A few thoughts:
First, GPC is a fact of politics. No one wants GPC; they want strategies to cope with it.
GPC discussions go way beyond mil analysts, agendas, and instruments. Many advocate defense cuts; & even Trump appointees encourage mil deterrence over primacy.
Most analysts think pol, econ, info, and tech components are central.
It is about peacetime competition.
To me, the China section seems torn between its impulse for disengagement and its concern over the consequences.
But it should also "retain the ability to intervene if China threatens to become a hostile hegemon."
These goals are in tension.
- Total PRC consolidation of the SCS will seriously erode the capacity for Asian intervention that the article hopes to retain.
And even so, they probably still provoke Beijing.
I have a different view on what works in Asia, but I hope the discourse on these subjects moves in this more holistic direction.