This morning we had a knock at the door. It's one of our neighbour's small children, she is knocking to tell us "he's stuck on your roof"
"Who?" I wonder aloud
Who do you effing think, I reply to myself, thankfully not aloud.

I'm back 20 minutes later. He's still in the exact same position. Clearly stuck. So, what to do?
Risky though. Roof is old and moss covered, slippery, probably why Pickle is stuck in the first place. It's also in need of replacement, so could it even hold me?
I can indeed see him. It's easy, seeing as he's looking up at me from the pissing garden
He was never stuck, he was just enjoying the view, apparently
So if any of my neighbours were wondering who's yelling such coarse things at this early hour, sorry. But I was provoked!
You guys like cats, huh?