(—The turmoil of mental..activity has also to be silenced.. in order that the true knowledge & the true life-activity may replace or transform the activities of the Ignorance—)"
It is to express the Divine. That's the very reason of existence & life, its truth & its sole true activity.
(—If the inmost soul is awakened..then this Yoga can be done; else (by sole power of mind or other parts) it is impossible—)"
Nothing is impossible in principle. But if one refuses to do what is necessary, obviously one cannot succeed.."
If there were no conditions & processes, everything could be transformed & done miraculously. But evidently it is not in this way that it was decided.."
It is obvious that in the world there are no arbitrary decisions.."
If you refuse to fulfil these conditions you won't do that particular thing, you will do something else; that, evidently, is not the only thing possible.."
but that's in the totality, & in Time & Space, i.e., via eternities of time & infinities of space all is possible.."
It is like that, we must take it as it is, endeavour to make the best possible out of it.
(Q—Sweet Mother, Why has #SriAurobindo said "the inmost soul"? Is there a superficial soul?)"
The purest mind, the highest vital, the emotive being—the soul influences them.."
So people take these parts for the soul and that is why he says "the inmost soul", that is, the central soul, the real soul.."
These are parts of being under its influence & manifesting something of it.
So, often people enter into contact with these parts & this gives them illuminations, joy..& they feel they've found their soul.."
"How is it that I touched my soul and now have fallen back into this state of ignorance and inconscience!".."
it is something permanent, constant, which resists everything, & which, at any moment, if referred to can be found.."
And these things are very beautiful and give you very impressive experiences, but this is not the contact with the psychic being itself..."
"Do I have a contact with my psychic being?",
"Your question itself proves that you don't have it!"
That's all, my children?.."
Is it true?)
What sort of magicians are you speaking about?
Those who have occult powers & use them for their personal interest? You mean these?..
it is by an inner discipline and by consecration to the Divine that the powers come to you..
But if with..your discipline..an ambition is mixed up..then if they come to you it is almost like a curse.."
And when they find that you have served them enough and are no longer good for anything, they just destroy you.."
So it cannot be a very pleasant experience
It is a very, very, very dangerous game.."
You mean magical rites? Because, you see, you must not mix up magic with occultism.
Occultism is a science & it's the knowledge of invisible forces & the capacity to handle them.."
So it doesn't itself carry any special virtues except the same kind of qualities as those one learns through chemical manipulations..."
whereas if you are an idiot, misfortunes may come to you.."
It is interesting only for people who are precisely not yogis and who want to have certain powers which, in fact, they have in a very limited way—it is always limited.."
But one may say everybody does that, b/c just the fact of thinking means you are acting invisibly; & acc. to power of your thought your action is more/less wide-spread.."
There is bound to be a great imprecision in the action.."
The first thing is a kind of fear, a fright created in the person against whom the magic is done.."
What opens the door to the action of these forces is fear,..apprehension, the feeling that something is going to happen.."
(Q—Mother, there are people who do hypnotism.
Then, when they always practise it on the same person, does that person fall ill after a while?)"
One thing is certain, that this person loses his personal will, the hypnotiser's will takes its place, else it would not work.
But not necessarily ill, terribly dependent! It creates almost a kind of slavery.."
It is very difficult to say, because it depends entirely on the hypnotiser and the hypnotised, and how it is done.
In its ordinary outer form it is something that can cause much disturbance.."
I think there are as many cases as people. It's like every other thing.."
And if to this is added the fact that they are people with ill-will or those who have personal motives, then the results are as bad as can be.."
It's not something genuine; like all so-called human knowledge, it is not true, but the deformation of something.."
But what's usually called hypnotism is a completely blind & ignorant action: the use of the power of a force which one doesn't even know very well.."
And then, as I say, if it falls into the hands of someone who is unscrupulous or has bad intentions, it becomes altogether disastrous."