👨💻 Development stack does not matter in the sale of a product unless it isn't performing
3⃣ For my next product, my MVP should happen in 3 months or less
♥️ A healthy lifestyle should be the immediate focus before product development
🚫 Block of days for product development
🦥 Laziness might just be a lack of planning
💰 I will take more time making my pricing plan
🥶 Free trials extensions DO NOT increase conversion rate
🤖 I will automate a simple sales funnel as soon as possible
🤝 Focus on follow ups and warming leads more and less blasting 1000s of cold emails
✍️ Copywriters are worth their hourly rate
📧 Paying for cold emailing advice is worth it
Read the full discussion - indiehackers.com/post/70k-arr-2…