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Apr 5th 2023
El #Tercio "Duque de Alba' II de La Legión de #Ceuta ha partido la tarde de este #Miércoles para acompañar este #JuevesSanto a la cofradía de #Mena de #Málaga. Y lo ha hecho de una forma pública como nunca antes se había llevado a cabo.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
#Raisina2023 | A Region of Opportunities: From the #Mediterranean to the #ArabianSea

We are live tweeting the session with @drausaf, @AlOraibi, Sameh Hassan Shoukry Selim, Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamood Albusaidi and Reem Ebrahim Al Hashimy

Stay tuned for updates!
Sameh Hassan Shoukry Selim: A young population is the greatest potential of this region. #Egypt plays a fundamental role due to its strategic position with the #SuezCanal.

#Raisina2023 #RaisinaDialogue2023
Read 12 tweets
Feb 25th 2023

EVOLUTION OF DIPLOMACY. "Nothing about 🇺🇦without 🇺🇦" is extremely important for the Ukrainian nation. But it also serves the interests of other nations because it doesn't allow 🇷🇺to turn its aggression against Ukraine into a broader confrontation with 🇺🇸.
It's a failed attempt of #Moscow to impose the great power competition scheme and trade its "cooperation" on global issues for allowing it to re-establish spheres of influence in Europe that justified the "suspension" of their participation in the new #START Treaty.
There are no immediate negative consequences of such a decision, and, highly likely, there won't be any in the future, for a new nuclear arms race for Moscow would mean old results – a state collapse.
Read 24 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
Last yr #UkraineWar became the organizing principle of Russian foreign policy

➡️7 trends
1 Full turn to non-West
2 China’s junior partner
3 Less leverage vis middle powers
4 Struggle in the neighbourhood
5 Russia MFA sidelined
6 Wagner normalized
7 End of compartmentalization
1. Full turn to the non-West:
Judging its break with the West to be total & irreversible, Russia's leadership has intensified its (pre-existing) turn to #MENA, #Africa, #LATAM, #Asia-Pacific.

Shunned & sanctioned, Russia needs to make up for losses wherever it can... (2/22)
This year, Lavrov already visited 8 African states, Iraq, & hosted Pakistani & Egyptian FMs.

Russia's push to expand engagement does resonate.
Last spring, #MENA states for instance refused to take the West’s side vs Russia - for complex reasons:… (3/22)
Read 23 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
Hey Everyone!! 👋

Check out updates from week 49 within the GHC universe. Our portfolio companies are ending the year with a lot of wins.
#portfolioupdates #GHC #funding #venturecapital #founder #Africa #MENA Image
📌 @CredPal
🤝 launches #flynowpaylater for December vacation trips. Whether travelling alone or with family and friends, you can now and pay later. Visit the Credpal Website to learn more.

2/10 Image
📌 @EncorePay
🎤 CEO of Dubai-based startup Imran Saeed participated in the Fintech Entrepreneurs meetup at the National Incubation Center Karachi (NICK), where he could share his experiences in the Fintech space.

3/10 Image
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Dec 11th 2022
🧵1) Rinnovo la mia piena solidarietà alla competente collega @transit_star per la gogna social ricevuta ieri per un suo articolo sugli effetti del #neoliberismo in #Iran.
Mi permetto di dire due cose in merito al tema, perché mai come oggi è centrale per comprendere >>>
2) i meccanismi sociali all'interno dei paesi periferici, in particolare nei arabi o a maggioranza musulmana.
Ma prima alcune cose preliminari di approccio secondo me doverose.
A partire dal 2001, dopo gli attentati alle Torri Gemelle, è tornato all'interno del dibattito>>>
3) il cd neo-orientalismo che tende a dividere tra civiltà (noi) e inciviltà (loro). Al di là dei luoghi comuni questo ha avuto due effetti: uno all'interno dei paesi dell'area e l'altro nella politica estera dei paesi occidentali.…
Read 21 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
So where do I start, I guess by saying everything I thought would happen for #VLRM and where the sp would be has been delayed by basically a year, with the GFSC approval taking longer than anticipated. So what does that mean now?!
Well for starters it has been de-risked with Valereum Approved to Acquire Gibraltar Stock Exchange expected to be completed 1st quarter of 2023 just for starters!!
In addition @Valereum will be launching its NFT strategy in the 1st quarter of next year linking real world assets via NFT ownership.
I'm expecting at least some news on NFTs partners / tech/ launch strategy this year in 2022!
Read 18 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
Just finished giving remarks at @IISS_org Manama dialogue on the imperative of partnership in the new Middle East #IISSMD22
I discussed what the Nat'l Defense Strategy concept of integrated deterrence means f/ the Middle East. @DeptofDefense working w/partners to enhance interoperability, synch investments in cutting edge capabilities, & keep training and exercising together. #IISSMD22
In the #MENA region, the US is working on this every day with partners— D-ISIS coalition, Negev Forum, US-GCC defense working groups, and US-GCC+3 summit in Jeddah are all examples. #IISSMD22
Read 21 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
#Fútbol10 ⚽️ | @BocaJrsOficial - @RacingClub

⏱️ ¡Comenzó el encuentro!
#Boca 0⃣ - 0⃣ #Racing

🎙 Relata: @FrancoRabaglio - Comenta: @dtrillini y @OscarMartinezOK

📲 Descárgate nuestra app para iOS y Android y escúchanos en vivo! Image
#Fútbol10 ⚽️ | @BocaJrsOficial - @RacingClub

#Boca 0⃣ - 0⃣ #Racing
5' PT

#Racing tiene la iniciativa en los primeros minutos del encuentro, #Boca todavía a la espera

📲 Descárgate nuestra app para iOS y Android y escúchanos en vivo! Image
#Fútbol10 ⚽️ | @BocaJrsOficial - @RacingClub

#Boca 0⃣ - 0⃣ #Racing
10' PT

El equipo de #Ibarra no encuentra controlar la pelota, los de #Gago manejan los hilos del juego

📲 Descárgate nuestra app para iOS y Android y escúchanos en vivo! Image
Read 15 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
For the first time in its history, the @IEA sees #fossilfuel demand peaking across all of its projections including the “business as usual” (STEPS) scenario. What does it mean for geoeconomics & geopolitics of the global #energytransition? A🧵1/13…
The dependency on #fossilfules is a risk to economic resilience & energy security inherent to the currently dominant economic models. High #coal, #oil and #gas prices have knock-on effects beyond energy systems reliability & fuel the global #polycrisis. 2/13
#EU, #UK, #Japan and others embedded a fatal vulnerability into their growth models as they bet on boosting #gas intensity of their economies post Global #Oilcrisis in the 1970s. Now they are forced to pay a high price for this oversight. 3/13
Read 14 tweets
Aug 30th 2022

"We should be harvesting fruits right now, but it's all gone, dead from the scorching sun."

"It's impossible to work out in the orchard, because the ground temperature is around 60° celsius" [140°F]

"It's too miserable to bear witness to."

'China is facing severe shortfalls in the autumn harvest of rice & wheat in the Yangtze basin...

In Sichuan province alone, 47,000 hectares have reportedly been lost, and another 433,000 hectares seared.

The problem, however, extends far beyond Sichuan'…
'Parts of the European Union could face 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 of warmer and drier conditions as Europe weathers a major drought that has fueled forest fires, dried up rivers and devastated crops'

#ClimateCrisis #food #farming #health #nutrition…
Read 53 tweets
May 29th 2022
The imperative that we must not waver in supporting #Ukraine is reinforced by a factor we often overlook in our #West-centric bubble:

#Russia is not isolated globally.

Pushing back against Russia thus 1) takes extra effort & 2) is of strategic importance beyond #Ukraine (1/11)
For proof that #Russia is not isolated, look toward big parts of Asia, LatAm, Africa, Middle East. Voting patterns at #UNGA. Who hasn’t joint sanctions against #Russia. How media beyond the "West" reports on the war in #Ukraine. And most of all: Look at #China and #India. (2/11)
Let’s take #MiddleEast: Sure, there’s few staunch supporters of #Russia (Syria). Most "sit on the fence": Reluctant to join sanctions; Saudis/UAE won't pump more oil; Even #NATO ally (!) #Turkey & closest US ally #Israel tread cautiously due to security concerns vis Russia (3/11)
Read 11 tweets
Apr 9th 2022
The Raisi's Minister of #MOIS, claimed: #Israel is behind the #sectarianism [conflicts between Shia & Sunni] and #Takfiri's terrorist attacks in #Iran!

In fact, mullah's #shia religious octopus spreads #radicalism, #sectarianism , #terrorism and chaos in the #MENA

#Iran's new spymaster, #Khatib: Foe to all, friend to none?

@EQfard & @ardavank
⬇️ @IsraelHayomEng…
Meet Esmaeil #Khatib, #Iran’s new spymaster

⬇️ @JNS_org…
Read 4 tweets
Apr 4th 2022
Con't this prev thread.

Additionally, the increasing air superiority Russia enjoys in the east makes it difficult or impossible for large Ukrainian formations to move around in the east. Blown rail lines, bridges & incoming muddy season makes supply in the east difficult.
Russia has reversed many of its problems and heaped them on Ukraine by this withdrawal. It can regain the initiative and if it uses it intelligently, can deliver what is seen as a clear victory. However, it remains to be seen how drastic its withdrawal would be. Given the little
information available to me, compared to the Russian command, I would make this a fake withdrawal from the east bank. A sign that this at least being considered was the recent conquest of #Slavutych. Amazingly, the troops coming out of Belarus on the east bank could only approach Image
Read 14 tweets
Mar 25th 2022
#Ukraine Volunteer Breaks Down, Finds Out #War Is Not a Video Game


via @YouTube & @richimedhurst
Let me offer a 3rd pint, middle ground position, to the dichotomy raised by @richimedhurst in recruitment of these mercenaries for Ukraine.

I say this as one who has recruited staff for many emergency relief ops (tho not mercenaries) in #Africa and #MENA. 1/n
3rd point*
Read 14 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
THREAD on Maps on #Ukraine: Best Map Creator dragon_first_1 stopped yesterday bcs people in high places in #Russia "strongly advised" him so. Other good sources: @Suriyakmaps has live Google Map:…" width="640" height="480
VERY Fast is amazing @GeromanAT who has done great work since the #Syrian war. Even though i just reactivated my account after not using it for years, he seems to have worked since then tirelessly, compared to my lazy ass. Absolutely follow him for anything #MENA #Russia #Iran
Read 11 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
We are so excited to introduce the #oasisaccelerate 2022 cohort 🧵
1/ Transform your production data into privacy-preserving and highly realistic synthetic data with @betterdataai 🕵🏽‍♀️ #oasisaccelerate
@betterdataai 2/ Looking for fast, dependable and affordable money transfer? Look no further than @sendit_money 🌪 #oasisaccelerate
Read 17 tweets
Jan 22nd 2022
The terrible truth is, #Putin know that the West will NEVER in his lifetime have such a poor political AND military leadership for a decade at least, and he's not getting any younger. (/) @Halsrethink @nglinsman @BRyvkin @RobertMCutler @amlivemon @vtchakarova
Even countries who traditionally compensate a small military instrument with either technology/ training (Israel) or "Élan" (France) are hampered now.
If anything, what hampers #Putin, ironically, is *NOT* his adversaries.(/)
No, his BIG problem is... his friends, namely #Iran and #China.
Even if he could extort a standstill on other theaters, he cannot act on the premise that it would be honored if he didn't succeed (he plans to win), but most importantly should he WIN.(/)
Read 5 tweets
Nov 15th 2021
Intl community has a plan and #Libya has another plan...

Natl Election Commission announces peaceful closure of electoral centres due to candidacy of #Saif #Gaddafi and #KhalifaHaftar in Zawiya Gharyan Khoms Zliten

Now add Mislata Tajura & Tripoli

#Libya’s National Elections Commission rejects #Saif #Gaddafi candidacy... then immediately deletes the rejection on the Facebook page.

Testing the pulse?

#MENA #OilAndGas #Libyaoil #ليبيا
US State Dept SPOX, Samuel Warburg: There are problems with considering a #Saif #Gaddafi presidency due to his @IntlCrimCourt arrest warrants and the fact that he's still subject to US (OFAC) & Intl sanctions

#Kleptocracy #MENA #OilAndGas #Libyaoil #ليبيا
Read 38 tweets
Oct 19th 2021
1/9 The intense pressure by the #EU, both in requirements for entry and political pressure, have caused peripheral countries, including Morocco and Turkey, to become sites of #ExternalizedBorders for the EU. #MigrationKorbelDU @UofDenver @josefkorbel
@UofDenver @josefkorbel 2/9 There has been tension between ‘the rising need of dialogue, exchange, and cooperation’ on the EU’s part and ‘the declining prospect of peace, stability, and prosperity’ on the part of the EU’s neighbors’ because of #border #externalization…
3/9 Policy efforts include the 2005 EU Protection Programmes, the 2016 EU-Turkey Deal, the 2018 Global Migration Compact, and economic development investments in the #MENA region.…
Read 10 tweets
Apr 6th 2021

Tomorrow, American and Iraqi delegations will sit down for Strategic Dialogue talks.

This is a big moment for the #US-#Iraq relationship with a new Biden administration and accumulating security concerns in Iraq.
The talks are intended to cover shared #US and #Iraq mutual interests across a range of topics, such as improvements in trade, development, aid, Iraq’s education, industrial, and health sectors, climate issues, and of course, the elephant in the room: security.
The #Biden administration has not been very clear on their #Iraq strategy, despite campaign trail commitments to defeat #Daesh and the US missile strike on a Kataib Hezbollah (KH) and Kaitaib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS) compound near the #Syria-Iraq border over a month ago.
Read 20 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
To celebrate the #WomensHistoryMonth we are back with #HerstorywithCFWIJ! Today we celebrate six more amazing women voices in journalism. Some of whom paved the way, and others who are making them proud! (1/8) Image
First, let's go to #Canada and remember #EllaCoraHind! A journalist, an activist, and a suffragist. She was turned down for a position as a journalist #ManitobaFreePress, because of being an inexperienced woman journalist. Ella proved them wrong! #HerstorywithCFWIJ (2/8) Image
Carrying the torch is #Canada's @Kathygannon, a reporter at #AssociatedPress stationed in #Afghanistan and #Pakistan. Kathy has been attacked in her line of work, yet she marches on. Here is what she had to say in celebration of women journalists #HerstorywithCFWIJ (3/8).
Read 47 tweets
Jan 21st 2021
Empezamos el segundo día de nuestras #VIJornadasOCUD con un encuentro con @MartinezSoliman, el Director de la @AECID_es.

Presenta @pastorams, Directora del #OCUD y Vicerrectora de Globalización y Cooperación de la @UOCuniversitat.

¡Seguro que se genera un debate interesante!
Empieza @MartinezSoliman, Director de @AECID_es, reconociendo la labor de las facultades de medicina de las universidades de @CrueUniversidad en compartir el conocimiento con las universidades latinoamericanas durante la crisis de la pandemia de la #COVID19.

Continua el Director de @AECID_es haciendo una profunda autocrítica sobre la situación actual del sistema de @CooperacionESP: hay problemas de recursos, de coordinación entre actores y de coherencia. Por eso la reforma deberá ser profunda y estructural.

Read 4 tweets

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