Took a PT to office today at 7:05am(matched with regular cab time)- clocked 110m approx, about 35-25mins more than what I take in cab which I hope the #BusPriorityLane will reduce once it's complete!
I've put some observations in this thread

Awesome connectivity. Freqency for trains before 830am is 14 mins now - bringing down to 6 mins will help. Crowd management needs improvement - rage in metro a new norm now :(
Hope the new 45 buses by @BMTC_BENGALURU, supposedly electrical will connect Point2Point?!

Bus frequency is awesome - in no time I got connecting Bus toward Ecospace. But quality of Bus stop is poor.
Metro work, good vehicle and many congestion points causing traffic jams. #BusPriorityLane should relieve this paint point for Bus users.

Good start - too many things to do for completion! Hopefully
Though it seem reasonable - it's costlier than QuickRide & Office cab service. @BMTC_BENGALURU should look at making it cheaper or bring a mix of Atal sarige kind of buses to help for those who're concerned about cost.

Driver, Conductor and passenger has a log good.thing to say about the idea and also have valuable inputs - a wider consultation involving your staff and passengers is key @BMTC_Bangalore @CPBlr
I assume the gap between bollards is good enough to steer the bus out of #BusPriorityLane but it's a double edge sword - the temporaryness of it gives private vehicles to sneak in.
I feel the breakdown issue should be sorted predominantly by- 1/3
b) Setting up quick response team doing 2 things
- send alternate bus on the adjacent (non-BPL) lane to ensure passengers are sent in that
- send towing vehicle to get the bus out of lane 2/3
@ChristinMP_TOI @TOIBengaluru