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Dec 1st 2022
It’s #WorldAIDSDay

Here are 4 things you need to know about #HIV ⬇️
Have you ever taken a #HIV test?
If YES ➡️ Well done! Just remember to do it regularly!
If NO ➡️ What are you waiting for?

On #WorldAIDSDay & beyond, the best time to take a test is NOW Image
It’s #WorldAIDSDay

Inequalities still persist for the most basic services like testing and treatment.
We must ensure that everyone, everywhere has equal access to #HIV prevention, testing, treatment and care Image
Read 11 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"This week marks two years since the siege of Tigray began.
The Afar and Amhara regions are also affected by the conflict, but WHO and our partners have access to those regions and have been able to deliver humanitarian aid."-@DrTedros
"However, the humanitarian situation in Tigray remains catastrophic. As I have said before, the siege of 6 million people by Ethiopian & Eritrean forces is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world."-@DrTedros
Read 35 tweets
Dec 13th 2021
WHO & @StJudeResearch announce establishment of Global Platform for Access to Childhood Cancer Medicines which will provide an uninterrupted supply of quality-assured #ChildhoodCancer medicines to low- and middle-income countries
Each year, an estimated 400,000 children worldwide develop #cancer.
The majority live in low- & middle-income countries. Survival rates in these countries are less than 30% compared with 80% in high-income countries #ChildhoodCancer
The new platform aims to provide safe and effective #cancer medicines to approximately 120,000 children between 2022 and 2027, with the expectation to scale up in future years
Read 6 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
Today is #WorldAIDSDay!

You will NOT get #HIV from:
✅ standing by your friend
✅ drinking tea together
✅ hugging
✅ shaking hands
✅ showing that you care

This is how you can reduce your risk of getting it
Everyone 👨‍✈️👨🏼‍🏭👩🏾‍⚕️
Everyone 👴🏾👵🏼🧒🏿
Everyone 🧏‍♀️👩🏽‍🎓👰🏿
Everyone in the 🌎

No matter who they are or where they live, should have access to #HIV services.


👉 Image
🚨 All forms of stigma & discrimination have to stop 🚨

On #WorldAIDSDay & beyond, you can take part & stand up against #HIV related stigma & discrimination by:
✅Listening to people living with HIV
✅Educating yourself & others
✅Speaking out against stereotypes Image
Read 10 tweets
May 14th 2021
"Earlier this week, I was vaccinated against #COVID19.

It was a bittersweet moment"-@DrTedros #VaccinEquity

"On the one hand, vaccination is a triumph of science & 🌍 solidarity. Alongside public health measures, vaccination is key to controlling this pandemic & I'm very grateful to the #healthworkers at the @Hopitaux_unige for helping me play my part"-@DrTedros
Read 30 tweets
May 13th 2021
LIVE with @DrTedros at the #Film4Health awards ceremony…
🏆 The winner of the #Film4Health Student Film Prize is “Cefalea”:
🏆 The winner of the #Film4Health special prize for a health educational film for youth is “Efun”:
Read 10 tweets
Apr 6th 2021
"Tomorrow is #WorldHealthDay.
#COVID19 has exacerbated inequalities both between and within countries. While we have all been impacted by the pandemic, the poorest and most marginalized have been hit hardest - both in terms of lives and livelihoods lost"-@DrTedros #HealthEquity
"In the year ahead, the 🌍 needs to make 5⃣ vital changes:
1⃣ we need to invest in equitable production and access to #COVID19 rapid tests, oxygen, treatments and vaccines between and within countries"-@DrTedros

#ACTogether #HealthEquity
Read 25 tweets
Mar 22nd 2021
"This Wednesday is #WorldTBDay.

In the past year, the #COVID19 pandemic has caused severe disruption to services for many diseases, including tuberculosis"-@DrTedros #EndTB
"An estimated 1.4 million fewer people received care for #tuberculosis in 2020 compared with 2019, and we fear that more than half a million more people may have died"-@DrTedros #EndTB
Read 30 tweets
Jan 25th 2021
"A year ago today, fewer than 1500 cases of #COVID19 had been reported to WHO, including just 23 cases outside #China.

This week, we expect to reach 100 million reported cases"-@DrTedros
"Numbers can make us numb to what they represent: every death is someone’s parent, someone’s partner, someone’s child, someone’s friend"-@DrTedros #COVID19

Read 21 tweets
May 12th 2020
#HealthForAll Film Festival 2020: Awards Ceremony…
"WHO is a science-based organization. But sometimes stories and films have the power to inspire and to change things in a way that science and evidence don’t"-@DrTedros #HealthForAll #Film4Health
"To fulfil WHO’s mission, it’s clear to me that we need to use every tool at our disposal, including the arts. I’m delighted to be here today to announce the winners of WHO’s inaugural #HealthForAll Film Festival"-@DrTedros #Film4Festival
Read 16 tweets
May 12th 2020
WHO will announce the award winners of the first ever #HealthForAll Film Festival.

Watch this space: 17h30 CEST/15h30 GMT


WHO’s first-ever #HealthForAll Film Festival received nearly 1,300 submissions from more than 110 countries, on a wide range of health topics.

A shortlist of about 15 submissions per category has been selected 👉
Films shortlisted in the 'video reports' category of our #HealthForAll Film Festival cover topics such as mental health, noncommunicable diseases, reproductive health, air pollution and others.

Find out more 👉

Read 6 tweets
May 8th 2020
"Exactly 40 years ago today, on the 8th of May 1980, the World Health Assembly officially declared that “the world and all its peoples have won freedom from #smallpox”-@DrTedros

"#Smallpox is the first and, to date, the only human disease to be eradicated globally.

Until it was wiped out, smallpox had plagued humanity for at least 3000 years, killing 300 million people in the 20th century alone"-@DrTedros
Read 29 tweets
Mar 26th 2020
WHO’s inaugural #HealthForAll Film Festival received nearly 1300 submissions from more than 110 countries, on a wide range of health topics.
Check out our official selection to be considered by a distinguished jury 👉
Films shortlisted in the video reports category of our #HealthForAll Film Festival cover topics such as mental health, noncommunicable diseases, reproductive health, air pollution and others.
Find out more 👉
Animation can be a powerful means of helping us to understand health issues. Here is our shortlist of categories in this category ➡️
Read 6 tweets
Mar 25th 2020
"The #COVID19 pandemic continues to take a massive toll not just on health, but on so many parts of life.

Yesterday, the Government of 🇯🇵 & the Intl. @Olympics Committee took a difficult but wise decision to postpone @Tokyo2020 Games"-@DrTedros #coronavirus
"I thank PM @AbeShinzo & the members of the @Olympics for making this sacrifice to protect the health of athletes, spectators & officials. We look forward to next year's Olympics & Paralympics, which we hope will be a bigger & better celebration of our shared humanity"-@DrTedros
Read 28 tweets
Nov 7th 2019
We want YOU!
Calling all filmmakers covering health to submit your best short film 📽️ to the first-ever #HealthforAll Film Festival.
We have 3 categories - find more information at
Films 🎞️ are a great way to share experiences and knowledge and prompt action that can change and save lives.
In May 2020, at #WHA73, WHO will host the first-ever #HealthForAll Film Festival in Geneva🇨🇭
Find out how you can participate
👉🏾 #FilmForHealth
Tell your story!
If you’ve made a film 🎞️ about health we want to hear from you. Any kind of movie and any kind of subject - provided it focuses on health.
Read 6 tweets

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