Not sure yet what will happen but seems likely judgment will NOT be read out.
Therefore we hope to get a copy as soon as possible after 10.30am and will summarise and tweet.
See you here tomorrow!
Police DID interfere with his Article 10 rights.
BE QUIET! says Judge
This will be on judicial website imminently.
Visit by PC Gal to HM place of work to speak to him about tweets
PC Gal warning HM that he might be prosecuted if escalated.
Twice in letters repeating
JUDGE - I DO NOT SAY THAT. Hence why I used phrase 'in combination'. I specifically say that. the recording set the whole ball rolling.
HUMBERSIDE - I seek permission to appeal in relation to any finding or the declaration that may be read that the guidance is unlawful.
JUDGE - this is covered.
JUDGE - agree. - to Ian Wise - The declaration gives you what you want.
Counsel doesn't know.
Humberside - cannot alter this to say recording is unlawful as your Lordship has said recording is NOT unlawful
JUDGE - strong case to insert 'and the court then found...'
Ian Wise - quite content with that.
Judge happy to record mere recording by itself is not violation of Article 10 - police and CoP happy with this.
Now agreed re first defendant. HM will pay CoP costs.
Re second defendant i.e. Humberside, HM says he has wholly succeeded and is entitled to his costs.
JUDGE - I AM WITH MR WISE. The reality is the battleground was the police actions and HM was successful there.
Ian Wise has made written submissions.
Wish to leap frog to Supreme Court
JUDGE - lets just cut to the chase. Don't think my judgment is wrong <laughter>
I am granting permission to appeal - this should go straight to Court of Appeal at least.
Judge - that is unknowable. Readily accept need for clarity and the importance of this case.
Only question now is whether its Appeal Court or Supreme Court.
The summary I read out was for benefit of press. Judgment is very long and technical. But the judgment is the only authoritative explanation and you should bear that in mind.
Ian Wise - can we send copy of your summary.
View from the seats
'He's done a fantastic job'
See you in the Supreme Court!

Important judgment.
Tide is turning.
Onwards to the Supreme Court!