I assumed this was a trauma patient with an increased ICP, removing part of the skull to allow room for the brain to swell is common practice in our centre.
As I was leaving, the plasmapheresis nurse was getting ready to head in for his PLEX treatment.
"Don't worry, dad's going to be ok. He's going to be taking us to football & hockey before you know it"
Immediately my heart strings are pulsating. Shocking, I know.
On my next set back we meet with the family: wife, parents, sisters...
(I'm primarying now, sucked in again)
The pressure is on.
His family are present daily, willing him to get better.
In an attempt to praise, he calls me out & tells his residents to step up their game, that the nurse is showing them up.
I go to our hematologist & show the research. We meet with family and ask for another week.
They agree.
The numbers started improving. He started waking up. Obeying commands... On one side only. Damn. Defecits. Needs aggressive physio. He's young, this is recoverable, I think to myself. Probably said it out loud to family too...me & my mouth.
God bless us everyone.
And we all lived happil-
In the cafeteria I run into a gentleman in a wheelchair. When I turn to apologize I realize it's *TTP guy. Still in a wheelchair. Slow speech.
My heart sinks.
Sucker punch.
"Should we have just let him go when they wanted? What's the point of it all?"
He takes a moment before answering but then his words were full of wisdom and truth: