Plaza Italia, Santiago.
(video by Lucas Becerra/CIMA)
Despite the ever present threat of Police Violence thousands of peaceful protesters again filled Plaza Italia yesterday evening - singing, dancing, and waving flags🇨🇱.
Carabineros fire shots and Tear Gas in #Santiago, on November 8.
People shine lasers at the hated Carabineros spying on them from above.
Carabineros advance into Plaza Italia, firing indiscriminately into the crowd.
Many people are injured.
#Santiago last night.
A 12 year old boy, Nicolas, was shot in the eye by Carabineros yesterday in Vicuña Mackena.

Large number of Carabineros raid the Gustavo Fricke hospital and start shooting indiscriminately.
Viña del Mar - Chile, yesterday.

#Santiago last night.
People are lying on the floor injured by Carabineros shooting them INSIDE Gustavo Fricke hospital in Viña del Mar.
Valparaiso Region, Chile.
Thousands upon thousands of people are protesting Pinera, his Neoliberal policies & Police Oppression

Plaza Italia, 5pm yesterday.
It doesn't work - thousands of people again turn up to protest
Chile's main media concentrates on showing isolated incidents of small fires & barricades while completely ignoring the peaceful nature of the vast majority of protesters