1. Pregnancy requires monthly doctor's visits. More as time progresses.
2. Pregnancy requires a proper diet. Proper diet = more money.
3. Birthing a child takes $300k to $1mil...unless you're going to a public hospital 🙄
5. Prepare to buy a couple hundred baby wipes/month, for a couple years.
6. I hope breastfeeding is what y'all aim for with your kids, but prepare to still buy formula, up to 5 years
8. Prepare to spend about $70k/month on a nanny, unless you're planning to take them to day care.
9. Prepare to be buying new clothes, every couple months
11. If it's both parents together, prepare to have to get a second vehicle; or be willing to be doing drop offs of both the child and your partner.
12. Prepare to sleep less
14. Prepare to change your routine, COMPLETELY.
15. Prepare for BAWLING for what will seem to you to be no reason.
But if you've considered all this & still want to & can afford to proceed, then you got this.