, 65 tweets, 20 min read
Fresno County Board of Supervisors October 22,2019! Among the items: Two appeals of Planning Commission denials, Clovis Development fees; Homeless task force founding structure; Closed Session includes continued negotiation of old UMC hospital as well as SEIU In Home Care Workers
contract. Please “Heart” if you like these reports. Outside the Hall of Records is American Cancer Society’s Breast Cancer Screening vehicle!
Please “Heart” if you like these reports. Forgive any typos or mistakes!
Invocation by County Employee from Library Department’s Rocky Vang. Public pulls item #48 from Consent Calendar. @stevebrandau registers a NO vote on Item #51. Adjourn in memory of Mario DeFrancesco who was a long-time Firebaugh farmer and community 
Proclaim the month of October 2019 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Fresno County. Is a pervasive issue in the County. Calls to hotline is 35% higher this past quarter. District Attorney Lisa Smittcamp present for this too.
Proclaim November 2019 as "National Adoption Month" in Fresno County. Patricia Gonzalez says Nov 15th at Northpointe Church will have Event. A 31 % increase in adoptions from last year. Resource Parent Pamela Williams has adopted four boys. It was best thing to happen to her.
They are on honor roll. Next:Juanita Martinez family took in two girls after her friend Patricia suddenly passed away just as her friend was going to adopt these two girls. Helped reconnect them to their biological siblings. Next: Patrick and Brenda took in kids after their own
children had grown. As a nurse her heart would be broken from seeing kids in need leading them to adopt some. Lots of people in area don’t know how foster care works. Supervisor Quintero says they have a great staff. Carnaval at Mosqueda Center. He saw Pam with her five adopted
kids. He asked if she was getting good support from County. A: very good! She is a teacher at Hoover High School. Delfino said there were some changes in adoption rules but it has made it better. @LincolnSeward Magisg thanks the parents to help restore the identity of the kids.
Consent Calendar item #48. Applicant Brent Soares would like partial cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation so he can keep his homesite. Pacheco said this was “non controversial and probably would have passed under consent. Now faces 5-0 vote. “ @BuddySupervisor says
“Welcome to People’s Republic of California” when talking about the Williamson Act. Approved 5-0. Next: Proposed property tax rebates for Darling Ingredients, Inc. Supervisor Pacheco says this has been long time coming. Road has been redone with City’s cooperation. City entered
into an agreement even though County wasn’t ready. Met with @MayorLeeBrand and a compromise may have been reached. CAO Jean Rousseau thanks the Mayor. Shows a PowerPoint. Ulta and Amazon Project s v Darling in property tax requests. Darling is an existing program while other two
other two. $2 to 6 million difference from existing Darling v new version. City is giving $50 million to make this project happen. Rousseau says we try to push all growth into City so it leaves us with less amount because of that by not competing with City. We do have good
relationship with City’s City Manager. A grant for Jensen just east of Waste Water Treatment Plant. Would like City to maintain Jensen from Chateau Fresno to Hwy 99. STBG Grant Project to improve Jensen is $3.2 million project.” Quintero says if we are going to spend that much
on Jensen we need to at least spell it correct (Jenson on PowerPoint). Mayor Brand says “County and City has a long history of contentious relationships but last few years it has been good. Thanks Former Councilman Oliver Baines for pushing to get Darling Plant moved. This
is an opportunity to right a wrong for our community. Need a path of resolution. Would like to add more on tax increments though”. Mary Curry “If we can get this done our children will no longer have to deal with asthma from this plant. Thanks Brandau and Quintero for their work
on this. She herself has worked on this for 15 years. Need to resolve tax issue. Looking forward to seeing signature on the paper making this happen. “. @BuddySupervisor says we will turn the road from Chateau Fresno to 99 over to City. This deal is with City and not Darling.
Rousseau :$61.5 million value of project. Giving tax increment to City for ten years =$1.8 million. Assessment will occur when Darling moves in. @stevebrandau Right of Way to City has to occur first. There will be lot of County residents who will now connect to this new City of
Fresno road. Can residents still deal with County it forced to use City ? A: Yes ,still County. Brandau: split roll that is working its way onto ballot. Will this effect this? Mendes: won’t effect this project. Brandau will support this. City giving a lot of money to Darling.
$50 million! This dwarfs how much Amazon and Ulta project combined. Baines wanted this more than anything. Baines wanted Brandau on the subcommittee. Darling need help as the business effected. He didn’t know how much City would help! He is on the other side from City. He says
giving up property taxes for this? He won’t do this again but he is prepared to do it today. He wants to support the community, Mary Curry, Baines and @MayorLeeBrand. Pacheco says this is the exception to the rule of rebating property tax to business & will vote for this today.
Quintero: this project has been delayed by lawsuits too. He will support this if City will take on repairs of roads. Asks if any Darling plant here? No? Thanks Councilman @GarryBredefeld for coming today. Quintero says it is time for County to start an economic development pro-
gram. He went to Vegas conference to help attract businesses. Some have come to Clovis from that effort. Thanks @MayorLeeBrand Governor Newsom vetoed a bill that will end up helping City. @LincolnSeward old Darling plant will continued to pay property tax. Pacheco: time to set
this longtime problem. City and County worked well on this. The ten year loss of property tax is necessary to make this happen. Rendering plants are necessary for our love of meat and restaurants. @BuddySupervisor staff stills needs to work on this. Hopefully brought back next
30 days to this Board. Magsig says this helps County residents. Approved 5-0.
Review and approve the founding structure of Street2Home Fresno County, which will serve as the countywide collective impact initiative maintaining focus on the adopted Homelessness Priorities; and if a structure is approved, Coordinate with the designated incorporated city
Fresno-Madera Continuum of Care, and the Fresno Housing Authority to focus on the development of homelessness reduction strategies that include prevention, housing, victim and diversion services through Street2Home Fresno County; and, Where possible, coordinate with the
City of Fresno, the Fresno-Madera Continuum of Care, and the Fresno Housing Authority to develop aligned spending plans that support a continuum of services. Rousseau: Committee came up with this plan. Complaint it was too City centric and leaving rural towns out. Hopefully will
make it easier to win grants. Magsig says the 14 point plan won’t be voted on today. The points are still pliable at this stage. State will release more grant dollars in 2020 so we need to be ready. This project has not been done in any other region. Subcommittee will consist of
non profits that can give direction. Public comment: City of Fresno’s H Spees says homeless is major quality of life issue in City. Also Mayor’s relative was homeless. This will be brought to City of Fresno Council. Money has to be spent strategically with non profits & churches
Nicole Linder of Marjoree Mason Center says all regions working on homelessness and if there was one that worked perfect we would all be copying it. Human trafficking element has been missed. Connected to domestic violence too. Need a place to go. Next: multi factor causes home-
lessness. What can we collectively do together. @GarryBredefeld Thanks Supervisors for tough Darling Vote. Asks that we include domestic violence survivor and human trafficking element into the 14 point. This is complicated with some related to prop 47 etc. Applauds their efforts
Jen Freies says she was in a domestic violence situation for ten years. Knew she would be homeless if she left. Finally left with we kids. Knew he would take her life that night if she didn’t. She was dropped off at Marjoree Mason Center. Didn’t want to go to family as they would
have their life in danger too. Debra Rush: Breaking the Chain that focuses on Human Trafficking. This area is largest hub in country. 75% of their clients were homeless before walking in. Applauds City and County efforts. Would like to be part of the effort too. DA Lisa Smittcamp
says “she does this work for people like Jen and Debra. A rise of domestic violence due to meth, alcohol and prop 47. Abusive relationships are often the only option besides being homeless. Putting domestic violence into 14 points will give option to funding. Can help lead to
housing for these victims”. Sheriff Mims says “please add human trafficking and domestic violence to the plan. Help women and children. “ Kerman’s chief of Police says quality of life for rest of community will be immense”. Magisg: victims of domestic violence and human traffick-
-ing will be taken back to put into 14 points. Rousseau: this will help us secure more state dollars to fill gaps. Quintero: seems like we are keeping too many of the old structure that didn’t work before. Too often voting to give money to themselves. Rousseau: there is some
less desirable parts of the structure. If they don’t use all of their funding it goes back into the pot. Chronically homeless is main focus of CoC and won’t solve it. Other agencies may be way to do that. Delfino: when CoC money wasn’t much there were stalwart organizations that
kept at it. They don’t vote on their own funding.” Magisg: CoC ( Continuem of Care) receives lion share of federal dollars. Quintero: will we vote on homeless shelters? Magsig: Shelter to Home won’t build it but as a partnership they can attract more funding. Approved 4-0 with
Brandau absent ( just came back and voted NO). Next: Make a finding that it is in the best interest of the County to suspend the competitive bid process with Fresno Humane Animal Services to provide mandated animal control services, effective January 1, 2020 through December 31,
December 31, 2029, total not to exceed $18,931,782. Will handle rabies,licensing,quarantines etc. Magisg says it is a labor of love. @stevebrandau asks if they are applying for City of Fresno too? A: Yes. Do they have bandwidth to do both? A: yes. Approved 5-0
Development Fees within the Sphere of Influence of the City of Clovis There is no increase in Net County Cost associated with the recommended actions. The development fees collected are used by the City to fund construction of facilities needed to serve new development such as
sewer, water, community sanitation infrastructure, parks, major streets, fire department facilities, police.  department facilities, and the undergrounding of overhead utilities. The fees will provide a source of funding to the County for a library in the City that is necessary
to serve new development. Approved 5-0. Next: Consider appeal of the Planning Commission’s denial of Variance Application No. 4074 proposing to 
allow the creation of two parcels (2.5-acre and 2.4-acre) having a lot width or frontage of 160 feet (165 feet required) and a lot
Next: Consider appeal of the Planning Commission’s denial of Variance Application No. 4074 proposing to 
allow the creation of two parcels (2.5-acre and 2.4-acre) having a lot width or frontage of 160 feet (165 feet required) and a lot depth to width ratio of 4.12:1
as sewer, water, community sanitation infrastructure, parks, major streets, fire department facilities, police 

department facilities, and the undergrounding of overhead utilities. The fees will provide a source of funding to the County for a library in the City that is necessar
as sewer, water, community sanitation infrastructure, parks, major streets, fire department facilities, police 

department facilities,and the undergrounding of overhead utilities. The fees will provide a source of funding to the County for a library in the City that is necessary
as sewer, water, community sanitation infrastructure, parks, major streets, fire department facilities, police 

department facilities, and the undergrounding of overhead utilities. The fees will provide a source of funding to the County for a library in the City that is
necessary to serve new development. Approved. Next: Consider appeal of the Planning Commission’s denial of Variance Application No. 4074 proposing to 
allow the creation of two parcels (2.5-acre and 2.4-acre) having a lot width or frontage of 160 feet (165 feet required) and lot
depth to width ratio of 4.12:1 (4:1 maximum allowed) from an existing 4.9-acre parcel (gross) in the AE-20 (Exclusive Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District. 
The subject parcels are located on the south side of W. McKinley Avenue, approximately 420 feet east of
intersection with N. Garfield Avenue, and one-mile south of the nearest city limits of the City of Fresno (7605 W. McKinley Avenue, Fresno, CA) Magisg votes to to support Planning Commission denial 5-0.
Review submission of vacation of public road right-of-way of Dunlap Road for the benefit of PG&E Typically this vacation usually goes straight to consent calendar but controversy as Dunlap Community group’s land. They have resolved it now. Approved 5-0.
Consider and take action on appeal of the Planning Commission’s denial of Unclassified Conditional Use Permit (UCUP) Application No. 3629, proposing to allow a County of Fresno Regional Environmental Compliance Center (Regional ECC) for collection of household hazardous waste,
with sanitary facilities, warehouse, collection structure, and hazardous materials storage containers, as well as office and classroom, on 2.67 acres of County-owned property in the City of Fresno’s IL (Light Industrial) Zone District; The subject site (Site) is located on the
southwest corner of Dan Ronquillo Drive. and S. West Avenue, within the city limits of the City of Fresno (310 S. West Avenue, Fresno) Magisg says he had some against this project like Bruno Deal and Lee Champagne as well as Mayor of Fresno. Staff: concerns noted led Planning
to vote NO. Magisg: Mayor of Fresno is in support. City of Fresno had staff in support at Planning Commission. There is a school close by but didn’t have any lack of support to it. Contamination concerns with well near by. Staff: sealed containers that are taken away so probably
leakage concerns. One month storage allowed. Public: Bruno Deal not against project but not location. City of Fresno staff says they are in support. Pacheco says this is an industrial park. Where else could it be? Brandau says the less people have to drive the more likely they
will use this facility. Don’t want items such as Windex dumped into trash. Approved 5-0. In CLOSED SESSION
UMC Campus located at the northeast corner of South Cedar Avenue and East Kings Canyon Road, Fresno, CA; County Negotiator: Jean M. Rousseau, County Administrative officer
or designee. Negotiating Parties: CMG, Inc. Under negotiations: Instructions to County's negotiator may concern sale and lease terms and conditions including price. UPDATE: Negotiations on In Home Service Workers has been postponed as there is no new info to deal with. SEIU Mem-
-bers speaking on the need for more pay for the hard work they provide. They need compassion and love. We just need a living wage. This may be your loved ones too we take care of. Next: care giver brings her wheel chair bound 97 mother she takes care of for 6 years. The ones she
found to take care of her mother were so poorly paid that they themselves needed support. $15 minimum wage is necessary due to number of senior citizens in world. Next: homecare Worker has client who is paralyzed from neck down. My wish for Brandau is to look deep into his heart
and help the in home care workers. Next: please have a heart. Please forgive me Buddy for putting signs on his property that led her to getting arrested. Mendes: “I won’t hold it against you”. Next: I will be a thorn in your side until I get wage increase. I am working for no-
thing but stay for love of her client. He is not her family but love leads her to help but need to raise wages. Next: Thanks Pacheco for coming to Mendota to talk about schools. Rural areas are not getting the help they need or support. If Supervisors do their part the rest will
happen. Please come to the table amd make a good proposal. Just getting here is hard do to long hours taking care of clients. We haven’t got a contract so that shows me you don’t care. Close Public Comments. Going to Close Session. NEXT MEETINGS: 
November 5 and November 19
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