It’s difficult to speak up when our beliefs and values are shaken and challenged. I’m glad you did. I’m glad you spoke publicly and I’m glad you are contrite. It’s perceived by me as genuine.
I’m just one progressive voice. I’m not anyone important.
Unfortunately, that does not describe the current slate of CPC.
Frighteningly dishonourable.
Centrists, moderate conservatives, liberals, socialists. We all need each other to defeat this ideology once again.
We need to put our differences aside and unite to defeat them.
We know we are going to have another election. Just not when. We know this group of people will rally stronger and try to divide us more before the next election & we know why.
Your voice is late. But not too late. For that I am thankful.
Thank you for using your platform to speak your truth and encourage others to speak theirs.
It’s our turn to ensure our children’s and grandchildren’s freedom is secured.
The only thing we require now is the willingness to put our differences aside & to unite and fight hatred and fear.
Wasn’t that the most important lesson our grandparent’s generation taught us?
I think so. But again, I’m only one person.