It was the first time all nations - both developed and developing economies - signed up to the same set of climate rules. But they weren't binding
No one ever predicted the solution to the world's biggest threat would be straightforward. But it needed actors to be bold
The point was to end yesterday with a draft text to serve as a starting point for negotiations at the @COP24 in December
- Finance
- Accountability
- Climate fund planning
Climate change is rapidly outstripping our efforts to contain it, but parties in many cases haven't even taken the Paris text out of its wrapping
I was told by several sources no one saw a member of the Russia delegation the entire week.
How can headway be made when the world's 3rd biggest oil producer isn't even in the same room?
No developed nation party to the Paris agreement mentions fossil fuels
No mention of fossil fuels. No mention of oil. No mention of coal.
They are trying to fight a war against an enemy they're too scared to even name
It's another phrase that never appears in the Paris agreement:
Conflict of interest
This was drawn up to include the big players in any solution - it makes sense to involve the accused in trial proceedings, after all
Under the current framework, companies such as Exxon, Chevron, Total, RioTinto, Glencore, BP, Repsol etc etc etc all have a seat at the table through their links to NGOs party to the UNFCCC
Isn't this crazy?

Most climate models agree that unless we do this, we're talking 4C rises by 2100 (you can see my thread on that scenario here: )
You can't even whisper the phrase without attracting looks of horror. They're ignoring the largest elephant in the room ever seen on Earth
But there are none
But unless issues such as conflict of interest are addressed, and unless big CO2 emitters are held accountable, it won't be worth the paper it's printed on