Cecil Rhodes, The Round Tables, and the Oligarchs Secret Plot To Start WW1 - by James Corbett
NOBODY fought for "Freedom & Democracy" in WW1.
They fought for the Oligarchs & Corporate Power.

WW1 was fought for Money & Power.
Same as every other War in History
Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War

Navies were converting to run on oil instead of coal.
Oil discovered near Mosul.
Germans building the Berlin-Baghdad Railway.

The War was being planned 15 years before Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo.


The Oligarchs and the Rich & Powerful will murder hundreds of millions more people if ordinary people don't stop them.



Cecil Rhodes, the Round Tables, and the Origins and Agenda of Globalism:-
What is Globalism?
Clue: Its NOT what the Corporate Establishment tells you it is


He was re-installed in 1916 to get the U.S. into WW1 to set up the conditions for WW2.

There is no better way of getting a gov to rack up massive debts than to get that gov into massive wars.

How Woodrow Wilson Ruined Everything.
America's Disastrous Entry Into WW1, Created The Conditions For WW2, by David Stockman

In 1915 they loaded the Lusitania up with Munitions & made sure the Germans knew about it, so the Germans would sink it.
Germany warned passengers in NY not to board

WW2 & the Cold War wouldn't have happened
Secret Histories by Prof. Antony Sutton

Versailles wouldn't have happened & Germany wouldn't have been made destitute with massive reparations & hyper inflation.


Allen Dulles later played a leading role in CIA's Murder & Cover Up of JFK.

Goering, Goebbels, Jingoism, War Propaganda & Lies.
The insane Neocon Nutjobs who control the UK are pushing hard for WW3 with Russia.
The Ruling Elites have always scammed ordinary people with fear mongering & brazen lies.

Must Watch Documentary On The Wars of the last 100 plus Years.
All Wars are Bankers Wars


Russiagate has nothing whatsoever to do with any Russia meddling in US or any other elections, or "subverting democracy".
Its about money & power - isn't it always?

We are now in exactly the SAME SITUATION that led to WW1.
Just swap Germany for Russia and China.
The Globalists are now pushing us into WW3.
Unlike WW1 - both sides are now NUCLEAR ARMED.