Calling all filmmakers covering health to submit your best short film 📽️ to the first-ever #HealthforAll Film Festival.
We have 3 categories - find more information at
In May 2020, at #WHA73, WHO will host the first-ever #HealthForAll Film Festival in Geneva🇨🇭
Find out how you can participate
👉🏾 #FilmForHealth

If you’ve made a film 🎞️ about health we want to hear from you. Any kind of movie and any kind of subject - provided it focuses on health.

Films showing how a person/group of people navigates a local or global health challenge, championing solutions, or driving change.
Submit yours to WHO #HealthForAll Film Festival #Film4Health

Animations showing testimonials, challenges, solutions in achieving #HealthForAll, or that clearly explain a health issue.
Submit yours to WHO #HealthForAll Film Festival #Film4Health

Videos celebrating the work of nurses & midwives showing how they impact on people’s lives & the daily realities of their work. WHO has designated 2020 as the Year of the Nurse & Midwife!
Submit yours to WHO #HealthForAll Film Festival