I'm excited to present it at SBC 2020!
In the spirit of @vgr:
1 like == 1 🥵🔥🌶 take about DeFi and security
Cross-Chain Swaps (cc @_prestwich) require collateral qties on both chain >= (1+ϵ) * min(colA, colB), where colX is collat. X's value in a numéraire to inherit security
CC Swaps can inherit δ * MEV if the collateral value >= (1+sqrt(δ) * min(expected block time)) * min(colA, colB)
Let 𝛾(duration) be the yield curve for an uncollat. algorithmic stablecoin (e.g. @basisprotocol, @CeloHQ w/o the crypto reserve).
Claim: With probability one, Var[𝛾(d)] = ∞
Futures == Oracle Leverage 🔮
Options == Unsecured Lending 🏦
a) E[δ^k] = ∞ for k > 1
b) E[𝛾^k] = Ω(1/k)
because of the gas price auction
∴ only exchanges that validate can ctsly rebalance staking assets
@buchmanster (and really, @ittaia + @LibraDev too, but I'll get y'all soon!)
a) facilitates coin voting bribery (e.g. coins are borrowed just for a vote)
b) prices it’s yield in terms of the cost of corruption / collusion (e.g. PNL sharing)
c) uses a convex bonding curve
In the limit of infinite size mempools and a gas price distribution with unbounded support, there exists a risk-neutral measure (with rate equal to inflation) for the gas price stochastic process