I had the intention of leaving out the last speeches & going straight to the answer of the Unknown Man..b/c..it seemed to me that it didn't give rise to enough questions to justify the time we would spend in reading it.."
So I shall read "The Scientist" today, and next week we shall directly take up "The Unknown Man".."
(After Mother has read "The Scientist", Pavitra gets ready to read the questions.)
So, will you read them, Pavitra? You can't see well? We can switch on the light again.
(Pavitra—No, no, it is all right, Mother).."
"For me", he says, "ignorance was the primary if not the only evil..."
Isn't it truly so?).."
Science, which considers the world from the most material point of view, has asserted it.."
It is true that one can reduce the difficulty to a certain aspect & that this makes it easier to solve it, though it is not sure whether the solution is absolutely effective.."
But what knowledge are we speaking about?.."
Study the laws of Nature, know all that it can teach you and it will give you the knowledge which will enable you to master life and become its possessor instead of being possessed by it.."
but for him ignorance consisted in believing that the world was real and that life could be good if one had the good luck to live in favourable conditions.."
It was that his remedy was good only for the individual; it could apply only to an extremely limited number of individuals.."
So, even deprived of all hope.."
They don't seem to have discovered this very well, because this kind of comfort complicates life and doesn't make it more pleasant.."
"Wait, wait. When your turn comes you will pass over to the other side."
But while waiting one is not happy.."
Something else is necessary.
This perhaps we shall see at the end when we come to it.
For the moment..."
The kind of regularity which we observe in the universe & translate into what we call the laws of Nature—does it have an existence independent of us?..)"
Is it not possible to know the universe in its reality as it is in itself, independently of the observer or thinker?)
Yes, there is a way: it is by identification.."
I think that this weakness comes solely from the method used, b/c one has remained in an absolutely superficial consc.; & the phenomenon which took place the 1st time takes place again a 2nd time.."
And in fact one can know only what one is.
So if you want to know the universe, you must become the universe.."
If you identify your consciousness with the universal consciousness, then you know what is happening.."
It is an absolute fact that one knows only what one is, & if one wants to know something, one must become that.
So you see, there are many people who say, "It is impossible", but that's b/c they remain on a certain plane.."
This is not impossible. It is altogether possible.
It has been done.
But it can't be done with instruments, however perfected they may be.."
One can know everything, but one must know the way.."
It's only by practising..& here then, it demands an abnegation, consecration, perseverance & obstinacy—still more considerable than what the most sincere, honest, unselfish scientists have ever shown.."
& what is curious is that the method recommended by the Buddha for getting rid of desires & the illusion of the world is also one of the most marvellous disciplines ever known on the earth.."
A small click, somewhere, is enough to make them leave their fairly narrow point of view..to be able to enter into an integrality.."
I don't know whether ignorance is the greatest obstacle on the path of humanity... We said that it was an almost exclusively mental obstacle.."
He represents the last possibility of Nature, and in that, naturally his mental life has taken immense proportions.."
He does not always make a good use of it, still it is like this. But it's not here that he will find the solution. He must go beyond. There we are.
(To a child) Do you have a question?.."
You think so? Who has told you this?
(X—It is here (in the text), it is said that we are almost in the Stone Age...)"
Perhaps man had to prepare his mind first. In the Stone Age his mind was a little rustic, eh! there wasn't much stuff there. He had to develop it before being able to go beyond it.."
It is quite obvious that from the purely mental point of view, of the physical mind, well, we have come a long way since the Stone Age..."
yes, it is so interesting to have a new game here!
People tried all the ways of using it.."
Even atomic bomb is yet a way of playing..a little macabre but still a game.
It isn't with a clear, definite vision, a plan, an organisation to make the whole thing advance towards the true goal.."
But there is a plan behind; there was a plan; there is still a plan; there is more & more of a plan.."
perhaps if we speak of it now and think so much about it, it is perhaps... at a given moment surely it must come about, eh!.."
So it's perhaps that we have reached this moment.
However, we mustn't anticipate, we shall speak about it next time.
Is that all?..
Good. Then, au revoir, my children."