call placed 1/5/16
Domestic violence victim robbed at gun point (value>$10k) + extorted + murder attempt on family pet + assailants kidnapped victims children
Victim is too afraid to ever go back to Richland WA
... please contact me for further details if you're interested in helping as justice in this matter is way past due
1. Sam Horn
2. Ray Lozano
3. David Lozano
4. Elizabeth Asselin
All still continue to enjoy the fruits of their robbery and freedom..
... ask Tyler Morris/Jeff Finney about systemic Benton corruption…

Why would someone go to such drastic measures to protect themselves? What could the victim have possibly been experiencing/expecting to go to such drastic measures in advance?

(who ignored RCW 10.99.030)
abuser/perp proceeded to judicially ratify their criminal acts as directed
See dox & audio
Benton County Superior Court
Case No. 16-2-00028-8
Case No. 16-3-00037-2
Case No. 16-3-00962-1

See Benton Case No. 20-2-00103-03
Remain anonymous if you'd like or hop in the spot light & blow the lid off, but any/all information is helpful & appreciated!