(A thread)
rukun iman: six pillars of faith
syahadat: profession of faith
salat: prayers
zakat: alms giving
puasa: fasting
haji: pilgrimage
qadha dan qadr: doom and divine decree
salat jamaah: congregational prayers
wudu: ablution
tayammum: dry ablution
mandi wajib: full ablution
niat: intention
ruku: bowing
sujud: prostrating
sajadah: prayer rug
azan: call to prayer
fikih: jurisprudence
tafsir: exegesis
doa: supplication/invocation
mazhab: school
syariah: Islamic law
syirik: idolatry
wahyu: revelation
ayat: verse
surah: chapter
hari kiamat: day of resurrection
mahar: bridal gift
salat jenazah: funeral prayer
sunat: circumcision
lailatul qadr: night of decree
sunah nabi: prophetic tradition
hadis: hadith
sahabat: companion
ijma: consensus
murtad: apostasy
ulama: Islamic scholar