Climate Models all began with Newton, with other branches entering the fray as science emerged in succeeding 300 years (incomplete list)
1728 - Newton’s Principia published in English (discrete mechanics) 1/
1757 - Euler publishes partial differential equations that apply to fluids
1800 - Herschel discovers ‘radiant heat’ in spectrum
1827 - Fourier published paper proposing what we now call greenhouse effect 2/
1840 - Navier-Stokes equations publ’d (extending Euler), ubiquitous in fluid dynamics, utility beyond doubt and btw used in climate models
1850 - Alexander von Humboldt publishes ‘Views of Nature’ 3/
1861 - Tyndall publ'd work on heat trapping gases, showing CO2, CH4 etc. strong greenhouse gases, whereas N2 and O2 not.
1879 - Stefan’s Law pubs’d relevant to radiative behaviour of black bodies 4/
1896 - Arrhenius does first calcn of warming from doubling CO2
1900 - Planck publishes quantum theory of black body spectrum 5/
1920s - Quantum theory of atoms and molecules explains many aspects of response to different frequencies of light
1938 - Guy Callendar publ'd evidence of warming correlated with raised CO2 in atmosphere (as expected) 6/
1948 - Manchester Mk 1 earliest stored-program computers
1950 - Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar publishes definitive treatise on “Radiative Transfer” 7/
1954 William Thomson coins word “thermodynamics”
1954 - Cesare Emiliani publ'd 1stof series of papers based on Urey’s methods
1958 - Keeling start contiguous measurements of CO2 8/
1973 - “Given this new mathematical medium .. more complete physical theories may possibly be developed" David Potter, “Computational Physics”, Wiley, 1973
1983 - Hansen et al - 3D global climate model 9/
1990 - IPCC 1st assessment report says that 1C rise in GMST likely by 2025 (it came earlier than that) and 3C by 2100.
1999 - J.R. Petit et all recover 420,000 yr old ice cores from Vostock - showing role of CO2 over several ice ages 10/
2002 - GRACE Satelittes, using Newtonian gravitation/ mechanics measure ice loss from great ice sheets.
Climate science relies on fundamental science/ methods proven in their utility in many different fields and applications. Keep up people! END/