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New year. New thread. New World.

The glow up factor is real. Usopp’s goatee is looking sexy. Heck, everyone is looking sexy so far. #OnePieceOfBacon
This is the last thing you see before you die. #OnePieceOfBacon
The plot of Metal Gear Solid is a lot more different than I remember. #OnePieceOfBacon
Only 366 chapters to go before I’m caught up. LET’S GOOO #OnePieceOfBacon
Manga may just be black and white, but Oda’s skill as an artist goes beyond color. This scene is simply breathtaking. #OnePieceOfBacon
Kuma is forever an OG. #OnePieceOfBacon
Wow, didn’t think they’d reveal the One Piece so early. #OnePieceOfBacon
What other comic shows the krAKEN PUNCHING SOMEONE #OnePieceOfBacon
Obligatory “this is a weekly comic” tweet. #OnePieceOfBacon
I found @PiratessUnluck’s spirit animal. #OnePieceOfBacon
Is it me or does Fishman Island exude serious JoJo vibes? #OnePieceOfBacon
Wow okay, Oda needs to collab with a brand one of these days. I’d cop this shirt. #OnePieceOfBacon
The Otohime and Tiger flashback was nice. I dug Otohime’s passion for her mission though it felt forced in some areas. I’m also relieved to find out why Arlong was set loose in the East Blue, but I would’ve liked to have seen some char development instead of the same ol’ prick.
I’m interested in learning how this happened. #OnePieceOfBacon
Shirahoshi is Very Good™️ #OnePieceOfBacon
Luffyoda: “My own counsel I will keep on who is to graduate.” #OnePieceOfBacon
Chopper... 😭 #OnePieceOfBacon
Everything about this panel is powerful. #OnePieceOfBacon
The “yelling your attack name before using it” trope is working against the user? Impressive. #OnePieceOfBacon
Hody didn’t strike me as a good villain; he was just an itch that was hard to scratch. Glad he got what was coming to him. #OnePieceOfBacon
This was quite beautiful to read. #OnePieceOfBacon
Robin, you’re so perfect even when revealing the identity of a weapon of mass destruction 🥰 #OnePieceOfBacon
Love how Luffy goes from “I love Big Mom” to “square up bitch” in a span of minutes. Also: a good smiling Zoro. #OnePieceOfBacon
Still can’t believe I made it this far. #OnePieceOfBacon
Onward (2020 Disney/Pixar) #OnePieceOfBacon
Ah yes, Oda teasing what would become the best One Piece movie. I think it warrants a rewatch soon. #OnePieceOfBacon
It’s hard to take seriously this dramatic shot of a samurai who vents his anguish of defeat when he’s just a head whose hair and chin have switched places. #OnePieceOfBacon
Smoker smokes even with a gas mask on?! What a badass. #OnePieceOfBacon
Robin’s imagination is weird, but who wouldn’t want to ferry her across a lake on their back? #OnePieceOfBacon
Well, I wasn’t expecting him to show up THIS abruptly. #OnePieceOfBacon
“Op” as in “overpowered”? Sounds about right. #OnePieceOfBacon
How exactly is a gas able to drink a liquid? #OnePieceOfBacon
Starting my day off right with some pure Luffy-Law interactions. #OnePieceOfBacon
It keeps getting better. 😭 #OnePieceOfBacon
OnePiece.txt (2) #OnePieceOfBacon
I can already see why y’all hate this guy. #OnePieceOfBacon
Biting chains to break them is totally normal. Yep. #OnePieceOfBacon
Things are about to get juicy. #OnePieceOfBacon
You’ll regret this, Law. #OnePieceOfBacon
Am I reading this correctly?? Has Viz actually matured from its kid-friendly style of writing?? It’s like I’m reading a totally different manga, and I love it. #OnePieceOfBacon
This guy with a patty sure is krabby. (I couldn’t resist) #OnePieceOfBacon
But...Sanji was literally the first person in the series to do that. #OnePieceOfBacon
Tanjiahdo Lofulamingo sama?? #OnePieceOfBacon
Who would’ve thought that Caesar is a gas user even with “GAS” imprinted on his coat twice in big letters? #OnePieceOfBacon
One Piece deaths aren’t crazy considering major characters have plot armor, but the way these G-5 soldiers went out had me shook. I had mixed views on them before but I find them way more interesting than the usual marine grunts. #OnePieceOfBacon
This is the greatest manspread in fiction, no contest. #OnePieceOfBacon
The foreshadowing is REAL. #OnePieceOfBacon
Images that precede and are during an unfortunate event #OnePieceOfBacon
Kin’emon said he hates dragons, so I’m anticipating his reaction when he sees his son like this. #OnePieceOfBacon
Godlike panel of Zoro winning with the mental game. Dude would be awesome in fighting games. #OnePieceOfBacon
Mocha sacrificing herself by eating poisonous candy to save her friends knowing full well what was going to happen...😦😨 #OnePieceOfBacon
I love Luffy as a protagonist. Caesar’s been spouting nonsense for three pages and Luffy refuses to waste time even listening. “Jaya moments” are always appreciated. #OnePieceOfBacon
Punk Hazard isn’t really doing it for me story-wise, but where else would you see a guy cut clean through a mountain? #OnePieceOfBacon
Law, you smart s.o.b. #OnePieceOfBacon
Oh Lawd he comin’ #OnePieceOfBacon
G-5’s temporary alliance with the SHs definitely gives me Metal Slug vibes. #OnePieceOfBacon
KUZAAAAAN #OnePieceOfBacon
Buggy deserves this clout. #OnePieceOfBacon
This is certainly going to get interesting. #OnePieceOfBacon
I’m about to start what apparently is the most infamous arc in the series. Here goes nothing. #OnePieceOfBacon
I want to see Boichi redraw this panel with his priceless face art. #OnePieceOfBacon
Interesting display of power by the anime geezer, but was it really necessary to go this far inside a tavern? #OnePieceOfBacon
Tournament arc. Yay 🙄 #OnePieceOfBacon
This is fine. #OnePieceOfBacon
Oda’s whipping out new characters like it’s the Succession War arc. #OnePieceOfBacon
I FELT felt this. #OnePieceOfBacon
This entire sequence??? Holy shit. #OnePieceOfBacon
Never thought I’d be on Bellamy’s side but here we are. #OnePieceOfBacon
Nice to see Oda is a fan of The Coneheads. #OnePieceOfBacon
He was ugly at first, but I like Bartolomeo now. #OnePieceOfBacon
Caribou literally said, “seize the means of production” #OnePieceOfBacon
Big Phantom Troupe energy. #OnePieceOfBacon
I love how Robin’s become more expressive after the timeskip. #OnePieceOfBacon
This was the first spoiler in the entire series for me. I would’ve loved to be more surprised, but it’s been shoved down my throat for years that I just learned to accept it. Still mad that I could’ve reached this moment way sooner, but alas, I made it anyway. #OnePieceOfBacon
One Piece getting real. 👀 #OnePieceOfBacon
Trebol has such a punchable face. #OnePieceOfBacon
This scene had the perfect mix of epic and hilarious. Usopp will forever be the GOAT. #OnePieceOfBacon
It’s nice to see an older Koala, but it’s even nicer how Oda pulled a Pell and brought back Sabo. I definitely need some explanations though. #OnePieceOfBacon
Also, this moment was pretty cute. #OnePieceOfBacon
Pica’s transformation made me feel like I was reading the climax of One Piece. This is absolutely insane. #OnePieceOfBacon
Ideo for KOFXV? #OnePieceOfBacon
Seriously, what is it with Señor Pink that gets everyone so hyped up? #OnePieceOfBacon
Bartolomeo is all of us. #OnePieceOfBacon
Usopp uses haki now! #OnePieceOfBacon
Simply incredible. 😭😭😭 #OnePieceOfBacon
Doflamingo and Law’s backstories are so tragic...but at least we get cannon babey. #OnePieceOfBacon
My soul has been crushed from reading Law and Rosinante’s past. 😭 #OnePieceOfBacon
Law says you have failed the vibe check. #OnePieceOfBacon
Oda does not need to go this far to make appealing characters, but he does it anyway. #OnePieceOfBacon
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004, Konami/Kojima Productions) #OnePieceOfBacon
Oda is literally calling me out at this point. #OnePieceOfBacon
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind (1995, Lucky Land Communications) #OnePieceOfBacon
Gladius mains Chipp. #OnePieceOfBacon
In a single chapter, Zoro kicked ass not once, not twice, but THRICE. Dressrosa is crazy??? #OnePieceOfBacon
It begins. #OnePieceOfBacon
YOOOO I MADE IT #OnePieceOfBacon
The ultimate combo of intimidating and silly. I love it. #OnePieceOfBacon
So satisfying. #OnePieceOfBacon
I think Fujitora miiiight be my new favorite admiral. #OnePieceOfBacon
Now THAT’S how you hype up a character reveal. #OnePieceOfBacon
Rebecca is a pretty stale character imo but this scene was nice. #OnePieceOfBacon
I love Issho now. 😭 #OnePieceOfBacon
And that’s Dressrosa! I enjoyed it much more than the previous two arcs. The coliseum scenes really hurt the pacing but I guess it was the only way to introduce so many great characters. Doffy and his crew have some of the best villain designs in the series imo. #OnePieceOfBacon
I guess it’s not normal to be this obsessed over someone... #OnePieceOfBacon
Oda stays winning with his unique locales. This is what keeps me coming back to One Piece. #OnePieceOfBacon
Franky’s shirt game is on point. #OnePieceOfBacon
Bad news. #OnePieceOfBacon
I’m not crying, you’re crying... #OnePieceOfBacon
Can we talk about how much Robin loved Ryunosuke?? #OnePieceOfBacon
Getting some big Skypiea vibes from the scenery. #OnePieceOfBacon
Furries? In my fishman/longarm/giant/dwarf/Zoan-inhabiting manga?? #OnePieceOfBacon
THERE HE IS #OnePieceOfBacon
This can be interpreted in many ways... #OnePieceOfBacon
There’s more stuff going on in this single panel than what other manga don’t do in a page. Even 800 chapters in, Oda hasn’t lost his creative momentum when drawing expressive panels. #OnePieceOfBacon
One billion...if there hasn’t been any notion that this series is going to get increasingly more mature, this is it. #OnePieceOfBacon
Just in time for International Women’s Day. #OnePieceOfBacon
Déjà vu. #OnePieceOfBacon
This panel certainly drops a lot of information, huh. #OnePieceOfBacon
Really cool of Oda to insert one of Cho’s songs this way. #OnePieceOfBacon
My son finally found love. I’m so proud of him. #OnePieceOfBacon
Hey look, it’s the funny Palpatine number. #OnePieceOfBacon
*Facepalm* #OnePieceOfBacon
The Mokomo Dukedom went thru hell just for the sake of one person.

Wow. I’m speechless. #OnePieceOfBacon
Everyone thought Raizo would be this cool looking guy, but after seeing Kin’emon and Kanjuro, I knew what to expect. I’m a fan. #OnePieceOfBacon
Robin: He-

My brain cells:
Operation F.T.E. resulted in failure. #OnePieceOfBacon
...Carrot? #OnePieceOfBacon
It took Luffy 800 chapters to pick up a newspaper... #OnePieceOfBacon
Poor Kid. He was getting so ready to take names, only for Apoo and Hawkins to abandon him for an emperor who arrived to their place by chance. #OnePieceOfBacon
Haven’t read Dr. Stone in a while. The Kingdom of Science has a name, and they’re dealing with pirates? #OnePieceOfBacon
I dig the contrast between Totto Land’s cutesy exterior and the Big Mom Pirates’ ruthlessness. Not sure if this arc will be as fun as it looks. #OnePieceOfBacon
Forgot to mention...what the heck is Lola(?) doing here?? #OnePieceOfBacon

I wish he’d deliver desserts to me. #OnePieceOfBacon
Luffy’s a natural born YouTuber. #OnePieceOfBacon
Nami’s mind has gone bank since she left Cocoyashi Village, apparently. #OnePieceOfBacon
Sanji’s dad is a dick. #OnePieceOfBacon
BEGE HAS A KID??? #OnePieceOfBacon
Really nice callback to Thriller Bark. This arc is looking very Thriller Bark-ish as well, and that’s good. #OnePieceOfBacon
Devil Fruits >>>>>>>>>>>>>> every other manga ability. #OnePieceOfBacon
Zoro, a person Sanji despises, still eats all of his food, even if he’s fed razor blades. The fact that we cannot say the same about Sanji’s own brother means that the Vinsmokes are truly scum of the earth. #OnePieceOfBacon
Meanwhile on Kamino... #OnePieceOfBacon
Come on Oda, why’d you have to give poor Sanji TWO tragic backstories? #OnePieceOfBacon
Gear 4 has different forms based on whether Luffy has a full stomach or not, which means food no longer just serves for gaining stamina! He really thought this through during the timeskip. #OnePieceOfBacon
I’m finally at chapter 843. This one came in my second issue of WSJ (One Piece was off the week before) that released four years ago. I can’t believe it... #OnePieceOfBacon
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 #OnePieceOfBacon
Sanji just went through a difficult moment. THIS IS NOT HELPINGGGG #OnePieceOfBacon
Tall women is my aesthetic. #OnePieceOfBacon
I thought Tamago looked very similar to Dr. Eggman, but it turns out he literally IS an egg-man. #OnePieceOfBacon
My God, the feels are insane. Best New World arc by far. #OnePieceOfBacon
??????!!!!!!!! #OnePieceOfBacon
Caesar is a gang-star! Except he gives drugs to kids. #OnePieceOfBacon
Big (News) Bird!! #OnePieceOfBacon
We stan 1 (one) fishman. #OnePieceOfBacon
Closest thing we’ll get to Stands in One Piece. #OnePieceOfBacon
Big Mom’s backstory is twisted af. #OnePieceOfBacon
And now tokusatsu. What DOESN’T One Piece have? #OnePieceOfBacon
Bege’s Moving Castle. #OnePieceOfBacon
Wait what #OnePieceOfBacon
Nothing to see here, just Goku having a Sunday joyride on the Flying Nimbus. #OnePieceOfBacon
I was growing fond of him too. The question is: will he survive? #OnePieceOfBacon
This certainly had folks hyped up from what I remember. #OnePieceOfBacon
Still cannot get over how good Katakuri’s design is. He’s truly The Perfect Man™️ #OnePieceOfBacon
Best shonen villain ever. #OnePieceOfBacon
I’m talking about Katakuri too much but it can’t be helped. Here he is, a person who supposedly never relaxes, eating donuts. Still perfect from my perspective. #OnePieceOfBacon
The two genders. #OnePieceOfBacon
Finally, female Sanji. #OnePieceOfBacon
Sulong Carrot. That’s the tweet. #OnePieceOfBacon
Ahhhh...I can finally see Snakeman. 😌 #OnePieceOfBacon
This fight is worthy of being one of the best in the series. It’s the first time since Amazon Lily where both Luffy and enemy have shown respect towards the other in some way. #OnePieceOfBacon
Sanji’s siblings helped him escape so I guess they’re not so bad anymore? But Judge’s persistent blabbing about Sanji being a failure sure gets on my nerves. #OnePieceOfBacon
I...don’t know where to start processing this. #OnePieceOfBacon
Not a furry but I’ll take Carrot headpats any time. #OnePieceOfBacon
*Married Life from Up plays* #OnePieceOfBacon
The pure interaction between Brulee and Katakuri...this chapter is close to making me cry. #OnePieceOfBacon
That’s Gary from the first Romance Dawn one-shot! #OnePieceOfBacon

HE MADE IT 😭😭😭😭 #OnePieceOfBacon
These new character designs are great, but Belo Betty stole the show. #OnePieceOfBacon
Doesn’t get more ‘Murican than this. #OnePieceOfBacon
Me when I get more than two likes on a tweet. #OnePieceOfBacon
So nice to see figures from other countries come together to gush over Luffy like K-pop stans. #OnePieceOfBacon
What the hell am I looking at. #OnePieceOfBacon
I have a feeling the Empty Throne rests on top of an important location or describes where to find such a place... #OnePieceOfBacon
AAAAAAAAAAA GIRAFFE BF!!!!!!!!!!! #OnePieceOfBacon
Is he referring to Bartolomeo? #OnePieceOfBacon
KUMA NOOOOOO (wait he was Jewelry Bonney’s husband???) #OnePieceOfBacon
Pineapple phoenix!!!#OnePieceOfBacon
I’m gonna actually cry. I made it. Oh my God. #OnePieceOfBacon
According to Viz, I’ve completed the New World arc. So I made a new thread here:
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