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Korang pernah tgk tak dystopian megacity dlm movie sci-fi. Alaa macam movie Blade Runner, bandar dia sangat padat &penuh dgn bangunan

Percaya tak, tak lama dulu bndar mcm ni mmg wujud?because this thing really mesmerised me
So I want to share you guys about KOWLOON WALLED CITY ImageImage
So nak cite bende best dulula.

Kowloon Walled City ni terletak di Hong Kong til 1993, famous dgn kepadatan penduduk bandarnya

Bayangkan 50 000 org tinggal dalam kwsn sebesar 4 padang skolah je. Nak detail lagi, imagine ada 10 org tinggal dlm satu unit flat. Mana tak serabut 😖 ImageImage
City ni entirely built by the residents itself.Kalau kau nak duduk situ, kau buat rumah sendiri. Takyah dpt permission, takyah beli tanah, takyah buat agreement ke whatever.

Because benda paling best kat sini absence of undang2!!!
Kau nak bunuh sesape bunuhla, tak kene tgkap pun Image
Why lawless? nnti aku cite

Bangunan kat situ mencecah 14 tingkat. Actually dorg boleh je buat tinggi lagi. But sbb kwsn tu dekat dgn airport. So building any higher will cause planes taking off and landing to collide

if takde airport kat situ. Mesti beratus ribu penduduk dah ImageImage
City ni jugak byk unlicensed doctor and dentist. Kalau korg nk go to clinic, odds are the doctor is just a random person who decided to be a doctor two hours ago.

Lorong between bangunan (alleyway) sentiasa gelap, air menitik dari mana tah and sampah jatuh dari langit. ImageImageImageImage
Paling amazing dkt bandar ni.

Air, electricity, sewage (loji) semua accesible kpd penduduk

Imagine kau ada rumah, pastu ada org lain nak buat rumah atas rumah kau. And 12 org lagi pun buat bende yang sama. Tak ke bahaya?

Kalau ada kebakaran sikit, satu bandar hangus weh. ImageImageImage
Okla mesti you all wonder kan
Why not build outside?

Firstly, korg kene tahu. City ni ialah enclave China di British Hong Kong (kwsan China yang dikelilingi British Hong Kong)

Dlm gmbar tu, refer kpd Chinese Town. Kat luar tu semua tanah British. But Chinese town tu China punya Image
So sejak tu, China tak agihkan apa2 pihak berkuasa utk ditugaskan ke bandar tu.

1. Sbb kos yg banyak
2. Tak worth bcs that area doesn’t have any significant economic activities
3. They just malas bcs at first tak ramai pun yang tinggal sana. (Around 700 in 1898)

But then makin ramai berhijrah ke Kowloon. Faktor utama seperti

- Low cost of living
- Obviously because there is no law. So gangster and drug addicts semua pergi sini for cheap drugs without masuk lokap.

Pelacur, judi, dadah, gangsterisme. Semua ada kat sini Image
Ada je sekolah kat sini.

But due to lack of space, satu sekolah tu boleh jadi

- tempat belajar pada waktu pagi

- kedai makan masa petang

- and rumah pelacur waktu malam

Kat Malaysia ni rumah setinggan pun dah sedih gila tgk. Macam mana lah kalau tgk bandar ni dpn2 ImageImage
In 1993 British and China setuju bahawa this thing is really messed up. So they robohkan the whole city.

If korang nak tau how does it feel to live there. Korang kene pergi Kawasaki Warehouse dkt Japan. Remake of the city

Tapi tula, baru je tutup 19 Nov lepas 😂😂😂 Image
Now it is a regular park and a must visit spot if korang ni history nerd. ImageImage
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