-8(D): 6-month rollover of the WTO e-commerce moratorium
-20: WTO 2020 budget
Full agenda here: bit.ly/2s4wPnb
The EU, China(!) and a group of like-minded nations are in talks to create a plurilateral dispute system to replicate the soon-to-be paralyzed appellate body.
Story here:
“This is not the best option” but “this is an interim solution that can help countries to deal with their disputes."
Under this approach, @WTODGAZEVEDO can select a panel of previously vetted former ABMs to apply the same procedures of the appellate body.
The US won't participate in this approach so it won't help solve any disputes that countries have w/ the US.
Later this week the European Commission will move toward strengthening its trade-policy arsenal by allowing for penalties against nations that undermine WTO rulings by appealing them into a legal void.
EU statement: bit.ly/2LHN9kH

In the words of WTO Spokesman Keith Rockwell: "The reports of our demise have been greatly exaggerated."
@WTODGAZEVEDO will hold a press conference shortly.
“The appellate body situation does not mean the end of rules-based dispute settlement at the WTO.”

Says he’s hoping for a deal on fisheries, progress on e-commerce talks, and progress towards a permanent solution to the appellate body crisis.
I’d post quotes but TBH it was a snoozer.