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May 10th 2023
[Marriage Equality Petitions in #SupremeCourt- Day 9]

A constitution bench of #SupremeCourt will continue hearing the batch of petitions seeking legal recognition for queer marriage in India.

Follow this thread for live updates.

#LGTBQIA #SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage Image
ASG Bhati: Though the application is filed by NCPCR, a lot of reliance was also placed on ministries and CARA. So your lordships may see this as a comprehensive submission.

#LGTBQIA #SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage #MarriageEquality
ASG Bhati: First I've submitted that there is a basic structure of marriage and that is a union of man and woman. Second, gender fluidity is impermissible where cis gender is core.

#LGTBQIA #SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage #MarriageEquality
Read 185 tweets
May 9th 2023
[Marriage Equality Petitions in #SupremeCourt- Day 8]

A constitution bench of #SupremeCourt will continue hearing the batch of petitions seeking legal recognition for queer marriage in India.

Follow this thread for live updates.

#LGTBQIA #SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage Image
Sr Adv Rakesh Dwivedi: Just two cases I wanted your lordships to note. I have submitted a compilation. That is about how 'spouse' is understood in Section 5(1).

#SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage #LGBTQIA #MarriageEquality
Dwivedi: Now come to my written notes. There were three cases Mr Vishwanathan cited. These cases were on administrative orders, they have nothing to legislative matters of reading down etc.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage #LGBTQIA #MarriageEquality
Read 190 tweets
May 3rd 2023
[#MarriageEquality Petitions in the #SupremeCourt- Day 7]

A constitution bench of the #SupremeCourt will continue hearing the batch of petitions seeking legal recognition for queer marriage in India.

Follow this thread for live updates.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage Image
SG Mehta: Apropos last hearings conclusion, where the issue was human concerns and the discussion that something could be done administratively- I have taken instructions.

#SupremeCourt #MarriageEquality
SG Mehta: The government is positive. What we have decided is that this would need coordination between more than one ministry. So therefore a committee headed by no less than the cabinet secretary will be constituted.

#SupremeCourt #MarriageEquality
Read 111 tweets
Apr 27th 2023
[Marriage Equality Petitions in #SupremeCourt- Day 6]

A constitution bench of #SupremeCourt will continue hearing the batch of petitions seeking legal recognition for queer marriage in India.

Follow this thread for live updates.

#LGTBQIA #SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage Image
The bench greets Justice SK Kaul a good morning as he is sitting virtually for the constitution bench.

#MarriageEquality #SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage
Justice Kaul: Mr Solicitor, we had indicated the broad scope of what will be argued. That should restrict the arguments of everyone.

#MarriageEquality #SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage
Read 76 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
[Same Sex Marriage Recognition]

#SupremeCourtofIndia 's Constitution bench to continue hearing the pleas today.

#SupremeCourtofIndia Image
Justices Bhat and Kaul are hearing the case virtually on account of being unwell.

#Samesexmarriage #marriageequality #SupremeCourtofIndia
Justice Bhat: Who has included the whole judgment of #KesavanandaBharati in the submissions?

#Samesexmarriage #marriageequality #SupremeCourtofIndia
Read 76 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
[Same Sex Marriage Hearing] DAY 4

#SupremeCourtofIndia to resume hearing a batch of 20 petitions seeking to legalise same sex marriage

5-judge Constitution bench to begin hearing today post 10:45 am

Track this thread for live updates👇 #samesexmarriage #LGBTQI #gayrights Image
DAY 1: Notions of man, woman, genitals do not define gender in absolute sense, Supreme Court says

DAY 2: Argument that children of same-sex married couple will be impacted incorrect; gay, lesbian persons can already adopt individually: Supreme Court……
Hearing to resume now
3 judges to sit physically and hear the case
2 judges will sit from their respective residences by virtual mode
#samesexmarriage #LGBTQI #gayrights
Read 70 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
हरि काद्वार यानी मोक्षकाद्वार
यंहा केवल हरि के पास जाने का द्वार ही नही है यंहा भारतीय हिन्दुओ के हजारो हजार पीढ़ियों का बहीखाताभी सुरक्षितहै
कहे तो हिन्दुओ का नागरिकता रजिस्टर NRC है
इमरान प्रतापगढ़ी #जादूगर_जादूकर #MarriageEquality Rahul Gandhi सूरत कोर्ट #ModiSurname Image
#Heritage – Genealogical Records in #Haridwar
यहाँ जाते ही विशेष कर अस्थि विषर्जन के लिए, पण्डे आपके पास पहुँच कर आपसे सवाल करेंगे...
आप किस जगह से आये है
मूल निवास, जाति गौत्र आदि क्या है ...
और धीरे-धीरे पूछते-पूछते आपके दादा, परदादा ही नहीं बल्कि परदादा के परदादा से भी
2& Image
आगे की पीढ़ियों के नाम बताते चले जाएँगे, जिन्हें आपने कभी सुना भी नही होगा और ये सब उनकी सैंकड़ो सालों से चली आ रही बहियो में सुरक्षित है । ये अदभुत विज्ञान और कला का संगम है आप रोमांचित हो जाते है जब वो आपके पूर्वजों तक का बहीखाता सामने रख देते हैं आपके पूर्वज कभी वहाँ आए थे 3& Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
On #StPatricksDay2023 I want to shout out to my compatriots from #Ireland producing some of the most incisive, compelling, and agenda-setting scholarship in global constitutional law today. Read them, follow them, connect with them.

A loooong (but very incomplete) thread 🧵
A few quick starting notes for a global audience.
I often think constitutional law research by Irish scholars is so rich because of our unique context, in a constitutional system that has one foot in colonialism and conflict, and one (today) in the rich Global North.
#Ireland's war of independence, civil war, 1922 Constitution, partition, and 1937 Constitution (still in force) sets our experience apart from the gradualist constitutional development of e.g. #Canada, #Australia, #NewZealand, but has commonalities with other states (e.g. India).
Read 30 tweets
Mar 29th 2021
1: It's time to claim my space. I was one of just a few journos who held @AndrewLamingMP to account prior to 2021. I lived in Bowman from 2012-2017 and I reported on him via @margokingston1's @NoFibs. AN EVOLVING THREAD on #Laming #LGBTQ equality #Journalism #Books and more.
2: It began in 2013 when I submitted an article on #MarriageEquality to Margo's #CitizenJournalism news site @NoFibs. Up until then, the site had not really covered that issue, which mattered a lot to me. @MrKRudd had just announced his support for reform:…
3: The image above is of Senator Sue Boyce (@SenatorSue) former LNP Senator for Queensland, crossing the floor to become the first LNP politician in the country to vote for marriage equality. It was a short walk but it gave the #LGBTQ community hope.
Read 62 tweets
Oct 15th 2020
For those new to our work on how the original meaning of the Constitution (including its Amendments), as well as the proper reading of statutory text, lead to progressive results, a thread looking at briefs we @MyConstitution have filed in major #SCOTUS cases over the years...1/x
We have been a leading progressive legal voice across matters facing #SCOTUS since 2008, on issues including defense of #abortion rights, marriage equality, #ACA, affirmative action, right to vote, environmental protection, against #QualifiedImmunity, and more.

For example: 2/x
In defense of #abortion rights, read our brief in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt:… 3/x
Read 9 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
A friend from Indiana called me upset about the #SCOTUS appointment of #AmyConeyBarrett. My friend’s son attended Trinity School run by #peopleofpraise. Ms Barrett was Trustee until 2017.
Student/Parent handbooks contain anti-LGBTQ, anti-#MarriageEquality language.
Amy Coney Barrett signed letter entitled "Unacceptable," in 2012, attacking the ACA contraception mandate.
As my South Bend friend said, “It is hard to be part of such a small movement/cult and not agree with core positions.” #SCOTUSnominee
All three People of Praise Trinity Schools, including Greenlawn in South Bend, have a statement of values & behavioral guidance that directly undermines LGBTQ equality.
Marriage between 1 man/1 woman only
“As a former Trinity parent, reading it turned my stomach.”
Read 4 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
NEXT WEEK: Senate will vote on the nomination of anti-voting rights judge Andrew Brasher.
Brasher’s anti-voting rights, anti-reproductive rights, anti-worker record is disqualifying for the federal bench. To protect our rights, we must #StopBrasher.… Image
It’s 2020. We can’t afford to let this administration pack our courts with judges who will rubber-stamp their voter suppression efforts. We must #StopBrasher.
11th Circuit nominee Andrew Brasher is a crusading ideologue who has devoted much of his career to attempting to restrict voting rights, #LGBTQ equality, reproductive freedom, environmental protection, & other critical civil & human rights. Senate must #StopBrasher. #CourtsMatter
Read 6 tweets
Jan 15th 2020
Good evening, Twitterverse! We’re tuning into tonight’s #DemDebate. We don’t play favorites, but we need to know: Are these candidates ready to fight for full equality alongside us? Follow along!
Did You Know: In 2009, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled in our case that prohibiting marriage between same-sex couples was unconstitutional, making Iowa one of the first states to legalize #MarriageEquality. We ♥️ Iowa.

Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #DemDebate…
➡️ 12 candidates still seeking the Democratic presidential nomination
➡️ 6 of them participating in tonight’s debate
➡️ 7 questions that we need answered!
#DemDebate #LGBTQ…
Read 24 tweets
Dec 8th 2019
🚨 Breaking: #PeteButtigieg donated to an anti-LGBT marriage equality candidate per 2012 FEC filings.

Pete’s donation came at a crucial time in the fight for marriage equality.

🎥: #MayorPete-funded candidate Joe Donnelly reiterating his anti-equality position during a debate.
Per the FEC report, the “Donnelly for Indiana” campaign recorded a $409 donation on September 17, 2012 from #PeteButtigieg “Mayor” employed by the “City of South Bend.”

Joe Donnelly campaigned on anti-marriage equality even as the issue gained more support under President Obama.
#PeteButtigieg’s September 17, 2012 donation to an anti-marriage equality candidate needs to be seen in the context of the 2012 push for #MarriageEquality:

On May 9, 2012, Barack Obama told ABC News, “I think same sex couples should be able to get married.”
Read 17 tweets
Jun 1st 2019
I’ve observed Colorado @SenCoryGardner since his election. What I’ve seen has left me dismayed. Rather than building bipartisan bridges to get things done, Cory became a supine Trump yes-man. There are 1000s reasons he shouldn’t be re-elected. Here are 101: #VoteCoryOut #COsen
#1: Even though he was elected by the narrowest of margins in 2014 in a state that has since voted for Hillary in 2016 & a democratic state govt trifecta in 2018, Cory continues to act as if he has a mandate from the white nationalist alt-right. #VoteCoryOut #cosen
#2: Cory Gardner has consistently voted for the extreme Trump agenda. During the 2019-2020 Congress, he’s voted with Trump over 90% of the time. During Trump’s 1st two years, Cory’s voting record was over 95% in line with Trump. #VoteCoryOut #cosen
Read 109 tweets
Apr 11th 2019
💥 we're kicking off the #KooyongVotes candidates forum!


MC'd by #BarryJones

i'll be live-tweeting here… tune in below.

@LiteFootPrints #AusVotes19
the good people of @LiteFootPrints — the organisers — are live-streaming tonight's event on facebook live:…
questions will be taken using 'slido' — head over to and enter s916 to join in.

add a question, or up-vote others. (i've submitted 2 questions. hint hint!)
Read 51 tweets
Jun 22nd 2018
1/ THREAD: A brief #LGBTHistory for this #Pride. Really FEEL THIS. Prior to the 1970s, being LGBT was ILLEGAL & homosexuality was considered a mental illness. Police would conduct a raid, arrest you, cuff you, humiliate you, then publish your name, address & photo in the paper.
2/ After your name, address & mugshot appeared in your local paper, you’d then be fired from your job. There were no legal protections--which is still true in 28 of 50 states today, but back then it was a near certainty.
3/ And then at Compton’s, at Stonewall, our LGBT forebears fought back. They said “No more" to these police raids on their communities. Along with Vietnam objectors, civil rights activists and feminists, they protested. They were targets. It was dangerous.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 6th 2017
A new study had been released documenting the experiences of 9500 gay people and allies during the postal survey. It’s pretty much what you would expect: the survey was a disaster for gay people #auspol #marriageequality
To begin with, 90% of respondents believed the debate would have a negative impact on them. 80% LGBTQ+ people and 60% allies then found the debate ‘incredibly or extremely stressful’
This strain had real consequences: reports of LGBTQ+ people experiencing depression, anxiety and stress increased increased by more than 30% during the postal survey
Read 11 tweets

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