11 negative tests, 2 positive tests including Washington state & new 1 in Chicago.

Test results from CDC expected Sat. a.m. at earliest.
There is no anti viral therapy.
Me processing & thinking aloud. H/T @BluesBrother91
CHI likely has far more cases than confirmed w/milder cases undetected
Need on site rapid testing rather than PCR testing @ CDC
THREAD coronavirus
Hong Kong has 3 new cases
@chiIIum @BluesBrother91 @is_contagious
Refresh for updates.
Patients in #Wuhan diagnosed w/new #Coronavirus symptoms after exhibiting non-respiratory-related symptoms—such as diarrhea, chest pains, and headaches— according to Jan. 24 report.
U of Wisconsin - 6 students monitored for coronavirus.
2 are from Wuhan and currently live together in a dorm, but are not under any quarantine or isolation.
Worth the read though caustion based on small sampling.
Contagious w/out symptoms.
Not only immune compromised become ill.
Also 3-6 day onset seems to be incorrect as does 14.
Health Dept arranging for CDC testing.
There is also 2 suspected cases in Spain

Others could become ill sooner after exposure as well.

1000+ infected in CHI w/ 40+ deaths incl 15 new deaths.
Again +/- 14 day incubation
US monitoring 60+ people.
CDC working to get tests avail for hospitals to perform tests.
American airlines is allowing flight crews to wear masks.
EMS in DFW added shields and other gear to ambulances.
2019-nCoV Coronavirus
Put on your geek hats!
@chiIIum @BluesBrother91 @RMachArts @RadGeekpartduex