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@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn Can you count how many schools are going to be let down by Johnson's promises on education?
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn Who is telling the truth on education, the @NEUnion or Johnson?
Let's see what the Institute for Fiscil Studies and the UK Statistics Authority have to say.

Our strategy is to win the war on fake news with accuracy and transparency.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion Some context

Education spending as % GDP
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion Schools block funding gap
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion Change per pupil funding
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion The plight of FE won't be addressed, how is this properly equipping the next generation of workers for a said my changing labour market?
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion And where does what money we have go?

Not where it should

@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer But when these huge financial conflicts of interest are exposed, what do the Tories do?

@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer And what happens while 15k support staff jobs have been lost since 2012, 8.5% of teacher's leave the profession for reasons other than employment, roughly NQTs quit in 3 years and around a half in 5
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer Since 2010 it's been like working in the Wild West.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer Is this what the Tories meant when they were talking about learning from the private sector?
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer And what does seem a trend is how many of the people the Tories have decided to give control of state assets and children's futures to are connected to the Tories
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer And they are gaming the system just like the government is, removing students from education just to improve their league table rankings to try to justify their CEO salaries.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer And which children are most likely to be hit by off rolling.

As with funding it's the vulnerable and disadvantaged who are most likely to be hit by the Tories choice to create a system that puts league table data before student well being
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer The Tories have made such a mess of education by smashing up accountability and transparency to force their failed ideology of marketisation onto us.

@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer The @NEUnion has been asking questions and raising the issue of unregistered schools for some time

An article from yesterday!
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer I mean the Chief Ofsted inspector knows it's going on but where is the action from the Tories?
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer As I said, if you start searching up who is running many of these school chains with their CEOs and boards of directors(sometimes family or friends of the CEO) You'll find a lot of Tory donors and people who helped write the policies
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer Remember Bonfire of the Quangos? Well the Tories like to create their own groups like PTE to stick in front of the media to champion the marketisation of education.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer We also have the New Schools Network, once again how they think @toadmeister is suitable for shaping our education system is beyond me.
In the past few months there is a new trend one we predicted but it hasn't been picked up
So the NSN created by government now calls for profit
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister So those who lobbied for marketisation of education are those who took control of a wealth of state assets and budgets.

Now the NSN that was set up by Gov to represent free schools has written a report that they should be allowed to make money and have financial incentives.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister Notice that they said it was about giving power to parents and teachers, but wait wasn't that what academies and free schools were always about?
Well it didn't work out like that, and the gov have said their preference is large MATs
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister However this attempt at localism (Remember localism? Very Pickles circa 2010) gets smashed apart by their next statement that they want to be able to seize land against communities will.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister They also want those financial incentives to take control of orphaned schools.

But yeah it will save us money right? Oh it will be more expensive, oh but it's cheaper than building a new school, but surely you'd assume a take over would be cheaper than a new build
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister Then again the legal fees to lawyers for changing a state school into an academy have somehow cost the DfE around £750million.

Oh and an orphan school is a school without an academy sponsor
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister Because in an attempt to force their market ideology they banned Local Authorities from building schools, and in the early years altered funding measures to try and squeeze schools into becoming academies as heads tried to mitigate the bite of austerity.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister This means Local Authorities with a shortage of places must beg DfE and organisations like NSN to set up schools.
Yet the free school project is flawed and expensive,another example of this wild west marketisation ideology.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister Plenty money wasted, see @warwickmansell for a ridiculous list of wasted money be decisions mired in a lack of accountabiliy and transparency.

@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Remember we've been fighting fake news and this mad unfettered marketisation and deregulation longer than most of you.
Cummings was with Gove in DfE, remember the blob?Astroturfing orgs,lobbyist think tanks?Like we were test subjects for Leave campaign
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Back to orphan schools, sometimes the corporate MAT decides to pull out of a school (sometimes claiming a budget levy, transferring funds, or swapping staff first, can be a bit like asset stripping) but the Local Authority is banned from taking it back.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell And who is in charge of forcing schools into being taken over by MATs or stripping them of a MAT to leave them orphaned,RSC,the same RSC the NSN wants to be able to force land seizures for free schools.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell So RSC oversee MATs, they are a small group, with their decisions as opaque as many of the Tories favourite think tanks. And most GE public don't even know they exist.
Hey Brexiters I found unelected unaccountible bureaucrats, and look what they're doing

@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell And today!

It's almost like the Tories have turned education into the financial sector where the poachers and game keepers are interchangeable.

How's that worked out? Do we want it for education?
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Parent groups across the country have been fighting forced academisation for years.look through Twitter you'll find loads of parent groups against academisation.

It's a difficult fight they basically have no rights, have to rely on putting the sponsor off
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Afteral their aim is to 'free' all schools from the shackles of LA control so that they can 'unleash their full potential' via their neoliberal ideology of Darwinian free marketism.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Apparently what Education needs is more competition not competition.

I'm sure it's all evidenced based, it's not like they think "wealth creators" should be making money out of it.

Oh wait another call for profits
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Its not like there's anything that could be perceived as a conflict of interest.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Its not like they were also on the commons education select committee, and is now writing reports on private profit by the CPI, a 'think tank' of opaque funding that is one of the many heads of what I have nicknamed the #TuftonStreetHyrda (more on that at a later stage,maybe)
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Truely competitive, that's why they need to get all those schools out of LA control. Its just because they believe you need a truely free market
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Of course
"ordinary savers"

That's all I hear down the pub,

"Why don't you campaign so I can stick 50 quid a month in your school for a rainy day, good for the kids,but

I'm also gonna need automatic investment tax relief to do it"

That's just what the council estates need
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Can I just refer back to this,

make money for start up costs?

@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell But it will be more efficient cos they will have targets.

And it's not like it's possible to game the system, they wouldn't do that to children would they
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell The stats I showed on off rolling came from the NEU sponsored Education Policy Institute report.

The full report is here, once again with full data sets and method set out.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Notice the different approaches to stats and reports between the @NEUnion and the Tories.

The union aims for accuracy, they aren't perfect, but if they make a mistake they apologise and correct.

Transparent evidence based research vs #TuftonStreetHydra

Believe what you want
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Of course the DfE will claim they have evidence that the Gove reforms have been a success for standards, but they are still using statistics the UK Statistics Authority told them to stop using last year
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Are there more students in good or outstanding schools?

UK Statistics Authority says there's no way of knowing
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell The Tories changed the inspection rules early on so outstanding schools went to the back of the queue for inspections.

A school can change quite a lot in a decade
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Ofsted have been told to rectify this thanks to union pressure, but the inspectorate haven't escaped authority's axe either.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell I believe when a school is converted from Local Authority to Academy status or an academy switches MAT sponsor it becomes a new entity, this means the Ofsted rating of gets wiped clean which will reduce the official number of students who aren't in good or outstanding schools.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Then you have to wonder how accurate and effective Ofsted inspections are.

Is this a productive way to support improvements in education?
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell And if you disagree with an inspection result it doesn't look like the complaint system is working well, so the best picture you going to get is probably by speaking to lots of frontline workers.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Its not like they've lost complete control as a corporate mentality moves into the system
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Its not like you can just randomly pluck an endless list of conflicts of interest off the internet,
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell There definately some people laughing at us all the way to the bank at how the Gove reforms have benefited them
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell The National Audit Office raised concerns in 2016, as has the @NEUnion surely the government was equally appalled and quickly took action..
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell What has this efficient, deregulated free marketerring complete with exam forms done for the well being of pupils?
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell When politicians start writing policies based on how best to improve the imaginary stats they are planning on spinning to the public rather than focusing on real improvement then it has real consequences for those in the system.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell And in this high pressure atmosphere the drive for data to feed the league table beast often crushes the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in society.

We have a #SENDcrisis
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell I personally know many parents who've fought for year for their child's right to education against a state against a state that doesn't seem to care.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell The lack of adequate funding and appropriate provision puts additional strain on an other struggling services.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Another vital service CAMHS (childen adolescent mental health services) was vandalised by austerity, once again the most vulnerable and fragile can be left waiting for more than a year before they can get any support
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell The real stories of children neglected by a state that won't properly fund their support are many.
I had a parent telling me how they had to pay £80 per private session for a daughter who had been groomed online at primary school. No support they were forced to go private
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Services are so strained the sharpest elbowed and those who can afford to go private get support while others are forgotten.

It means an industry of private assessments is developing at high cost go parents
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Purely at chance today I stumbled on this service that seeks to get you to the front of the queue.

As I said it's the wild west, there are maverick gunslingers looking to make a dime around every corner
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell I'm not insinuating the above company I haven't researched them, but it does highlight the struggles parents have with getting support.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell So what happens to the students with additional needs, their support staff get cut

@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell 15k Support Staff jobs have gone since around 2012. One issue is that extra funding comes with an Educational Heathcare Plan, but you need a CAMHS or private assessment for one of them?

See the problem? The government doesn't seem to as the campaigns have gone on for years
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell Many support staff are low paid and on pro rata contracts, living costs for them are really starting to bite. Many are also getting stung with new contracts not just by MATs but also by councils.

See @TAs_Durham,an example of a long fight for fairness

@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham And as the teacher retention crisis continues, those support staff who have so far survived austerities axe are then asked to go beyond their expected responsibilities and often without being fairly remunerated or supported.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham Notice that article above was in 2015 saying the high staff turnover should be a warning,

Did the DfE listen?
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham In case you're wondering who runs the Harris MAT, it's Lord Harris, Tory peer, owner of Carpet Right.

I'm told the schools do have lovely carpets. I think staff might get a discount.

@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham Don't worry the DfE are on top of things, they appointed an Academy minister to help with efficiency savings.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham If you're wondering if Academy Minister Lord Agnew sounds familiar I mentioned him earlier
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham He must be good, just look at his track record in finance
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham So shall we see what he came up with?

This article alone sums up the state of education.

There's a lot in it, I'll pick out my choice selections
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham Apparently one teacher trippling up classes and teaching 60-90 in a hall is efficient.

Only if the same quality of education is maintained and the needs of all pupils are met. Will that happen?
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham The Tories promised a broad and balanced curriculum. Levelling up state schools to the level of private schools.

Do private schools tell their sixth formers 'sorry we can't afford geography any more?'
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham It's a good job we have these efficiency advisors, im sure they are a very efficient use of money.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham I saved this one for last because I think it angers me the most.

Let's exploit support staff workers even more

And after all that non sense about wanted to help free school meals kids, let's reduce food portions.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham You think these suggestions are bad?

They aren't even original, they are things other schools have already done to save costs.

I'm surprised they didn't suggest sending kids home early on Friday which is a trend in primary schools
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham Tories must know about these issues we are raising them directly all the time. They must have a plan.

They do, and they were leaked
Shall we take a look?
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham Most people who saw this focussed on this bit about reasonable force,
We have as much as we need, if a fight breaks out I split it up sensibly, getting more physical doesn't fix the consequences of conservative policy.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham But they thought of the consequences, more exclusions.

Remember that EPI report on off rolling? I know NEU and ATL had done earlier reports around impact on certain groups, I helped with the original motion at ATL years ago.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham You see they accept the facts here,
They also see the connection between exclusion and knife crime.
Remember when the police 'were crying wolf' well Gove named us the blob in a similar way Leave used 'metropolitan liberal elite' they label dismiss and move on
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham So will they listen to our evidence that they accept.

No, let's cut Teaching Assistants
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham More effective? Considering the genre drift I would assume this means take up a teaching job for less money or don't have a job.


Then they have the cheek to refer to frustrated parents fighting for their children's right to education as

The SEND lobby
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham SEND lobby, let that sink in..

SEND children,

denied their right to education because an underfunded system stuffed full of conflicts of interest and obsessed with grinding children into data for league table refuses to provide them adequate provision

Are a lobby?
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham Most these children weren't even born when the bankers crashed the global economy, but they are paying the price.

A lobby they will ignore.

It's the wrong sort of lobby group.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham The type of lobby group they like are the ones they set up, PTE or NSN, that speak up for those normal parents who all want the education market opened up even more.

I guess they are the same 'ordinary savers' that want to invest in free schools.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham They also like the lobby groups with a transatlantic outlook, the think tanks that get peddled out as independent 'experts' I know Gove warned about listening to experts like the unions and the 'SEND lobby
But the Tories love lobby groups with opaque funding.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham Next time a think tank or expert is on TV backing up Tory policy check the name of their organisation and Google them.

It could be a highly regarded researcher or it could be a sock puppet for big business, we don't know who funds some of them

@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham Now this is old news for transparency campaigners, but a lot of the most opaquely funded think tanks all call for 'deregulating and unleashing potential' 'free trade and marketisation'

Most of them are based in the same address

@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham I mean it doesn't look big enough to host so many experts. There must be more thinking going on in that building than anywhere else in the world.

If you really want to investigate them I recommend this link.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham These are the other voices you will hear calling for more free schools, and in the future profit margins.

This is the lobby that gets heard, that gets commissioned to write reports on the future of public services.

The 'SEND lobby' are a nuisance to mislead with spin
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham But they struggle to be heard, what do we hear instead, fake stats, fake experts, fake parent groups, all pushing for more marketisation.

Some of you are sick of this since 2016, we've been at it for nearly a decade.

Real families don't stand a chance.
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham The #TuftonStreetHydra is well connected, their reps appear on nearly every programme calling for unleashing the market in every aspect of our lives.

They drown out the voices of those who are really impacted while calling to turbocharge the ideology that got us into this mess
@CCHQPress @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @NEUnion @BBCiPlayer @toadmeister @warwickmansell @TAs_Durham Even now this team will be going out and rubbishing the figures approved by the UK Statistics Authority while still repeating those proven to be misleading,half the time they wont even get pulled up and the lie persists

What annoys me most is everyone should know what's going on
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