#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
Shameful that @DemocracyNow/@NermeenDN gave a very sympathetic platform to supposed"left-wing"opponent of the🇻🇪govt Edgardo Lander without disclosing that*he met with🇺🇸-appointed CoupLeaderGuaidó*
DN failed to disclose this crucial fact!
Here is a📷of the leaders of🇻🇪's tiny and irrelevant "leftist" opposition, including Edgardo Lander, having a friendly meeting w🇺🇸-appointed right-wing coup leader Guaidó.
@DemocracyNow gave a very sympathetic platform to Lander without disclosing this meeting.

@DemocracyNow/@NermeenDN echoed FalseOpposition TalkingPoints about🇻🇪's elected government.Amy & Nermeen never mentioned the crippling,illegal🇺🇸sanctions.& Nermeen even echoed Edgardo Lander's absurdly false claim that Guaidó is the"most popular leader."Insane!
The irony is "leftist"🇻🇪opposition leader (& Guaidó collaborator) Edgardo Lander even admitted his group is "small."
The "left opposition" in🇻🇪 is tiny and irrelevant. The only power they have is in gringo media like Democracy Now, Jacobin, & Socialist Worker

Here is another📷from🇺🇸-appointed coup leader Juan Guaidó's own Twitter account showing @DemocracyNow guest Edgardo Lander, and other leaders of Venezuela's tiny supposed "left opposition," collaborating with the right-wing Trump puppet.
🇻🇪independent media @OrinocoTribune reported in Feb. on the leaders of the tiny "Critical Chavismo" "left opposition"meeting w Guaidó, including Lander & a leader from the Trotskyite group Marea Socialista—which is popular in @JacobinMag
Watch Venezuelan soldiers respond to an order delivered by one of Juan Guaidó’s goons by setting it on fire 🔥🔥🔥 #CoupFail

Call the Secret Service in DC--Can food be sent to the people living in the Venezuelan Embassy? 202 406-8800 pscp.tv/w/b58gqjI3MDY5…
@SecPompeo channels Nixon '
‘Any US action in Venezuela would be lawful’: Pompeo drums up invasion option after failed coup'
rt.com/usa/458433-ven… … who remembers:
Nixon says, "...but when the President does it, that means it is not illegal..."
Condon said it seemed coup “staged more for US audience. The real coup took place in the media… consistently [in] all of mainstream media, there’s not a single voice you hear on the media against US intervention,' sputniknews.com/analysis/20190…
The smart guys @nytimes dmnd smarter coups
'NYT does not question the right of US to promote regime change. All it says is that a more intelligent approach is called for in regards to getting rid of Maduro.; greenleft.org.au/content/venezu…
#EXCLUSIVE: The US “should not be going to war” with Venezuela, says @JoeBiden , former Vice President and presidential candidate. He is aware of the situation at the Venezuelan Embassy in DC responds to @ArielElyseGold .
@guardian piece on failed Guaido coup quotes eva Gollinger that must have Chavez rolling in his grave 'they are undermining the efforts of the opposition To achieve their goals'
@AmbJohnBolton vs pentagons Paul selva. Once again it's the pentagon that has to reign in the civilians
The imperialist alliance trying to install right-wing puppet Juan Guaidó as 🇻🇪's unelected leader is fracturing, as the coup fails:
🇩🇪has refused to recognize Guaidó's envoy, at the request of🇪🇸which asked other countries to do the same
Pompeo is not a constitutional lawyer, and what he says about the President's powers to wage war is inaccurate. Regardless of domestic law, any US intervention in #Venezuela would contravene international law #HandsOffVenezuela
Useful guide about🇻🇪from @caitoz, including...
“Grassroots activists” = Let’s pretend the CIA’s not a thing.
“Freedom and democracy” = US control of Venezuela’s petroleum resources.
“Humanitarian aid” = Pretext for further escalations.
.@CNN nobody has ever voted for Guaidó in a presidential election.This is shameful:
"It comes as pressure is mounting on Maduro to step down,following elections in January in which voters chose opposition leader Guaido over him for president."
With Guaidó’s parallel government attempting to take power with the backing of the US, it is telling that the top political donors of those in the US most fervently pushing regime change in Venezuela have close ties to Monsanto and Bayer.
🇺🇸is clearly coveting the🇻🇪oil - John Bolton admitted
🇺🇸violated UN Charter by threatening🇻🇪with military strike & assassination of #Maduro
🇺🇸sanctions are not authorised by @UN, these are unilateral gangster tools of financial terrorism
Opposition supporter:"Can you read this letter it's from Guaido about you switching allegiances..could you please just take it"
🇻🇪solider "oh this is from Guaido the🇺🇸backed traitor.Yes we will take,it sure thing.."
🔥 😂😂
Tune in to listen to @anyaparampil talk about the under-siege Venezuelan Embassy Protection Collective she is embedded with
Wrote about the embassy situation on dailykos, article was trending before it got removed without explanation I get a 404 error when I try and access my account now, someone doesn't want the readers learning about what's going on
#MareaSocialista (Socialist Wave) are traitors to Trotskyism. Real Trots defend Worker's States even when we don't agree with them. These are "state department socialists". #handsoffvenezuelatrump #TrudeauHandsOffVenezuela
@realDonaldTrump and unreal @AmbJohnBolton dance of death
"@CNN took the concept of “fake news” to a whole new level w a recent report on 🇻🇪, in which it claimed that citizens “chose” coup leader Juan Guaido over current president Nicolás Maduro in January “elections.”
Venezuela Air Force General Killed In Ambush Amid Guaido's Hints At A US Military Intervention southfront.org/venezuela-air-…
The attacks on peaceful anti-war protesters at the Venezuelan embassy in DC by violent coup supporters are a microcosm of US empire: Endless wars are not only draining our economy, they’re trampling our democracy. worldbeyondwar.org/a-military-psy…
Do you want to know how a young Venezuelan politician, Juan Guaidó, unknown to 81% of his compatriots, "came to be Venezuela’s self-declared president"?🙄
Well, forget about @CNN. Follow @GrayzoneProject instead.
Secret Service Blocking Food From Reaching Activists Inside Venezuelan Embassy theantimedia.com/secret-service…
CNN Falsely Claims Venezuela’s Guaido Was Elected President in January theantimedia.com/cnn-claims-ven…
Venezuelan government prepared for repelling any potential US attack: FM ptv.io/2jKv

The self-proclaimed "interim president" of #Venezuela admitted to the Washington Post that he expected the President #Maduro to step down after he announced his coup via Twitter on April 30.
The🇷🇺Chancellor intends to create a countries coalition in the #UN to counteract a possible🇺🇸invasion of 🇻🇪. And that this group of countries has the support in @ONU_es because it is about defending the norms of international law.
Venezuelan opposition leader #JuanGuaido's attempt to oust Venezuela's President #NicolasMaduro was not the best decision, Brazil's Vice President Hamilton Mourao said.
Venezuelan Foreign Minister @jaarreaza denounced the criminal blockade that has been imposed by the #UnitedStates and its allies against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
The people of the world join their voices to support🇻🇪in the fight against the criminal blockade imposed by the🇺🇸Govt which has done so much damage to our people. Today the world clamors #TrumpUnblockVenezuela #TrumpUnblockVenezuela
#HandsOffVenezuela | #JuanGuaido is openly joining ranks with #war-criminals seeking a military option for #Venezuela.
Spain | A march was held in #Bilbao to oppose the #US backed coup attempt in #Venezuela
Fake news alert: CNN says Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido ‘won election in January’ dlvr.it/R4BhPB

#FromTheSouth News Bits | At the call of Venezuelan President @NicolasMaduro, citizens across #Venezuela are gathering to discuss changes improvements to the Bolivarian Revolution.
No one in #Venezuela supports 'reckless military resolution' – #Lavrov after #Pompeo talks
IN NUMBERS, like🇺🇸&🇪🇺steal💰from #Venezuela:
-Bank of England $ 1,359 million
-Citibank € 196 million
-Clearstream € 453 million
-North Capital € 238 million
-Novo Banco € 1,543 million
-Sumitomo € 415 million.
I interview Prof. Alfred de Zayas about the crisis in Venezuela and the Embassy Protection Collective:
Chalk up yet another day of miserable failure for the fake ambassador.
Guaido’s coup was an embarrassing flop and his racist, hate-filled hooligans are losing morale as the embassy protectors hold strong.
Carlito can’t get his way.
The official document published on April 24, 2019, issued by the State Department, comprises all the measures, both economic and diplomatic, taken by the U.S. in the last two years against Venezuela
The Grayzone's Anya Parampil destroys Trump's Venezuela coup on Fox News
#US may attempt to assassinate #Venezuela's #Maduro: ex-UN rapporteur aml.ink/B8QrY
U.S. Vice President #MikePence is set to offer new incentives to Venezuela’s military in an attempt to convince the them to turn against the legitimate President #NicolasMaduro.
US #sanctions against #Iran, Cuba, Venezuela breach #humanrights: UN expert

#Venezuela accuses #UK of denying Venezuelans food, healthcare by blocking #gold deposits

"Fake Questions" From "Fake News": Lavrov Slams CNN Provocation Over Venezuela southfront.org/fake-questions…
MISSING: #Guaido now in hiding ADMITS #Coup A FAILURE, blames military's loyalty to #Maduro is.gd/8dTEYQ #Abrams #Lopez #OrderToAppear #SEBIN #Venezuela

#Venezuela's NOT afraid: Promises to repel any U.S invasion as Guaidó begs for foreign intervention is.gd/NiLx1t #Guaido #US

White House divided on #Venezuela? Major crisis in #Trump administration is.gd/OART3d #Bolton #WhiteHouse

#Spain | Former Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero defended the option of "negotiation, dialogue, and agreement" regarding the situation in #Venezuela "because any other alternative will not prosper." #HandsOffVenezuela
On Twitter, many of Guaido's supporters slammed him for offering up the Venezuelan people as "cannon fodder."
Class character of the pro-GuaidoOpposition: this is Alejandro Perez Barrios, former employee of the WorldBank & currently a senior manager at IFC(a member of the WorldBankGroup).A direct contributor to neoliberalism+poverty in the 3rd world #handsoffvenezuela

so who are the Guaido groupies outside venezuela embassy in washington?
Needless to write in Spanish. You want to push your thugs,provoke the government of Pr.@NicolasMaduro & start a civil war,which means a real War. But you think that🇻🇪ppl are so stupid that they haven't already understood it. #VenezuelaCoup
Imperialism in the Raw: #Pence openly embraces disgraced Venezuelan #Coup organizer, former head of Intel, #Figuera is.gd/7pXMqP #Guaido #Lopez #Maduro #SEBIN #Venezuela

Ha! So US designate Swiss as their embassy protectors in Caracas . Given how US treated Venezuelan embassy property why should Venezuela not take over US embassy property ??
Here is @Twitter acting like an arm of the US state in closing account of Venezuela embassy in UK.
Another reason to despise senor #Guaido wants to restore ties to israel
With lies & manipulations,🇺🇸is trying to destabilize the region & turn it into a zone of conflict.Latin America & the Caribbean sovereignly declared itself a Zone of Peace. Let's preserve Peace & not allow aggression. #HandsOffVenezuela #SomosCuba #SomosContinuidad

#Venezuela | The seven opposition lawmakers are accused of illicit activity linked to treason, conspiracy, instigation for civil rebellion among other crimes.
“To cause economic hardship to the economy of sovereign States is contrary to international law, and inevitably undermines the human rights of their citizens,” the Special Rapporteur said.
"🇺🇸military spokesmen ignore,like TheirPoliticians,the NationalReality & SinkIntoArrogance,cynicism & two-faced attitude.I invite AdmiralCraigFaller to🇻🇪& from a BasicSchool,I will teach him the TrueScope of our MagnaCarta(Constitution)"
#Spain 's Foreign Minister Josep Borrell accused the #US of behaving like a "cowboy" in #Venezuela
after his meeting with UK FS @Jeremy_Hunt @SecPompeo told reporters Venezuelans had chosen Guaido to lead them.' rt.com/news/458754-po…
when did that happen? @realDonaldTrump should sack lying Pompeo
Just imagine UN experts & top economists were condemning '🇷🇺sanctions' on 🇻🇪. The outrage would be plastered across front pages of newspapers and bellowing endlessly from CNN, MSNBC & Fox. But it's🇺🇸sanctions killing people, so who cares? rt.com/op-ed/458804-m…
"This unlawful, despicable and intolerable action violates the norms and principles of international law that govern the relations between civilized nations. bit.ly/2HeH1gG
Wayne Madsen: "Trump’s Encircling of Venezuela: A Fool’s Errand" southfront.org/trumps-encircl…
doesnt this violate Vienna Convention? 'US authorities illegally cut off power at the Maduro gov’s diplomatic mission'
17 years ago, the same right wing as Leopoldo López was cutting electricity to the Cuban Embassy in VE, during other coup attempt against Chavez.
#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter