Why is it that liberals fight so much over intellectual details, and the New Right has produced relatively nothing?
With the fall of the Berlin Wall, and revelations for all to see about the brutalities of the so-called Communist states, the Left framework was rendered null and void.
As Amartya Sen says, "It is not often recognized that Marx had very little interest in political organization. This whole idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat really makes no sense whatsoever."
It is just worth noting that there is no real theory of the state of the Left that is distinct from social liberalism. (That's what the Kerala model is, at best.)
There is no conservative political theory of any heft being discussed seriously.
His life's distinction was having almost no principle he wouldn't discard: newyorker.com/news/the-new-y…
A similar deification of the state and violence runs through Savarkar's work: jacobinmag.com/2019/10/vinaya…
These are not coincidences.
Modi will sing of Gandhi. Johnson will sing of Churchill, or some Greek classicist that he does not have the wit to understand.
The resurgent Right publicly hides its ideology.
It is the social liberal vs the libertarian.
The state is supreme, the Chinese people are surrounded by enemies, who are all of lower moral worth.
Without contesting theories, without a language of politics and rationality, the "victory" of liberal democracy is meaningless.
All it is, "is sound and fury signifying nothing".