The 11th stratagem is "Sacrifice a Plum Tree to Save a Peach Tree"
Alternatively "Give up a Pawn to Save a Chariot"
Accept a small loss in order to make a greater gain.
Allow hills to be taken. Let small towns fall. Focus your troops on the bigger fish. Fight hard for that which gains you most.
If they think they can win an easy battle then they will likely take this choice rather than an uncertain one.
Go back to the era of ballot boxes and booth capturing was there.
Did they need to capture every booth in a constituency to alter the votes in their favour? And did they need to do in every constituency and every election?
But it is on the belief that booth capturer's patience is so thin 😉
Better deterrence is possible now through live feeding & other means rather than EVM
We seen this in the case of Aadhaar, the blind faith in technology, is nothing but anti-science!
Willingness to admit ignorance has made modern science more dynamic, supple and inquisitive than any previous tradition of knowledge.
"WE DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING" helped science to grow!
If it was, physics would have freezed with Newton's classical equations and never leapfrog to quantum mechanics!
Science seek evidence and not cover up!
That is it.