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Apr 29th 2023
British Economic Downfall

The UK’s economy post-Brexit has been hit severely. The current consumer price inflation rate is at 10.1% with the bank rates heightened at 4.25%. Image
Purchasing power of the masses is declining due to rising #inflation thereby increasing #poverty and #inequality among the masses.
#Brexit has largely been accounted for with the economic burden of the #UK. The #British exports have suffered a brunt as they faced trade barriers affecting their competitiveness.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
“End the Siege”campaign in solidarity with #Syria to launch next Saturday
In solidarity with the #Syrian people, a campaign entitled “End the Siege” will be launched next Saturday, at the initiative of the Arab Forum in Amman, & in cooperation with a group of organizations & figures in the #Arab world, #Europe & #NorthAmerica. Image
The campaign comes in solidarity with the #Syrian people who are suffering from the unilateral measures imposed on their country by the #US & its #European allies, & aims to mobilize efforts to lift the Western blockade on Syria, especially after the recent earthquake. Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Mar. 1:
1/ ♦️Large #Earthquke #Activity #Predicted

#Dutch seismologist, #FrankHougerbits, who predicted the #Earthquake in #Turkey & #Syria,🔸#Warned of a large-scale #Earthquake that could occur in Mar. 2023.🔸..continued

#Earthquake #Quake #Seismic…
Mar. 1:
2/ ♦️Large #Earthquke #Activity #Predicted

A report released by the #SSGEOS (#SolarSystemGeometrySurvey) scientific institute, where #Hougerbits works, says the approach of the #Planets on Mar. 2 & 5 can..continued

#Earthquake #Quake #Seismic…
Mar. 1:
3/ ♦️Large #Earthquke #Activity #Predicted

..can lead to 🔸very large #Seismic #Activity in the period from Mar. 3 to 7.🔸

So, according to scientists, #Tremors are likely in 12 points of the #Planet ..continued

#Earthquake #Quake #Seismic…
Read 13 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
🪡 The massive data breach and cyberattack conducted against #Mexico's Defence Ministry and divulged yesterday again underscore how woefully inadequate the Mexican State's cybersecurity protocols and capabilities are. With the weaponisation of data and cyberhacks as salient ..1/3
..features of national and regional security in the international system of the 21st Century, #Mexico needs to up the ante in terms of how it defends itself from digital threats and cyberattacks, creating greater symmetry and convergence with its two North American partners.
#NorthAmerica's security and wellbeing as a whole are at stake.

And as a P.S., there's a hint of irony -poetic justice even- that after his preposterous defence of Julian Asssange, the Mexican president is served with a spoonful of his own medicine.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 30th 2022
How can @bcndp justify expanding Methane #naturalgas @BCNDPCaucus ?! HOW? 😔

We HAVE TO get off fossil fuels ASAP.. that's part of the emergency #lngcanada #bcndp #ndp #bcpoli #cdnpoli
Hey @Dave_Eby hope you will have the courage to step up here. The planet needs ppl/leaders who can step-up & lead in this crisis #ClimateCrisis
@BowinnMa @KellyRichmondBC
Read 4 tweets
Jun 26th 2022
Tracking #BA4* and #BA5* #Omicron #Sublineages over time

This tracker includes only sequences with signature mutations👇

Sequence count: 56,087
BA.4*: 17,971
BA.5*: 38,116

Updated 6/25/2022
Status of #BA4/#BA5 in #Europe - #15DayTrends

BA.5 is surging ahead...
Read 8 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
Tracking #BA4 and #BA5 #Omicron #Sublineages over time

This tracker includes only sequences with signature mutations👇

Sequence count: 13,079

Updated 6/07/2022
BA.4/5 is rapidly🔥 increasing in the #UnitedStates!

Top5 BA.4/5 hotspots: #SouthAfrica, #USA, #UnitedKingdom, #Portugal and #Germany
Read 9 tweets
Jun 6th 2022
Tracking #BA4 and #BA5 #Omicron #Sublineages over time

This tracker includes only sequences with signature mutations👇

Sequence count: 11,778


Updated 6/06/2022
BA.4/5 is quickly increasing in #UnitedStates!

Top5 BA.4/5 hotspots: #SouthAfrica, #USA, #UnitedKingdom, #Portugal and #Germany
Tracking #BA4/#BA5 in #Asia

BA.4 - #Israel, #Singapore, #Japan, #HongKong, #India
BA.5- #Israel, #Singapore, #India, #Japan,
Read 9 tweets
Jun 5th 2022
Tracking #BA4 and #BA5 #Omicron #Sublineages over time

This tracker includes only sequences with signature mutations👇

Sequence count: 10,779


Updated 6/05/2022
BA.4/5 is quickly increasing in #UnitedStates!

Top5 BA.4/5 hotspots: #SouthAfrica, #USA, #UnitedKingdom, #Germany and #Portugal
Tracking #BA4/#BA5 in #Asia

BA.4 - #Israel, #Singapore, #Japan, #HongKong, #India
BA.5- #Israel, #Singapore, #India, #Japan,
Read 9 tweets
Jun 4th 2022
Tracking #BA4 and #BA5 #Omicron #Sublineages over time

This tracker includes only sequences with signature mutations👇

Sequence count: 10,658

Updated 6/04/2022
BA.4/5 is quickly increasing in #UnitedStates!

Top5 BA.4/5 hotspots: #SouthAfrica, #USA, #UnitedKingdom, #Germany and #Portugal Image
Tracking #BA4/#BA5 in #Asia

BA.4 - #Israel, #Singapore, #Japan, #HongKong, #India
BA.5- #Israel, #Singapore, #Japan, #India Image
Read 9 tweets
May 1st 2022
Tracking #BA4 and #BA5 #Omicron #Sublineages over time

This tracker includes only sequences with signature mutations👇


Updated 5/01/2022
Tracking #BA4 and #BA5 in #NorthAmerica
This tracker doesn't include a suspected BA.4 sequence from #Maryland

Reason: #Amplicon #Dropout in the key region containing signature spike aa 452/486 which partly defines this lineage.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 26th 2022
New #PANGO designations - BA.2.*

BA.2.4Alias of B.1.1.529.2.4, #Singapore lineage

BA.2.5Alias of B.1.1.529.2.5, lineage in #Portugal and other countries

BA.2.6Alias of B.1.1.529.2.6, lineage in #France and other countries

BA.2.7Alias of B.1.1.529.2.7, #USA lineage ImageImage
These are new designations - branching from the BA.2 subvariant

more to follow ..... will update key mutational differences and transmission advantage (if any)
BA.2.4 (aka B.1.1.529.2.4) | prevalent in Singapore

Key mutation: ORF6:M58K

COV-spectrum predicts a growth advantage of 14% over BA.2 and 46% over BA.1.1 in #Singapore

BA.2 and BA.1.1 are currently the dominant lineages in circulation in Singapore Image
Read 29 tweets
Dec 20th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/20/2021…
Intranasal priming induces local lung-resident B cell populations that secrete protective mucosal antiviral IgA…

#ImmunoGlobulinA, #AntiviralImmunity, #RespiratorySystem, #VaccineEfficacy, #ResearchReport
Bizarre tail weaponry in a transitional ankylosaur from subantarctic Chile | Nature Portfolio Ecology & Evolution Community…

#paleontology, #ChileanPatagonia, #FossilDiscovery, #ankylosaur, #PublicationBackground
Read 20 tweets
Oct 24th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/24/2021…
As China Stops Exports of Phosphate, what will be the impact on 11-52 Prices and Availability?…

#phosphate #china #export #agriculture #price #availability #logistics #NorthAmerica
Read 8 tweets
Sep 5th 2021
A thread on #ClimateCrisis:
Melting Boundaries
Nature Knows No Nation and No Nation Knows Nature
In the global fora, the issue of #climate change has been a game of ‘passing the parcel’ where the parcel is global in all proportions – global threat, global impact, global mitigation.
#Climate is the varying weather conditions experienced annually aggregated over a long period of time. Unfortunately, politically, climate change has had much less traction than the climate itself in the last 30 years. Efforts have been debated, litigated and even acted upon.
Read 35 tweets
Aug 23rd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/23/2021…
Why not working first thing on Monday can supercharge your productivity…

#work #time #productivity
So-called 'junk' DNA plays a key role in speciation…

#SatelliteDNA #role #speciation
Read 8 tweets
Apr 29th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/29/2021…
What life conditions drove you to work for societal and cultural transformation?…

#transformation #society #culture #biography #LifeConditions
Large-scale origami locks into place under pressure…

#LargeScale #OrigamiDesign #FacilityStructures
Read 10 tweets
Feb 7th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/07/2021…
The Next Normal: How companies and leaders can reset for growth beyond coronavirus…

#COVID19 #PostPandemic #EconomicGrowth #NextNormal
Wuhan residents remember coronavirus 'whistleblower' doctor a year after his death…

#wuhan #whistleblower #COVID19 #transparency
Read 8 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
The S&P Global Ratings' 'Global #Banks outlook midyear 2020 review holds some interesting insights:… #GlobalTrends #Macro #Risks...Some takeaways...(1/5) Overview, BICRA scores & risk trends, rating bias turns sharply negative... ImageImageImage
2/5 #NorthAmerica banking sector overview...#Credit conditions, Fragile uneven sector recovery, #US bank earnings fall on provisions...#Macro #Risks ImageImageImageImage
3/5 #EMEA overview...Hardest hit sectors will have spill-over effects on banking sector, EMEA #Banks key expectations, #Covid19 will hit profitability in 2020...#EU #UK #Macro #Risks ImageImageImageImage
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Jul 1st 2020
The S&P June '#Credit Conditions #NorthAmerica' report is an interesting exploration of current economic and financing trends:… #GlobalTrends #Macro #US #Canada...Some takeaways...(1/3) ImageImage
2/3 Shape of #Recovery by sector, Corporate earning vs GDP forecast & Fed driven financing conditions leads to surge in corporate bond issuance...#Macro #US #Risks #CorpCredit ImageImageImage
3/3 Overview of corporate downgrade trends by sector & overview of structured finance trends in #NorthAmerica...#GlobalTrends #Macro #CorpCredit #CLOs #Risks ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
Some takeaways on the global economy, regional & national economies and commodities from the @IMFNews World Economic Outlook: April 2020:… #GlobalTrends #Macro (1/5) ImageImageImage
2/5 Overview of key economic factors in alternative scenarios in lieu of the #COVID19 crisis...#GlobalTrends #Macro Image
3/5 A look at #Commodity prices in lieu of the #COVID19 crisis...seems we still want good #coffee and #China has been loading up on cheap #oil.. Image
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Mar 14th 2020
@BainInsights' 'Global #Healthcare PE & Corporate M&A report 2020' provides some good #insights in2 a key sector with attractive short- & long-term dynamics:… #PE #Investing Some takeaways...(1/5) General overview..PE Healthcare segment outperforming.. ImageImageImage
2/5 #Healthcare #PE 2020 overview of developments and trends in #NorthAmerica, #Europe & #AsiaPacific...North America leads the way with most deals & highest values #Investing #GlobalTrends #Innovation ImageImageImage
3/5 Overview Global #PE #Healthcare deal value reaching record highs in 2019 with #BioPharma as the key driver...#GlobalTrends #Investing Image
Read 5 tweets
Feb 25th 2020
The @UBS 'Global #FamilyOffice Report 2019' holds some interesting #Insights...Some takeaways (1/10)… #GlobalTrends #Investing Image
2/10 #FamilyOffice #trends: General overview...Recession fears rising, returns fade, #PE best performer, #RE gaining traction, #ESG & #Tech is best longterm plays, #Geopolitics risks rising & #CyberSec is key concern... ImageImage
3/10 #FamilyOffice #trends: The family office trend really got on it's way since 2000 with the GFC acting as further catalyst as wealthy families got tired of what the major Wall Street players served up & decided to take control and bring key functions in-house...#Wealth Image
Read 10 tweets

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