Good news! #ISIS activity on @Twitter decreased again in June: 7 195 new 🎯That's 12% less compared to May.
Again, 88% of these accounts were hacked: old, inactive, weakly protected.
They could easily be frozen in bulk. 😐
Thanks everyone!

In average, we found 240 new #ISIS accounts per day in #June2019 (May: 263). Always the same guys, coming back again and again, spreading mostly the same propaganda month after month.
A bunch of losers...

Less good news now. With 6 903 suspensions for 7 195🎯, the outcome (96%) slightly dropped again, by 1%.
@TwitterSupport provided a lower service this month for #ISIS accounts removals, both in terms of quantity...

Lower service of @TwitterSupport in terms of speed too.
In June, #ISIS accounts stayed online 20% longer than in May. In average, we're again above 48h.
▶️ 2 days 5 hrs (That's +9 hours compared to May)
For real-time stats: 👉 @Ctrlsec9

Ofc, with less targets removed & slower suspensions, the performance index of @TwitterSupport isn't good in #June
905 pts (-20%)
After many months of improvement, the amber light is coming on again
Time for #Twitter to react before #ISIS pushes harder