Iowa has to be taken off of "first in the nation." All the other reasons:
a. Iowa is either *the* or one of the most racially unrepresentative state. The state is more than 90% white, 3% African American. 7% all others....
B. Not only do Republicans register as Democrats *on caucus night* if they have the incumbent, but they openly talk about doing it. They do it to push the candidate they believe has the lowest chance of winning.
C. The Iowa democrats are not representative of the national...
..breakdown of democratic ideologies - more left than other states. (I don't care *which* it is more, I don't want a non-representative state to drive things.)
D. Democrats are fighting for winning the caucuses of a Trump state. These 6 electoral votes are gone. Why let...
...a state that is minority democrat - where the majority trumpers can register as Dems for the night to throw things askew - set things in motion?
E. The issues most important for Iowa are not representative of the issues most important for most of the country...
F. Left one out: While population is overwhelmingly white, the vote of people of color is dramatically different, meaning race has an inordinate impact. In 2016, it was 49-46 for clinton - a spread of 3 points. Among people of color? 69-31 for Clinton.
G. A personal note: What bothers the hell out of me is how many people who count on the skewed results to "win" also claim to be for racial equity. Suppressing minority impact through demographics is a fundamental attack on racial equity.
Enough of Iowa.