This essay—by leading experts who are former U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force JAGs—frames the questions that Congress and the public should be asking to determine whether #Soleimani strike was lawful.
Authors: Geoffrey Corn and @rachelv12…
Note to the wise: Super strong arguments that int'l law is also part of domestic legal test--whether under the 2002 AUMF or Article II Commander-in-Chief
Read this by Brian Finucane:…
Read @marty_lederman's analysis (written in 2017 in the context of the Syria strikes):…
Take for example the State Dept briefing that Soleimani was responsible for deaths of 608 Americans in Iraq.
There's a valid and completely invalid way to apply that info.

"Assertions by current (and former) US officials that Soleimani has the blood of hundreds of American troops on his hands may be understandable…but contributes to the perception that the attack was more about revenge than self-defense."
1. Reasonable assessment
2. Necessary (and proportional)
3. To Prevent
4. Imminent
5. Attack