-Quds fighters killed in clashes near Taybeh #Homs, 7 days after govt forces pushed into the area. Lots of back & forth in the Kawm-Taybeh region past month ImageImage
1/14 - mine near Bayud northeast #Hama kills a local tribal fighter and the Sheikh of the Ibrahim clan of the Haddadin Tribe

1/16 - a local commander is killed by a mine & 3 others wounded near Fasida, southeast #Hama ImageImageImage
1/18 - 3 Liwa al-Quds KIA in clashes w/ #ISIS near Kawm #Homs 3 days after losing 5 men near Taybah

1/18 - #ISIS claims to kill 6 in east #Hama

1/20 - ISIS hits a truck & motorcycle w/ IEDs near Sukhnah #Homs

1/21 - IED hits a transport truck near Tayem Oil Field #Deir_EzZor ImageImageImageImage
Update on 1/14 attack: the Sheikh was likely targeted due to his involvement helping arrest pro-ISIS locals in the area.

1/23 - Clashes late at night east of Palmyra #Homs

1/23- skirmishes north of Shoula #Dei_EzZor, several NDF minorly wounded.

1/24 - #ISIS attacks a bus of 103rd Brig Republican Guard soldiers, killing at least 3 & wounding between 6 & 15 (initial reports) ~8km west of Panorama Roundabout #Deir_EzZor

Pictures reportedly of the bus indicate it was attacked with small/medium arms, not IEDs. ImageImageImageImage
Based on these pictures, at least 2 buses were attacked by #ISIS today (Bus IDs 211 & 142)
Yesterday (1/26) was quite busy:
3x #ISIS claims from Sukhnah #Homs
- "ATGM hit on tank"
- "RPG hit on truck"
- "IED hit on truck"

Skirmishes near Mayadeen #Deir_EzZor after 2 bodies of SAA were found

SAA destroy 2 trucks & kill at least 3 ISIS fighters near #Shoula ImageImageImage
1/28 - 3 more (smaller) clashes today:
- Liwa al-Quds fighter killed by mine near Shoula
- 1 Mayadeen NDF fighter killed "by stray bullet" west of the city

- Skirmishes near Bir Zemlah b/w #ISIS and 18th Div ImageImage
Regime operations today:
- #ISIS hideout found & at least 2 fighters KIA north of Shoula
- Claim of +20 airstrikes around Shoula
- End of operation in East #Homs "clearing" area b/w Palmyra & T2 Station (dark green). Same area was cleared in April (red). ImageImageImageImage
Ten days after the #ISIS attack near Wadi Azeeb #Hama destroyed 8 oil tankers, SAA began building a new outpost at the site of the attack Image
1/30 - #ISIS destroyed a bus allegedly carrying SAA soldiers near the Kabash farms north of #Raqqa. ISIS filmed the attack in broad daylight.
2/3 - #ISIS kills 12 Liwa al-Baqir fighters from #Aleppo on the Ithriya-Sukhnah axis. The group holds the Tuwaynan area & has lost men here throughout 2020.

2/3 - Latakia NDF constructs new outpost on the Palmyra-DeZ highway to try and prevent ISIS attacks (pic 2-4). ImageImageImageImage
According to some, the above attack occurred in the area of Fasidah #Hama northwest of Tuwaynan. This town has been the subject of repeat #ISIS attacks:
- 9/29 - 12 civilians killed
- 10/6 - weapons depot raided
- 1/17/21 - field commander killed Image
Other loyalists claim the attack occurred near the Tuwaynan Oil Field. Same claim confirms 15 men are wounded along with the 12 killed.

2 guards were killed at the oil field in mid-November. ImageImage
More details:
Attack hit a checkpoint sometimes manned by #Russia|ns. All the bodies were charred and there were no reports of clashes b/w regime forces & insurgents.

Very likely this was #ISIS’ first SVBIED of the Badia insurgency
Based on the pictures of the Tuwaynan attack #ISIS released today, seems clear many soldiers were killed in their barracks (1-2) while a truck was destroyed (3), likely carrying reinforcements & resulting in the many charred bodies initially reported. ImageImageImage
2/2 - #ISIS claims to destroy a truck in east #Hama (some loyalists claim it was an ISIS truck)

2/4 - mine/IED seriously wounds a soldier near Ithriya #Hama

2/5 - 4 soldiers reportedly killed near the old Mayadin #Deir_EzZor airport south of the city Image
2/5 - #ISIS attack 4th Division near Qaryatayn #Homs wounding several. Ex-rebel from #Damascus is killed in an accident during/following the attack.

2/6 - mine/IED in Wadi Azeeb #Hama leaves one soldier with minor wounds. (Site of the Jan 3 convoy ambush). Image
1) Suqour Badia convoy (Military Intelligence militia) driving through the Badia earlier this month

2) Regime position along the Palmyra-Deir Ez Zor road near Sukhnah #Homs ImageImage
2/6 - soldier killed near Palmyra #Homs

2/6 - Liwa al-Quds fighter wounded in clashes near Sukhnah, dies a week later

2/8 - member of the Abu Hassan Clan of the Hadaddin Tribe killed by a mine near Wadi Azeeb #Hama

2/10 - oil tanker hit by IED on the Palmyra-Sukhnah highway ImageImageImage
2/13 - fighter from Suwayda killed near Kadim #Homs

Drop in #ISIS attacks past week appears to be stem from large number of reinforcements sent to #Homs & #Deir_EzZor (mostly new recruits). No major ops but strategic points have been reinforced forcing ISIS to pause & reassess Image
#ISIS attacks heating up again:

2/14 - Aswed Sharqiyah (Shaytat tribe) field commander & 2 NDF KIA in #Deir_EzZor

2/15 - local fighter killed in SE #Aleppo

2/16 - #ISIS ambush SAA near Sukhnah #Homs, claim 5 KIA

2/17 - Soldier killed on Ithriya road, likely in west #Raqqa ImageImageImageImage
2 more soldiers announced dead in yesterday's attack, since claimed by #ISIS.
The 3 men were killed by a mine on the Sukhnah-Ithriya road in eastern Uqayribat subdistrict (not west Raqqa like I initially said). One was from Dara'a & one from Damascus. ImageImageImage
2/19 - #ISIS claims to hit a tank w/ an IED near Salamiyah Hama

2/20 - #ISIS kills 4 at a river crossing checkpoint near Ghariba in its 1st attack in #Deir_EzZor in a week (confirmed by @mohammed_nomad)
1st time ISIS has successfully attacked inside an urban area in the province ImageImage
2/19 - #ISIS claim to kill 3 in two more IED attacks in the Salamiyah #Hama area, hitting a motorcycle & foot patrol

2/21 - 2 soldiers lightly wounded by a mine in east #Hama

2/24 - 4th Division fighter from Hmeimim #Latakia found dead in Ala'aqula near Mayadeen #Deir_EzZor ImageImageImage
After 2 months of fighting+airstrikes in #Deir_EzZor, regime forces appear to have pushed #ISIS back from Shoula & into Jabal Bishri

Yesterday SAA claims it destroyed "3 HQs, 6 ammo depots, & a medicine & food warehouse" in Bishri posting pics of a few captured guns and supplies ImageImageImageImage
NDF ID cards found at the captured site show some of the men killed in West Deir Ez Zor on August 27, including the NDF sector commander.

Meanwhile Liwa al-Quds has swept Jabal Amor #Homs (2-3) & Usoud Sharqiyah Shaytat continues operations in southern #Deir_EzZor (4) ImageImageImageImage
Civilians in the Ithriya area of #Hama have been hit by #ISIS mines multiple times this week:

2/24 - women lost her leg in eastern Ithriya

2/26 - 3 civilians on a motorcycle KIA in Shakusiyah village in the morning

2/26 - 2 civilians in a car KIA on the Abu Lafah-Rahjan road Image
Three more civilian vehicles hit by #ISIS mines today in #Hama:

- 5 killed & 13 wounded when a truck carrying ag workers detonated near Rasm al-Ahmar

- At least 1 KIA & 1 WIA when a work vehicle hit a mine near Seeb Dam

- A father injured & his daughter killed near Wadi Azeeb ImageImage
#ISIS continues to target locals at a high rate:

3/1 - 4 shepherds executed in Rajm Sawan #Aleppo

3/1 - Syrian #Hezbollah fighter KIA in Boukamal #Deir_EzZor

3/2 - 1 shepherd killed, 2 wounded & 400 sheep killed near Rahjan #Hama

3/2 - local fighter KIA near Palmyra #Homs ImageImageImageImage
Transport truck destroyed in south #Raqqa, likely on 3/1 when oppo pages claimed men fired on an NDF vehicle near Sabkha.

Its very hard to follow attacks in south Raqqa. Terrible service means even loyalists struggle to learn what's happening down there
3/4 - #ISIS claims it seized & destroyed a regime position in the eastern Salamiyah #Hama countryside

3/5 - ISIS releases pictures of a truck hit by mine/IED in east Hama sometime in past several days

3/5 - ISIS fighters attack a regime position at Dhakiya, near Ithriya #Hama ImageImageImage
Liwa al-Quds conducting sweeping ops in #Deir_EzZor over the past couple days. Importantly Maj Gen Nizar Khader, head of SAA in province, met w/ Quds region commander to help plan the sweeps (1) Evidence can be seen in pics of BMPs alongside Quds fighters (2) ImageImageImageImage
3/7 - one week later & 3 more mines have hit civilians & SAA in east #Hama

- 18 killed & 4 wounded when a truck of civilian farmers hit a mine near Wadi Azeeb
- 2nd mine kills+wounds 5 civilians near Wadi Azeeb
- soldier severely wounded near Uqayribat
17th Division continues sweeps in the recently cleared areas north of Shoula #Deir_EzZor. Found a motorcycle & gun on the eastern edge of Jabal Bishri (1) and what appears to be a very old #ISIS cache (2) near the Maadan #Raqqa border ImageImage
3/9-3/10 - SAA sweeps around Jabal Bishri #Deir_EzZor continue on the eastern slopes & involve some artillery support. During sweeps SAA found an #ISIS truck apparently destroyed by recent mine. Claims a second truck fled when they approached. ImageImage
3/11-3/12 - SAA begins a demining/sweeping operation in Northeast #Hama targeting the Wadi Azeeb-Rahjan-Ithriya axis.

8th Division has deployed from south #Idlib with commanders Ibrahim Khalifa & Suheil Abbas overseeing the op alongside Republican Guard units. ImageImageImageImage
Approx 150 8th Division & SRG fighters alongside local tribal forces (1) participating in Hama op.

Op is being overseen by Maj Gen Ramadan Yusuf (2), head of Hama Security & Mil Committee (in charge of all regime units in Hama). Indicates support from SAA high command. ImageImage
Video of yesterday's demining operation in northeast #Hama
More mine/IED attacks in #Hama:

3/12 - 3 children killed by a mine near 'Amia

3/12 - 4 Liwa al-Baqir fighters, including 2 commanders, wounded on the Ithriya-Sukhnah road. Unit holds outposts stretching from Tuwaynan to Ithriya

3/14 - Shepherd loses his legs near Wadi Azeeb ImageImageImageImage
3/16 - mine/IED in the Mayadeen #Deir_EzZor countryside kills at least 2 #IRGC fighters, incl a field commander. Opposition sources claim additional Iranian/local militiamen killed as well.

3/17 - 3 civilians from near Rahjan #Hama killed by a mine near Maragha, south #Aleppo ImageImageImageImage
Some pics from recent SAA ops in the Badia:

(1) #Homs SAA posing w/ likely #Russia|n SOF AK
(2) Tanks & artillery positioned around Sukhnah. Can't verify pic or caption
(3) #Russia|ns w/ SAA in Palmyra
(4) Liwa al-Quds "Abu Zaineb Group" on the Iraq-Syria border near Tanf ImageImageImageImage
3/18 - two local loyalist fighters were killed by a mine in east #Homs.

3/21 - #ISIS fighters on motorcycles attacked a group of civilians picking truffles ~25km east of Bila's Oil Field #Homs. At least 3 members of one family were killed & at least 2 others wounded. ImageImageImageImage
Slew of #ISIS attacks on 3/21:

- Liwa Abu Fadl al-Abbas checkpoint attacked SE of Mayadeen #Deir_EzZor, 1 KIA 2 WIA (h/t @mohammed_nomad)
- ISIS captures & executes 1 soldier NE of Qaryatayn & 2 soldiers near Sukhnah #Homs
- ISIS claims to overrun regime barracks in east #Hama ImageImageImageImage
3rd #ISIS attack near Qaryatayn since Oct 2020 & 1st one officially claimed. Also 1st time in a while IS-Badia publicly announced taking prisoners, despite capturing many over past year.

Possible Qaryatayn becomes a focus if a spring offensive happens
Appears three more civilians, all brothers, were killed while truffle picking during this 3/21 attack. They follow two more of their brothers who died earlier in the war.

3/22 - an LDF fighter was killed on the Sukhnah-Ithriya front
3/23 - reports that 4th Division reinforcements are traveling to Sukhnah and/or Deir Ez Zor today. Units have already been stationed at Qaryatayn and at checkpoints throughout the Deir Ez Zor and Raqqa countrysides. ImageImage
3/23 - Air Force Intelligence finds a well made #ISIS hideout in the cliffs outside Dweir #Deir_EzZor. One of the nicer ISIS bed down locations shown recently.
3/24 - Husband and wife killed by a mine while driving south of Wadi Azeeb #Hama.

Meanwhile regime forces reportedly continue demining efforts across eastern Hama and Suqaylabiyah #NDF deploy with armor to the Badia Image
#ISIS released pictures of the three soldiers they captured & executed in #Homs five days ago
#ISIS attacked these units at least 2x as they arrived in #Homs & #Deir_EzZor

3/22 - 8-10 fighters attack 4th Div bus w/ small arms outside Sukhnah late at night

3/23 - Checkpoints near Shoula attacked shortly after 4th Div took over, killing at least 1
3/25 - Soldier from Raqqa killed by mine in #Deir_EzZor

3/25 - 2 civilians killed & 1 injured by mine approx 10km north of Sukhnah #Homs

3/25 - #ISIS shells Air Force Intel checkpoint near Resafa #Raqqa

3/28 - 19 & 15 year old wounded by mine near Wadi Azeeb #Hama ImageImageImage
3/25 - #ISIS captured an 11th Division soldier from Latakia in #Deir_EzZor (likely near Shoula), officially announced dead on March 28.

3/26 - a Republican Guard soldier was killed, possibly by a mine/IED, while "pursuing ISIS" near Ithriya #Hama ImageImageImage
3/26 - #ISIS destroyed an SAA ammo truck in the Sukhnah area (pictured) and claimed to also destroy an SAA bus on the Sukhnah-Tuwaynan road that day. ImageImage
4/5 - Troubling news of a big attack in SE #Hama this afternoon. Local pages report #ISIS kidnapped as many as 70 people from Sa'an as they traveled near the Tuwaynan Dam. Seems local security forces were escorting the group, with at least 1 KIA & 1 WIA. ImageImage
(Above attack occurred today, 4/6)

Yesterday #Russia|n generals met to congratulate Suqaylabiyah NDF on a 'successful' 2-week anti-#ISIS mission in east #Hama

4/3-4/4 - SyAAF helicopters escort regime reinforcements on the Damascus-Palmyra road

4/5 - airstrikes in #Deir_EzZor Image
4/1 - #Hezbollah fighter killed in the Badia coinciding w/ reports of their presence in sweeping ops

4/4 - soldier from Talkalakh area killed near Palmyra #Homs

4/5 - local wounded by a mine near Ithriya #Hama

4/5 - grenade attack on a checkpoint west of Tabni #Deir_EzZor ImageImage
4/1 - #ISIS claimed two IED attacks on SAA vehicles in eastern #Hama on Apr 1 in this week's Naba (no mention of the mass kidnapping though)

4/5 - Liwa al-Quds fighters hit a mine near Kababj #Deir Ez Zzor

4/6 - Soldier from Baniyas #Tartous wounded by a mine near Palmyra #Homs Image
4/10 - Head of Technical Department in Lower Euphrates Basin & his driver killed by a mine south of #Deir_EzZor

4/10 - Three soldiers KIA while probing Wadi Doubayat #Homs, still held by #ISIS

4/11 - Liwa al-Quds fighter killed near Qasr al-Hayr al-Sharqi #Homs ImageImageImage
4/6 - #ISIS publishes pics of a motorcycle hit near Palmyra #Homs claiming to kill the 2 soldiers on it

4/13 - 2 members of the Criminal Security, Deir Ez Zor Branch killed somewhere in the province

4/15 - At least 2 civilians KIA & 12 WIA by a mine near Wadi Abyad Dam, #Homs ImageImageImage
4/17 - As I said, one of #ISIS's Ramadan goals was to kill #Russia|ns in the Badia. Yesterday ISIS claimed to kill 2 during an attempted helicopter landing near Sukhnah #Homs (likely related to ongoing regime op near Wadi Katkout).
4/18 - At least 1 soldier killed in clashes near Kadir #Homs

4/19 - at 2am suspected #ISIS members in a truck & 4 motorcycles attack a house near Raqqa-Ithriya road, killing 1 & wounding 1 & kill 100 sheep. Same house was attacked last year leaving the father & another son dead. Image
4/18 - Regime forces deploy more units to the Raqqa countryside, deployments have continued for several days

4/23 - Local #Tiger_Forces unit meeting with Sheikh Hassoun Ibrahim Al-Dandan in east #Aleppo during anti-#ISIS operations in the area ImageImageImage
4/22 - 2 mines in east #Hama kill 1 civilian & wound 3

4/22 - #ISIS briefly pushes regime forces out of Kawm oasis #Homs, killing sector commander. He was from the Qaterji-affiliated al-Maham Private Security Firm (see for more info on group) ImageImage
4/23 - Soldier reported killed "by a sniper" somewhere in #Deir_EzZor

4/23 - #ISIS claims to attack a regime barracks on the highway near the Durayhim Oil Field (~30km east of Ithriyah) using light & heavy weapons. First attack here since late January 2021. ImageImage
The attack in south #Aleppo on 4/23 hit a group of soldiers from the 1579th Battalion of the 5th Corps' 1st Brigade. Unit had deployed to the area on 4/18.

Reinforcements from the battalion, including at least 1 tank, swept the area & set up new positions after the attack. ImageImageImage
5/1 - 2 SAA wounded by a mine during sweeps south of Arak #Homs (2nd day of such an incident)

5/2 - Civilian killed when his car hit a mine north of Rahjan #Hama

5/4 - Shepherd killed by a mine in Wadi Azeeb #Hama

5/5 - 2 Liwa al-Quds fighters KIA near Jabal Amor #Homs Image
5/4 - #ISIS claims IED hit on truck near Sukhnah #Homs

5/5 - soldier KIA in #Deir_EzZor

5/9 - 3 Liwa al-Quds "Abu Zainab Groups" fighters KIA in clashes in Jabal Amor #Homs

5/9 - 1 Civ & 1 NDF KIA in attack on checkpoint near Rahjan #Hama, claimed by #ISIS ImageImageImageImage
5/9 - Shepherd killed by mine near Sukhnah #Homs. Locals accused army of planting the mines, army responded by sweeping the area but fell into #ISIS minefield & had at least 19 WIA from several explosions.

5/10 - 6 soldiers KIA & 20 WIA from more mines in Wadi Qatqat #Homs
5/13 - intense clashes again ~5km east of Kawm #Homs for several days as regime attempts to clear the #ISIS stronghold. At least 4 KIA & 12-15 WIA NDF.

5/15 - #ISIS claims to have captured & executed 5 SAA in recent days somewhere in #Homs
#ISIS claimed the May 10 attack, 1 week late. Used small arms & IEDs to ambush convoy destroying 3 trucks+motorcycle.

Attack occurred in the remote Wadi Qatqat region. Delay in claim suggests cell member(s) had to move elsewhere to establish comms w/ IS-C
5/16 - 2 NDF KIA near Salhiya #Deir_EzZor

5/17 - 4 5th Corps fighters wounded by mind south of Shoula #Deir_EzZor

5/17 - Patrol ambushed in the evening near Dubaysin Field #Raqqa while looking for the 5 men #ISIS captured last month

5/20 - Soldier killed near Palmyra #Homs ImageImage
5/20 - #ISIS claims to attack an outpost near Durayhim #Aleppo. NDF report 3 wounded in the attack.

5/22 - 1 soldier killed in #Deir_EzZor & 1 near Palmyra #Homs

5/23 - 2 children wounded by a mine 20km SE of Salamiyah #Hama

5/27 - 6 soldiers wounded by a mine near Hayl #Homs ImageImageImageImage
5/26 - hour long firefight north of Palmyra #Homs, ISIS retreats when jets showed up.

5/31 - new mine damages SAA bus on the highway near Sukhnah causing light injuries.

6/1 - #ISIS claims to IED regime vehicle in #Hama. Same day as rumors of highway attack near Ithriya Image
6/3 - #ISIS kills Brigadier Nizar Fuhud & wounds 3 others w/ mine near the Wadi Abyad Dam north of Palmyra. Fuhud was a veteran commander in the desert, helped lead first Palmyra ops in 2016 & was awarded by #Russia|ns in 2019. Had been serving as mil commander of Sukhnah sector Image
ISIS Badia attacks for June 3 - June 16 will be grouped geographically below:

#Deir_EzZor: Only 1 attack here since May 22, a mine kills 2 #IRGC advisors on the highway on June 3

#Aleppo: 1st Lt from 25th Division killed by mine/IED near Durayhim on June 10. Claimed by ISIS ImageImage
#Homs has cooled off after an increase in activity past 2 months:

6/6 - 2 Mil Security & a 4th Div captain killed near Sukhnah
6/7 - intense clashes near Baghlah, east Sukhnah ending only w/ arrival of air support
6/12 - 2 Liwa al-Quds KIA 1 WIA by mine near Jabal Amor Image
60% of June's attacks occurred in #Hama:
6/1- vehicle attacked on #Ithriya highway
6/2- small attack on regime barracks
6/3- 1 KIA 2 WIA by mine near Salamiyah
6/8- 2 KIA 13 WIA by double IED near Rahjan
6/9- 13 WIA by mine near Rahjan
6/14- 1 KIA 4 WIA north of Tuwaynan Image
Regime anti-ISIS operations continuing across the Badia:
Shaytat tribal fighters in Boukamal desert (1)
NDF & Afghans in Mayadin & Jabal Bishri
11th Division around Palmyra #Homs (2)
NDF+4th Division around Kawm #Homs
25th Division in south #Aleppo (3-4)
NDF+SAA in east #Hama ImageImageImageImage
6/15 - ISIS claims to destroy an SAA truck east of Uqayribat #Hama

6/18 - 2 WIA in small clashes north of Rahjan #Hama coinciding w/ regime ops

6/18 - Brief clash north of Wadi Abyad #Homs w/ no wounded or killed

6/19 - civilian killed by mine near Aqarib #Hama Image
#ISIS continues its mine/IED attacks in the Badia:

6/19 - 2xIED destroys a technical & bulldozer near Sukhnah #Homs. At least 2 KIA (ISIS claims 5). Group was likely hit while setting up frontline outpost

6/22 - 6/23 - 2 KIA & at least 2 WIA by mines near Jabal Amor #Homs ImageImageImageImage
6/23 - another soldier died in the Palmyra countryside, likely from a mine

6/24 - #ISIS hits an NDF bus with an IED in the Rasm Ghazala/Tel Salama area east of Salamiyah #Hama. NDF reports 4 KIA & 11 wounded. ISIS claims the attack but only claims 3 dead & 7 wounded ImageImageImage
6/25 - a 4th Division soldier is wounded somewhere in the Badia. He was deployed to Tabqa #Raqqa in mid-2020 & #Deir_EzZor earlier in 2021

6/27 - ISIS claims to destroy regime truck w/ IED near Sukhnah #Homs

6/28 - 2x 4th Div soldiers KIA in #Deir_EzZor, likely near Shoula ImageImageImageImage
6/30 - A bus returning from the Wadi Ubyad Oil field south of Ghanem Ali #Raqqa was attacked today leaving at least three men lightly wounded (1 solider 2 oil workers). First confirmed attack in this area since March. ImageImageImageImage
Quiet 1st week of July ends w/ 2 attacks:

7/6 - IED/mine hits 4th Div bus going to/leaving Kawm #Homs. 2 KIA 8 WIA

7/6 - complex ambush on SAA convoy in Huraybah region #Raqqa. At least 4 KIA incl one executed & 1 truck destroyed. 4 soldiers were rescued by reinforcements. ImageImageImageImage
Two more martyrs identified in the Raqqa attack on Jul 6 from Harasta #Damascus & #Aleppo.

ISIS hit the 41st Special Forces Regiment's 95th Battalion, which has been based in the area for a while. Unit was already facing desertions & low morale in May.
7/8 - at least three attacks across the Badia:

- 1st Lt killed near Qaryatayn #Homs (1st attack here since March)

- Liwa al-Baqir fighter killed on Ithriyah-Sukhnah road #Hama

- #Iran|ian IRGC member killed by IED/mine somewhere in the Badia. ImageImageImage
7/9 - #ISIS fighters in 2 trucks attacks shepherds south of Ghanem Ali #Raqqa. Same area as the bus attack on June 30

7/10 - soldier from Damascus (likely NDF) killed by mine in Mayadin countryside #Deir_EzZor

7/12 - Field commander killed around Kawm #Homs ImageImageImage
ISIS quickly claimed the attack on the Liwa al-Quds field commander (IED) and published a video of the destroyed vehicle, claiming two other soldiers died as well.
7/11 - ISIS claims to have wounded several soldiers during a patrol by detonating a booby-trapped house in #Homs

7/12 - 3 KIA & 5 WIA by a mine/IED in the Resafa countryside #Raqqa. Killed men come from Masyaf region of #Hama & #Tartous ImageImageImageImage
After a high-tempo start to July, rate of confirmed #ISIS attacks have dropped by half. However, clear return to activity in #Deir_EzZor

7/15 - clashes west of Mayadin
7/17 - soldier killed near Palmyra #Homs
7/19-7/23 - 5 soldiers KIA in #Deir_EzZor all from SAA/Mukhabarat
7/25 - 6 soldiers wounded by a mine near Wadi Qatqat #Homs. SAA hit mines here on 5/10 as well

7/27 - 1 wounded "near Tanf" #Homs. First time since early 2020. Indicates SAA has launched new sweeps south of the Palmyra-T3 road

7/28 - soldier from Damascus killed in #Deir_EzZor ImageImageImage
The soldier who was wounded near Tanf on 7/27 died of his injuries five days later. He was from the 18th Division.

7/29 - a Syrian employed by #Iran's IRGC was wounded by a mine in the Badia

8/5 - #ISIS kills 2 shepherds, kidnaps 3 & steals their sheep west of Resafa #Raqqa ImageImageImage
Yesterday ISIS claimed the mine/IED attack reported on July 25 in Wadi Qatqat #Homs that wounded 6 (ISIS claims they killed 6) as well as a second mine/IED on July 29 in the same area.

Quite a time delay in these claims, suggests communication difficulties due to regime pressure ImageImage
8/5 - 25th Division patrol hit a mine/IED in south #Aleppo killing 3 & wounding 1. Men were from the tribes of the Aleppo countryside which have been heavily recruited from in past 2 years.

8/6 - reports of clashes on the Sukhnah highway #Homs. ImageImageImageImage
8/7 - Soldier from Ghanem Ali #Raqqa killed by a mine in the province

8/8 - Soldier from #Hama killed in #Deir_EzZor

8/11 - 2 civilians killed, 2 wounded by a mine while repairing an electrical line near Subaykhan #Deir_EzZor ImageImageImage
8/12 - #ISIS fighters attacked NDF+SAA positions near Musarib, west #Deir_EzZor
8/15 - #ISIS downed/captured a #Russia|n drone near Shanhas, on the Kawm axis. Likely supporting Liwa Fatemiyoun/Liwa al-Quds/4th Division units east of the oasis.
5th Corps/1st Brig soldier who just finished a several week sweep. Infantry supported by tanks, moved from Resafa #Raqqa to Salamiyah #Hama as far south as Homs & as far north as Khanasir #Aleppo:

"No presence of #ISIS fighters, only mines detonated by our engineering teams" Image
..."Russian followed our movements closely, sent drones overhead to scout the roads ahead of us and used their warplanes to strike suspicious areas." Another sweep scheduled in a few weeks for a different battalion.
8/25 - ISIS kills Mohammad Bakran, a commander from the Liwa al-Quds Deir Ez Zor axis, likely with a mine/IED. Reports suggest he may have been with the overall Quds Deir Ez Zor commander at the time.

Follows nearly two weeks of no confirmed Badia attacks Image
8/26 - light clashes around Kawm #Homs

8/29 - soldier from NW Hama killed somewhere in #Deir_EzZor

9/4 - soldier from Jableh countryside in Latakia dies of his wounds from a recent ISIS attack north of Tanf #Homs ImageImage
9/4 - 2 more soldiers died in the Palmyra #Homs area, an 11th Div man from Daraya & an 18th Div man from Jableh.

9/4 - Liwa al-Quds fighter killed by mine near Jabal Amour #Homs

9/4 - Liwa Imam al-Baqir fighter killed by mine on Ithriya-Sukhnah front east #Hama ImageImageImageImage
9/4 - 14 year old boy killed by a mine in east Salamiyah #Hama

9/4 - body of a shepherd found in the #Raqqa countryside of Jabal Bishri the day after he was kidnapped by #ISIS. Second month in a row ISIS has targeted locals in south Raqqa. Image
9/6 - #ISIS kidnapped 3 shepherds & killed their flock of 80 sheep south of Sabkha #Raqqa. Comes days after a local was kidnapped nearby & a month after 3 other shepherds were kidnapped to the west

9/6 - soldier killed near Sukhnah #Homs ImageImage
9/9 - #Russia|n Lt Col killed by mine/IED in east #Homs

9/12 - 4 5th Corps fighters wounded in #ISIS attack NE of Sukhnah #Homs

9/13 - soldier killed near Tanf #Homs ImageImage
Renewed #ISIS mine activity hitting civilians in past week:

9/9 - 3 killed 1 wounded when family hit by a mine in Western Bayarat #Homs
9/11 - child killed SW of Ithriya #Hama
9/12 - Shepherd killed east of Sabburah #Hama
9/16 - young man wounded near Uqayribat #Hama Image
Four attacks in past 24 hours:

9/18 - #ISIS destroys a pipeline & two pylons outside the Tishreen Thermal Station #Damascus
- 5 Liwa al-Quds fighters killed in Jabal Amor #Homs
- 2 soldiers killed in clashes near Sukhnah #Homs
- Republican Guard soldier killed in #Deir_EzZor ImageImageImageImage
Turns out the "2 soldiers killed near Sukhnah" were actually part of the 5 Liwa al-Quds deaths reported east of Jabal Amor. 14 other Quds fighters were wounded in that attack.

2 more Quds fighters - brothers from Talbiseh - were killed around there the day prior, on 9/17. ImageImageImage
Busy last weekend continued w/ at three more active fronts in #Homs:
9/19 - continued heavy fighting around Doubayat Gas Field b/w ISIS & Iranian-backed foreign fighters
9/19 - ISIS raids warehouse west of Kawm
9/19 - fighting continues around Jabal 'Ubayrah north of Palmyra Image
9/20 - ISIS militants executed a young shepherd in the Maadan countryside #Raqqa. 3rd such incident in this area this month.

9/21 - ISIS withdraws from Jabal Mustadira following clashes w/ #Russia|n Wagner forces & Syrian militias. ImageImage
#Homs fighting continues but at much lower intensity past several days:

9/21 - soldier reported killed near Palmyra
9/22 - loyalist militiaman killed in "Sukhnah countryside". He is the nephew of the former Military Commander of DeZ NDF ImageImage
ISIS has also escalated in #Deir_EzZor this week:

9/20 to 9/24 - ISIS repeatedly clashes with SAA+Fatemiyoun around Humaymah
9/22 - Colonel ambushed near T2 Station while bringing reinforcements to Humaymah
9/24 - ISIS attempts to cut highway west of Kabbabj but is pushed back ImageImage
9/24 - ISIS attack shepherds in south #Raqqa (again at night) killing 120 sheep before security forces respond. 4th such attack here this month.

9/27 - 5th Corps soldier from Latakia killed during new sweeping operations in east #Hama

9/28 - Raqqa fighter killed in #Deir_EzZor ImageImage
Apologies for the lack of #ISIS updates. All October attacks can be found here:

And I will update this thread with November attacks this week.
11/1-11/2 - Clashes b/w #ISIS & Liwa Zainabiyoun continue for several days around Wadi Doubayat #Homs

11/4 - a mine kills 7 civilians north of Abyad Mountains, north Palmyra #Homs

11/9 - Arms smuggler executed near Taibah #Homs

11/10 - soldier killed near Boukamal #Die_EzZor ImageImage
11/13 - 2 attacks in NW #Deir_EzZor:
- #ISIS attacks checkpoint south of Shoula
- IED+small arms ambush on Shaitat fighters near the salt mine south of Tabni. 7 killed, incl commander, in first attack, militants then re-mine area before leaving. Mine hits responders wounding 5. ImageImage
11/14 - 17th Division Brigadier from Baniyas #Tartous killed in #Deir_EzZor
11/15 - ISIS launches multiple attacks against the Bir Dohoul checkpoint south of Shoula (again)
11/17 - soldier from Jaramana Damascus killed in DeZ
11/27 - soldier from reef Aleppo killed in east #Homs ImageImageImage
Some November regime Badia operations:
-This week the 11th Div's 60th Brigade completed a sweep of the Qaryatayn countryside #Homs

-5th Corps continues regular patrols in south Raqqa

-Mahradeh & Suqaylabiyah NDF swept Wadi Azeeb #Hama two weeks ago ImageImage
12/2 - #ISIS cell set up a fake checkpoint on the Madhoul Road outside the Khurayta Oil Field in NW #Deir_EzZor. 7 oil workers, 2 shepherds & their 17th Division escort killed. 2 vehicles burned down & motorcycle stolen. Deadliest attack in Deir Ez Zor this year. ImageImageImageImage
12/2 - Two Deir Ez Zor NDF fighters were also killed in the area today, likely either when attempting to respond to the above attack or when their positions nearby were attacked
12/3 - Seems civilians returned to Wadi Azeeb #Hama following last month's demining operations. Unfortunately today a mine there killed one civilian & wounded two
12/2 - soldier from Latakia killed in southern #Raqqa

12/11 - #ISIS militants conduct night attack on NDF positions near Musarib in western #Deir_EzZor. Causalities, if any, unclear. ImageImageImage
12/8 - 2 locals wounded by a mine in east #Raqqa
12/16 - Farmer killed by a mine in west Raqqa
12/16 - mine wounds several likely militiamen near Sa'an #Hama
12/17 - soldier dies of wounds from a mine in Palmyra #Homs
12/24 - #ISIS kills a shepherd & 100 sheep in west #Raqqa ImageImageImageImage
12/2 - at ~7pm #ISIS militants attacked a troop transport ~50km east of T3 #Homs, killing 5 & wounding 20. Regime claims the attack involved an ATGM followed by 23mm fire. ImageImageImageImage
Video of the above attack appears to counter claims of an ATGM (and also claims of RPGs?). Bus was part of a 4-vehicle convoy, rare to find convoys that small these days

1/3 - Shepherd dies of his wounds from a mine in Sheikh Hilal area #Hama

1/5 - 18th Div soldier from Hama killed in #Deir_EzZor

1/5 - #ISIS militants fire on an NDF car in Resafa area #Raqqa, only minor injuries. (Opposition claims of 3 dead are wrong) ImageImage
1/12 - ISIS fighters attacked two regime positions in the town of Kashma between Mayadin & Boukamal #Dier_EzZor. A 17th Division fighter was killed at one point & 3 Air Force Intelligence soldiers killed at another (video shows AFI position)
1/13 - 3 #Deir_EzZor NDF fighters killed & 6 wounded when their vehicles were hit by RPG & small arms fire on the Boukamal-Mayadeen road

1/13 - child wounded by a mine north of Uqayribat #Hama

1/14 - skirmishes in the Mayadeen countryside b/w NDF & #ISIS. ImageImageImageImage
3rd week of January saw consistent activity across regime #Deir_EzZor
1/17 - water truck destroyed north of Kabbabj
1/20 - SAA vehicle hit by IED in Faydat bin Muwaynah. Repeat clashes here next few days
1/21-1/22 - 2x attacks on NDF outside Mayadin
1/22 - skirmish west of Shoula ImageImage
Very few attacks outside of Deir Ez Zor recently:
1/19 - 1 civilian killed & 1 wounded by mine south of Tiyas #Homs
1/23 - fighting around oil fields south of Resafa #Raqqa
1/27 - attempted #ISIS raid on Quds position in Kadir #Homs. First activity in this area in a while. Image
#ISIS activity in central Syria completely gone for nearly 3 weeks now. Normal to see a drop after last month's modest increase, but unclear why attacks completely stopped w/out any regime ops. Possible cells are now focused on moving/integrating Hasakah escapees? Don't know
2/14 - Late night #ISIS small arms ambush of convoy outside Mheen #Homs. Only minor injuries. Head of North East Region Maj Gen Faris Ghaida present but unharmed.

2/15 - Likely ISIS militants steal 600 sheep north of Ithriya #Aleppo

2/15 - 2 kids killed by mine east #Hama ImageImageImage
2/14 - soldier killed by mine near Uqayribat #Hama

2/19 - soldier from Hamorya #Damascus killed in #Deir_EzZor (1st confirmed attack here this month)

2/20 - 5 Liwa Imam al-Baqir men killed by a mine likely Ithriyah-Tuwaynan road #Homs/#Hama (they have outposts around Tuwaynan) ImageImageImageImage
Small de-mining/combing operations continue, particularly in east Hama/southern Aleppo.

~2 companies of Suqaylabiyah NDF in east Hama for several days earlier this week followed by small number of 25th Division / #Tiger_Forces in south Aleppo (seems w/ helo support) ImageImageImage
2/27 - #Russia|n officer awarded the Suqaylabiyah NDF after their 2-day de-mining mission in east #Hama

2/27 - 25th Div soldier killed & 3 civilians killed by 2 separate mines east #Hama ImageImageImage
3/4 - a young soldier from Safita, Tartous is killed near Boukamal #Deir_EzZor. His father was killed in combat earlier in the war.

3/5 - a soldier from Salhab, Hama is killed during extending fighting north of T2 #Deir_EzZor. 2 ISIS fighters also killed in the attempted raid ImageImage
3/6 - ISIS fighters ambush a lone SAA bus on the T3-Palmyra road #Homs killing at least 13, including a Brigadier General, & wounding 18. Caps off 3 days of intense fighting in southern Badia.

Badia goes quiet for next ten days. Image
After a quiet 10 days, consistent #ISIS activity began again:

3/16 - 5 Liwa al-Quds men killed near Jabal Amor #Homs
3/17 - soldier from Maadan, Raqqa killed by IED/mine near Tanf #Homs
3/18 - Mine kills 2 & wounds 3 local militia during demining op near Rahjan #Hama ImageImageImageImage
Heavy fighting along #Homs-#Raqqa border on 3/18 as #ISIS cells hit multiple regime positions over 4 days:

-Cut supply lines to Khirbat al-Muqman leading to heavy clashes
-Captured Fahdeh on 3/20 (seized supplies+destroyed 2 vehicles)
-Reports of an ATGM strike on Quds vehicle. Image
(ISIS attempted to raid Quds position south of here on Jan 27)

Clashes involved Liwa al-Quds, 5th Corps & 18th Division. No casualty numbers yet but security forces certainly took losses.

Interestingly there was no Russian or Syrian air support, a big change from last year. Image
Forgot to mention, during the fighting local shepherds were also attacked & sheep stolen.. This prompted several shepherds to take up arms & join security forces in the ensuing clashes. Regime would do well to mirror the Rahjan local defense model here.
ISIS mines continue to hit SAA & civilians:

3/19 - LDF vehicle destroyed east side of Doubayat Oil Field #Homs
3/22 - 1 SAA wounded near Dubaysan Oil Field #Raqqa (note attack nearby 2 months ago)
3/22 - 10 year old child wounded near Arshuna #Hama (note 3 other nearby mines) ImageImageImage
3/26 - suspected #ISIS militants steal a herd of sheep near Mheen #Homs

3/30 - 2 soldiers reported killed, at least one in clashes west of Akash oil field #Deir_EzZor, the other either there or in southeast #Aleppo

4/1 - another soldier killed in clashes near Akash oil field ImageImageImage
April has been extremely quiet. Apr 6 claims of an attack in #Deir_EzZor are unproven.

4/13 - Oil worker killed by mine near Bayarat #Homs

4/19 - 3 KIA 2 WIA from 5th Corps' 1st Brigade 1579th Battalion when they hit a mine during sweeping ops near Fasida, southeast #Hama ImageImage
1579th Battalion of the 5th Corps' 1st Brigade patrolling southeast #Hama this week. Despite continued support from the Russians they still rely on mix of old mil trucks, dump trucks, vans & pickups to move fighters. Brought mortar+arty+HMGs to protect against ISIS attacks. ImageImageImageImage
4/25 - a soldier from Khirbet Tin Nur, Homs, is reported killed in #Deir_EzZor

4/25 - #ISIS fighters attack 18th Div position east of Sukhnah #Homs, just south of Jabal Bishri ImageImage
Still very few confirmed #ISIS attacks in the Badia:
5/6 - soldier from Hama killed in #Deir_EzZor
5/7 - 3 civilians wounded by mine in east #Hama
5/10 - 14yo girl wounded by a mine south of Salamiyah #Hama
5/18 - soldier killed near Bayarat, Palmyra area #Homs ImageImageImageImage
Routine regime patrols continue along the east #Hama - #Raqqa front:
1) #Russia|n commanded Christian NDF from Muhardeh & Suqaylabiyah doing patrols in east Hama on May 17... ImageImageImageImage
2) new 25th Division sweeps from Ithriyah into Raqqa, this time conducted by the Salamiyah-based Zarif Regiment, led by the larger-than-life Abu Ali Samir. Possibly supported by several tanks, APCs, and mobile artillery. ImageImageImageImage
Final May Badia deaths:
5/5 - soldier killed in #Deir_EzZor
5/20 - 2 civilians wounded by mine near Uqayribat #Hama
5/23 - Colonel killed in Badia, possibly near Qaryatayn #Homs where he was from
5/24 - 4 year old girl by mine near Qastel, east Salamiyah #Hama ImageImageImage
June #ISIS attacks:
6/1 - soldier from Raqqa killed in Tanf region, south #Homs.

6/2 - #ISIS fighters ambush a bus on the Shoula-Deir Ez Zor road, killing at least three soldiers from General Intelligence Branch 327 and wounding 14 others, most/all civilians. ImageImageImageImage
A 4th soldier was killed in the 6/2 bus attack, from the Manbij countryside
6/7 - 4th Div soldier killed by mine in Tayyem Oil Field outside #Deir_EzZor
6/15 - soldier killed near Palmyra #Homs
6/16 - 3 KIA 7 WIA among an engineering group during demining mission in NE #Homs ImageImageImageImage
6/20 - early morning #ISIS attack on a military bus killed 11 soldiers and 2 civilian drivers. Bus completely destroyed. Occurred in the Zamleh area between Resafa #Raqqa and Kawm ImageImageImage
ISIS has quickly claimed today's bus attack in #Raqqa, including a photo showing that militants were able to approach and burn down the bus before withdrawing. Only the 3rd ISIS claim in central Syria since July 2021, despite carrying out +160 attacks here in that time. Image
6/21 - soldier from Damascus killed in #Deir_EzZor

6/24 - soldier from east Hasakah killed in east #Homs

6/26 - civilians hit by mine near Abu Lafa, between Rahjan & Ithriya #Hama. 2 killed & 2 wounded. ImageImageImageImage
#ISIS attacks in Badia last month:
8/7 & 8/15 - ISIS claims to kill 5 SAA w/ ambush & mine near Tabqa #Raqqa
8/7 - soldier killed in #Deir_EzZor
8/19 - 1 KIA 4 WIA by mine near Uwayrid Dam #Homs
8/21 - Mine wounds 5 SAA in Kadir Raqqa
8/23 - Mine wounds 2 SAA in Zakia #Aleppo ImageImageImageImage
8/28 - #ISIS claims IED attack near the Tabqa airbase #Raqqa claiming to kill 2 SAA. Third claim here in past month. @DeirEzzore mentioned two additional attacks here in past three days.

9/1 - 2 ISIS cells moving from #Iraq ambush 17th Div soldiers along the border near Tayyara ImageImage
9/4 - #ISIS again claims an IED attack west of Tabqa Airbase #Raqqa
9/5 - local killed by mine in Bayarat #Homs (4th incident here in 5 months)
9/6 - ISIS claims IED attack near Ma’izila #Deir_EzZor
9/11 - 1 killed and three wounded in an ambush near Kadir #Raqqa-#Homs border Image
9/13 - NDF thwarts ISIS attack near Khurayta #Deir_EzZor
9/14 - NDF fighter kidnapped near Shumaytah oil field north of #Deir_EzZor
9/15 - #ISIS claims its 6th attack near Tabqa airbase #Raqqa in five weeks, 3rd using IED. IEDs reportedly being laid at night with local assistance Image
9/17 - soldier wounded by mine in Akash #Hama
9/22 - 4th Division soldier from Masyaf killed in #Deir_EzZor
9/22 - 3 KIA 1 WIA from 25th Division when vehicle hit a mine, likely SE #Aleppo or #Raqqa. Potential we see this claimed in next week's Naba. ImageImageImage
9/25 - 2 Salamiyah NDF killed by a mine north of Rahjan #Hama
9/27 - soldier from central Hama killed in #Deir_EzZor
9/27 - #ISIS claims its 7th attack near Tabqa airbase #Raqqa since Aug 7.
10/3 - ISIS forces seize positions from Quds & NDF in eastern Kawm #Homs ImageImage
10/3 - 2 local 4th Division fighters killed in the Tub area north of Mayadin #Deir_EzZor
10/5 - #ISIS claims to have destroyed SAA truck west of Khanasir #Aleppo. 1st confirmed attack in this area since Oct 2021
10/9 - 4th Div Security Office man killed on Palmyra-DeZ road #Homs ImageImageImageImage
10/12 - 3 17th Div fighters disappear on patrol east of Tanf #Homs
10/17 - mine destroys NDF Mahradeh vehicle near Wadi Azeeb #Hama killing 3 incl a commander & wounding 6
10/18 - #Russian Wagner fighter wounded by mine during op near Jazal field #Homs ImageImageImage
10/24 - #ISIS claims another IED attack west of Tabqa #Raqqa on a regime military truck. 2nd claim this month & 8th claim in Tabqa since early Aug

10/29 - Soldier killed somewhere in #Homs

10/31 - mine/IED hits truck, killing 1 & wounding several near Palmyra #Homs ImageImageImage
10/30 - #ISIS claimed yet another attack near the Tabqa Airbase #Raqqa in Naba, a small arms attack on a regime barrack (coincides w/ reports of 1 dead SAA that day)

11 ISIS claims in the Badia since Aug 7 (compared to 1 in prior 8 months), 9 claimed attacks around Tabqa airbase Image
Apologies for not listing out the November attacks. You can find all 9 attacks in my monthly report (no Badia claims by ISIS for the first time since July)
12/1 - 3 soldiers (18th Div & Military Security) killed by mine near Palmyra #Homs
12/2 - ISIS IED destroys truck south of Khanasir #Aleppo (claimed by ISIS)
12/8 - Soldier wounded by mine near Resafa #Raqqa
12/13 - ISIS small arms ambush of SAA truck south of Khanasir #Aleppo ImageImage
12/14 - ISIS IED kills 3 SAA driving near Resafa #Raqqa, publishes pics of the dead
12/17 - Regime claims to repel attack on Dweir #Deir_EzZor. ISIS claims 3 attacks on town that day:
- Small arms attack on barracks
- ambush truck
- kidnap+execute 2 SAA in nearby oil field Image
12/18 - 8 soldiers killed by mine/IED south of an oil field in the Boukamal desert. ISIS claims the attack, likely added own mines to a regime minefield
12/19 - ISIS captures & executes 2 SAA near Resafa publishing pictures
12/21 - 4 civs killed by mine east of Salamiyah #Hama Image
12/30 - ISIS cell uses 2x ATGMs to target three buses carrying workers from the Tayyem Oil Field just outside #Deir_EzZor city, killing at least 10. First attack on oil workers in Deir Ez Zor since December 2021.

Another significant escalation by ISIS
At least 2 additional attacks on 12/30:

- 6 members of 18th Division's 'Combat Group' (Badia infantry force) killed when ISIS raided their position north of Palmyra

- At least 2 SAA killed in ISIS attack on barracks in Bir al-Sadran, west of Resafa #Raqqa ImageImageImageImage
2/3 - local field commander killed by mine in #Deir_EzZor
2/5 - 2 trucks carrying truffle pickers hit mines near Hulayhilah, NE of Arak #Homs wounding 10
2/5 - soldier from Tartous killed in Palmyra region #Homs
2/7 - #ISIS fake checkpoint near Arak leads to evening clashes ImageImageImageImage
2/10 - soldier from Latakia killed in Palmyra region #Homs
2/10 - truffle picker wounded by mine near Ithriya #Hama
2/11 - #ISIS ambushes truffle pickers east of T3 #Homs killing 4 & wounding 10, unknown number missing
2/11-2/12 - 2 days of battles w/ ISIS cells around Arak #Homs ImageImage
2/13 - 1 Wagner fighter captured in battles near T3 Pumping Station #Homs
2/14 - ISIS kills 1 & kidnaps 1 truffle picker near Duwayzin, southeast #Hama
2/15 - 3 truffle pickers gunned down near Uqayribat #Hama

*1st confirmed ISIS small arms attacks in east Hama since Sept 2021 Image
2/14 - Military Intelligence-affiliated fighter goes missing while unit patrols Jabal Bala'as #Homs (note this is just south of the above two Hama attacks)

2/17 - 2x militiamen killed by a mine in Quriyah desert outside Mayadin #Deir_EzZor ImageImageImageImage
2/17 - #ISIS launches simultaneous attacks south of Sukhnah.
- Cell ambush large group of truffle pickers near Doubayat, killing ~60+7 police escorts. 2nd cell reportedly intercepts fleeing civs. 6 trucks+small arms stolen
- Attack on biggest SAA checkpoint in Arak repelled Image
2/21 - Police officer from Damascus killed by mine near Harbisha #Deir_EzZor

2/25 - at least 1 NDF fighter killed by mine while looking for truffles outside Zabari #Deir_EzZor

2/26 - 2x soldiers wounded by mine in Badia ImageImageImage
2/27 - 10 truffle hunters KIA 9 WIA by two mines near Tel Salamah area east of Uqayribat #Hama

3/2 - bodies of 4 who went missing days earlier east of Tel Salamah found (likely killed by small arms)

3/2 - 6 truffle hunters killed, 40 WIA by mine near Kababj #Deir_EzZor ImageImage

• • •

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More from @GregoryPWaters

Feb 19
Finished 3 weeks across Syria and I’m far more pessimistic now. In December I was confident the security concerns were misplaced & was largely right

Now the economic crisis has replaced immediate sec issues, w/ many losing patience despite massive hurdles facing the government Image
2) The economy is testing every Syrian and inhibiting needed reforms/unification efforts

Alawite communities seem to think they are uniquely affected by economy, fueling massive fears of being targeted & marginalized more broadly
3) Much of this goes back to disbanding the security forces w/out any follow up plan. The explicit demands of the coast are to rehire some men into local police, but the underlying fear is that Alawites will never be allowed part of the govt again & will be cut from rest of Syria Image
Read 11 tweets
Dec 13, 2024
Yesterday two Alawite brothers were murdered in an armed robbery of their house in #Latakia. The intruders claimed they were part of HTS. Local leaders called on HTS to take revenge & create joint committee.

HTS visited village w/ Alawite sheikh same day & promised swift action Image
Request for joint security committees of HTS & local men across Alawite communities is a good step, and local pages seem optimistic that this may be introduced soon. Local pages also deny rumors that civilians have fled their homes out fear

Murdered brothers Muhamad & Ahmed Taha Image
On December 16 three brothers went to the Homs City reconciliation center. Men claiming to be from HTS stopped them on the way, taking the two ex-officers in their car. Their bodies found next day in Wa'er. Story is widely spread by ex-army as evidence they should not reconcile Image
Read 8 tweets
Dec 11, 2024
Yesterday Mil Operations leaders met with Alawite notables in #Latakia. Hassan Soufan (ex-Ahrar) is now Mil Commander of the Coast.

An Alawite professor from Latakia University gave an overview:
"Sheikh Abu Hassan & Sheikh Hassan spoke with complete transparency ..."
1) "priority is to impose security & safety... strictly forbidden to attack any person under the pretext of sectarianism ... attack private & public property ... enter or search homes except in special cases & by the uniformed General Security after showing their identities" Image
2) "strictly forbidden to shoot, anyone who violates the law will be arrested - the failure to hold anyone accountable now is due to lack of a sufficient number of military operations personnel, and these matters will be addressed as soon as possible, perhaps within a few hours." Image
Read 8 tweets
Nov 27, 2024
Capture of Ourm al-Sughra is an important step towards capturing 46th Reg Base, which will be crucial for solidifying gains and freeing up resources for the eastern axes.
Now announcing full capture of the base, a big step towards securing the southern flank of this advance
Indications the opposition has captured Kafr Naha now, which would solidify the line south from Anjara Image
Read 77 tweets
Nov 1, 2021
Lots of hype for an imminent Turkish offensive in NES that seems largely divorced from reality. Reminds me of the cycles of "new Idlib operation" that are based on flimsy evidence.

Struggle to see why this would happen after yesterday's at least not-negative Biden/Erdogan summit
From the Turkish perspective, their big complaint has been the PKK commanders embedded in NES and they seem quite content with their recent policy of droning these commanders. Meanwhile their military is stretched thin with overseas deployments right now
Erdogan is also dealing with an economic crisis amid a surging opposition that is increasingly vocal in their opposition to Syria ops. It isn't like past years where he can use an offensive to "distract" voters. An op now with dead TSK would likely only weaken him in the polls
Read 11 tweets
Sep 20, 2021
This horrible article is a great example of "analysts" manipulating "data" to fit a policy proposal and narrative they decided upon before researching.…
The moment you rely on ACLED for Syria your evidence is worthless. There were *at least* 248 anti-regime attacks this year, the vast majority targeting regime and allies. Even when ACLED under-counts attacks it absurdly inflates casualty numbers (no numbers in pic 2 are right)
These pieces by people who don't actually follow the central Syria insurgency continue to ignore the major changes that have occurred since it became "mainstream" late last year. Spring & Summer saw significant reductions to ISIS capabilities that are only just now being reversed
Read 6 tweets

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