Before you comment, I want to say a word about
💠cynicism and
💠unrealistic expectations.
Both are dangerous.
Cynicism is a feature of MAGA thinking, and Putin politics and policies. Cynicism leads to political nihilism.
Most of the cynicism I see on the left right now comes from unrealistic expectations.
Rule of Law doesn't mean that all lawbreakers end up in jail.
Trials don't always go the way they should go. Not all liars are "punished."
This is a long game.
We have a situation in the United States in which a minority of the population has the majority of power.
Minority rule isn't new in the US. (Slavery, Jim Crow, women as chattel)
The antidote to unrealistic expectations is to stay grounded in reality.
(I deleted a tweet because I was hit by a wave of cynical comments.)
Twitter Mom says stop.
So you are all Twitter siblings, and I expect you to get along.
McConnell now wants to persuade Americans not to follow the trial.
He wants you to think it will be dull and meaningless.
Let's not help him. Americans need to watch it all, even the lying.
I've often equated cynicism with entitlement.
I've said: If you find yourself paralyzed by shock and outrage, it may be because you bought into a myth that goes like this: history is a river and you don’t have to paddle. . .
People who inherit something often think they are entitled to it.
If someone tries to take it away all we can do is moan. . .
We push forward, and they push back.
(I'm quoting from my Susan. B. Anthony thread)
Okay, now I'll get back to the Parnas documents.