Makall only has 10 posted TikToks.
What’s driving Makall‘s following?
- a single, clear content purpose
- a story people want to hear
- natural talents perfect for TikTok
Here’s a 16 tweet thread of analysis + an interview w/ @MakallLauren:
Very coveted. Certainly something we’re all curious to know more about. When her first Disney video took off (below), she archived her old posts am& dedicated her TikTok to her new Disney life.
Girl can singgggg. Like. Disney sing.
So not only is she sharing the story of a Disney intern, but she’s got an extra skill she’s worked into it. That’s a tremendous additional hook that’s perfect for TikTok.
This singing proof video? 5M views.
First Disney video: Jan 21, 900 follow
Singing proof vid: Jan 24, 45k
Follow thanks vid #1: Jan 28, 150k
Follow thanks vid #2: Feb 5, 200k
Today: 269k
That’s +268k followers in 23 days.
People clearly love where she’s headed.
She ties a moment (move-in day) to a thematically-relevant Disney song (Frozen’s For The First Time In Forever) that she’s actually singing (great talent).
Compelling every time.
But many creative types will aim to make something new, for both artistic fulfillment & to offer something unique.
- @MakallLauren on creativity & her TikTok approach
Cliffhangers are common on TikTok. Creators often use the “check back for how this went” to drive people to follow.
Makall does that naturally through her channel. Every post continues the story of her in the Disney Intern Program. We want to know how it’s going.
What content can you provide, that’s interesting to a specific audience, that’s fulfilling for you, that only you can provide?
@MakallLauren nails that w/ Disney + her voice.
She’s making content about her life & truly cares to make sure her favorite company is well represented by what she’s doing. Her career w/ Disney comes first, but she loves sharing that journey.
Thanks for reading, y’all.