Reconsider the tone policing and respectability politics of #dyslexia #scienceofreading responses to Richard Allington's talk… @educationweek

He said “idiot”
Said if Gov had called he would have said veto, shoot who wrote it
Said “if you want to hit someone over the head” (idiomatic for badger or argue; not actual violence)
Q’d over-identifying students as dyslexic, Q’d if dyslexia real
Dismissive tone

He is exasperated, flippant, dismissive
He mentions his 50 years in the field. I am approaching 40 years in an overlapping field.
Education has a long history of itself being dismissed. Educators and edu scholars are ignored, trivialized, and unrecognized
Over the last 20 years I have been proven right (although I was dismissed, name called, attacked) about accountability, charter schools, VAM, etc.
Allington is aware that reading expertise is overshadowed by reading programs and legislation
The word "idiot" doesn't have to be voiced to be understood
To be direct myself, journalists who just discovered the field of reading are very condescending, ill informed
Again tone policing someone's word choice is often a distraction from having no credible response to the substance of the person being confronted.
Media coverage of #scienceofreading by @NPR @educationweek @PBS @nytimes etc. has all been offensive, dismissive of my field, expertise *even as the tone, language has been civil*
#Dyslexia #scienceofreading advocates have also been dismissive, condescending
But so far the media and #Dyslexia #scienceofreading advocates haven't been held accountable for their tone or their misrepresentations or their unscientific arguments to support "science"
In education "we told you so" is the most hollow thing we can do since the most vulnerable children in high-poverty states are being retained in 3rd grade, punished, to raise test scores
#scienceofreading is not a silver bullet because how students are taught reading is way down the list of edu problems
#Dyslexia policy MUST not be reading policy and we MUST not over-identify children as being dyslexic (see ADHD) +
The learning and teaching conditions of every child's formal schooling MUST be addressed
And balanced literacy is the guiding philosophy that will serve all students' needs. /fin