1. Imagine you live in a city and after seeing countless bums set up a shanty in front of your door step. Eventually you start to a few extra tax's to get them to shelters might be a good idea. Congrats you're becoming a lib.
Congrats you're on your way to being a lib
Everywhere you go bums drinking naughty dogs, scope, or hand sanitizer and peeing everywhere. Your also trying not to step on a needle with your flip-flops.
If only there was a place for them.
In the country it's common for ppl to own guns for target practice, the cops might be 10 miles away, critters trying to break into your chicken coop, or hunting. You think nothing of guns as they are common. Pick-up trucks on side of roads with ppl I'm camo. Cont
Going gansta and holding it sideways causes a few errant shots will trying to look cool.
Eventually a few shouts in your city nieghboorhood and your begging for gun control. You're on your way to being a lib.
Cities are expensive and you need govt services. There is no way your paying for all those services and rent on a 40hr a week flipping burgers at McDonald's. Take Boston, a tent sized apt will cost you north of 2000 a month. You're! Working 50rs a week at $10. Cont
Indivialism doesn't work when you're stuck on a tin can on tracks in rush hour. Most ppl are in the city bc they want some form of govt to supply stuff. Everything is close by ignoring the fact it takes hours on public transportation
You're in a city. Your survival requires govt services and support. You can't be self sufficient. You are always looking for more stuff. Free is better even if you know it's never happening. Your becoming a lib.
Your barely paying for rent and food. Your apt was built last century and needs a 100 yrs of upgrades. Your landlord must be rich after all you're paying 2000 for a paper thin walls heated by steam. Eventually you start to thing taxing this rich guy is a right