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May 15th 2023
#ChooseFrance : serait-il possible de savoir combien y a-t-il d'argent public (subventions, etc) derrière ces 13 Mds € d'investissements étrangers annoncés ?

Pour la seule usine de batteries #Prologium, 1 à 1,5 Md € d'argent public est évoqué sur les 5,2 Mds d'investissements Image
A écouter la communication de l'exécutif, il faudrait se féliciter des annonces (13 Mds € d'investissements 8000 emplois), sans qu'il ne précise combien d'aides publiques (Etat, collectivités, Europe) les subventionnent.

Pourquoi @Economie_Gouv @RolandLescure ?

L'initiative annuelle #ChooseFrance vise à montrer un effet cumulatif : il suffit de jeter un oeil aux cartes annuelles des sites concernés pour se rendre compre que certains d'entre eux reviennent visiblement chaque année (#Mars par ex).
Pourquoi @RolandLescure ?
#OpenData ImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
#Accenture just announced Results... Quick Points

Cuts top end of growth guidance from 11% to 10%
Earlier it was 8-11% YY cc revenue growth, now it is 8-10%.
Guidance for Q3 is $16.1-$16.7bn revenues, +3-7% y-y in cc.
Q2 revenues at $15.8bn. In cc terms it is 9% YY growth ( 6-10% in guidance) & in $ terms it is 5% y-y growth.
Ebit margin for Q2 was 12.3% down 140bps YY

Business optimisation cost of $244mn or around 150bps of revenues booked in Q2
=> Adjusted margin at 13.8% , up 10 bps y-y
Cuts margin guidance sharply from 15.3-15.5% for fy23 earlier to 14.1-14.3% now. * This includes $800mn business optimisation costs. Excluding this the band is unchanged at 15.3-15.5%.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑻 3 𝑺𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑺 𝑻𝑯𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫: How a Wealthy Billionaire is influencing local politics playing shell games in collaboration with elected officials in @austintexasgov
Now that we've established that @TidesCommunity & #sixteenthirtyfund bankrolls Soros's Network of nonprofits and left-wing organizations.

We must ask who is @mike_nellis?
Mike started his career as a Project Coordinator with @TidesCommunity, two years later he moved to Austin Texas & started working for "Greenlights for Nonprofits Success" now known as @Mission_Capital where @KirkPWatson sat on the board between 2003-2004.
Read 27 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
Ce 11 juillet, @EmmanuelMacron déroule le tapis rouge au Château de @Versailles aux PDG des
➡️pollueurs : #ArcelorMittal #BASF #CocaCola
➡️évadés fiscaux : #JPMorgan #MorganStanley
➡️profiteurs : #Accenture

Au nom de l'emploi et de l'attractivité du pays

A écouter l'exécutif, il faudrait sauter au plafond pour les 6,7 Mds € d'investissements et 4 000 emplois annoncés. Sauf que
➡️ plusieurs projets ont déjà été annoncés en janvier (Mars x3, Merck etc)
➡️ jamais n'est indiqué combien d'argent public a été donné

Sans doute faut-il aussi se souvenir que
- #Amadeus, qui annonce 800 emplois, en a supprimé 1800 en France en 2020
- #FedEx, qui annonce 1000 emplois à Roissy, a annoncé en supprimer entre 5 500 et 6 300 en Europe en janvier 2021

Un commentaire @CBeaune ? #ChooseFrance
Read 12 tweets
Mar 27th 2022
Encore un exemple de l'infiltration des cabinets de conseil avec la présence du patron de Boston Consulting Group aux "ptits dej'" de l'ihedn...⤵️ ( thread dessous pour vs expliquer ce que c'est...)
#McKinseyGate #accenture
#bcg #rolandberger... Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
Labos militaires bio-chimiques américains en Ukraine et ailleurs

Une stratégie militaire (<2005) digne des scénarios les plus apocalyptiques

Tout ceci est bien lié aux événements de Plandémie

L'OTAN, CIA et pairs sont les pires terroristes

Beware !
#Metabiota: Tentative de "Fact checking" timide

<Attention à ces affirmations sur des prétendus laboratoires ukrainiens financés par les Etats-Unis pour produire des "armes biologiques">

#NathanWolfe > Epstein/Maxwell

#DARPA > Skynet !
Read 30 tweets
Oct 2nd 2021
Learning thread.

"By 2030, our goal is to enable access to #digitalidentity for every person on the planet." — 2017 ID2020 Summit

2014: ID2020 public-private p'ship

2016: ID2020 Alliance: Accenture, #Microsoft, #Gavi, #Rockefeller, IDEO

2021: #ID2020 launches #GoodHealthPass Image
#ID2020 is very quiet having published a single video in 10 months - the #GoodHealthPass launch event (Feb 11 2021 w/ 2,452 views). Equally restrained is the Twitter account created Jan 2021, w/ a mere 384 followers - & 12 tweets. ID2020 Twitter is also on hiatus. #Strategy ImageImageImageImage
"Urgency - While standards-development processes typically move slowly, a cross-sector effort is urgently required to bring #goodhealthpass solutions to market in 2021 & to scale globally – with the same urgency applied to #vaccine development." Image
Read 32 tweets
Aug 19th 2021
𝗨𝗣𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘 @Accenture @Accentureitalia
7° giorno D. ADC
Se avete seguito la vicenda, conoscerete la storia dello scoop mondiale a firma @arturodicorinto per #ItalianTech (@GEDIspa)
Sintesi in due screenshot:
Negli ultimi 3 giorni ho chiesto, prima ad @arturodicorinto e successivamente a @RiccardoLuna di spiegare CHI e DOVE avrebbe pubblicato 63 TB di dati di #Accenture, perché la notizia non trova riscontro su nessun altro organo d'informazione del pianeta

Ieri, sia @RiccardoLuna (Direttore Responsabile di #ItalianTech) che @arturodicorinto (firmatario dello scoop mondiale) annunciavano "un comunicato da parte dell'Azienda" (devo presumere @Accenture).
Comunicato di cui non c'è traccia (saranno in ferie).
Read 11 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
There are 175 corps/institutions now overseeing your children's #education going forward. They will be shaping/molding your child's #ideologies &
#worldviews - all while harvesting their data.

Global Education Coalition Members (announced Mar 18 2020): Image
"Civil society & non-profit organizations" (those serving capital & elite institutions) include:

-Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
#ONE (Bono)
-Global Business Coalition for #Education
#Sesame Workshop

See image. #4IR Image
Read 14 tweets
Apr 1st 2021

And there it is. I will not expect children to go back to school. If they do, I will be surprised... Parents did this. Teachers enforced it. Unions demanded it. Shame on everyone that reinforced the fear narrative.

#4IR #GreatReset…
There are 139 corps/institutions now overseeing your children's #education going forward. They will be shaping/molding your child's #ideologies &
#worldviews - all while harvesting their data.

Global Education Coalition Members (announced Mar 18 2020):…
Global Business Coalition for #Education member companies include #Microsoft, #McKinsey, #Deloitte, #Accenture:…

Advisory board:
Read 6 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
Analysis: #NYSE $ACN

Case 327 #Accenture plc

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#ACN 1/4
Chart 1
Monthly Chart: The losses seen in the winter of 2020 found buyers resting on the 2016 #trendline, SMA 50 circa 150.01 and #Fib. 0.382 at 138.05. Since then a strong reaction took place, the losses have been absorbed and currently .....

ACN 2/4
..... targeting 225.44/54 - a close above the latter is required for the main objective 250.39 with the long term target being 293.63 - 294.42.

ACN 3/4
Read 4 tweets

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