Mixed neuronal-glial tumor
🔵composed of dysplastic neurons and glial component
Others features are,
🔵Delicate vasculature
🔵lymphocyte cuffs around vessels
#pathology #PediPath #neuropath #Tweetorial

🔵Rosenthal fibers
🔵Eosinophilic granular bodies,
🔵oligodendroglioma and other gliomas-like components
#pathology #PediPath #neuropath

(dysmorphic neurons) characterized by:
🔵perimembranous aggregation of Nissl substance
#pathology #PediPath #neuropath

🔵eosinophilic cytoplasmic proteinaceous aggregates
🔵RFs are composed mainly of intermediate filaments & GFAP
🔵NOT specific for any tumor
🔵can also be found in reactive gliosis & neurodegenerative disorders(Alexander Disease)

🔵Most GG are histologically WHO grade I, but some have anaplastic features in their glial component to be considered WHO grade III "anaplastic GG"
🔵enough mitosis, vascular endothelial proliferation or necrosis
🔵Strict criteria have not been established
usually well-demarcated, cystic with a mural nodule,
Can occur throughout the CNS
>70% occur in temporal lobe
here are some examples

and GFAP, .. in glial component
Not necessary for diagnosis
GFAP / Synaptophysin (photo from the WHO book)
#pathology #PediPath #neuropath

CD34 can explore if it originated from cortical dysplasia, here are some references provided by @JCien_Path
🔵region of the cerebral cortex that shows loss of laminar organization
🔵isolated large neurons
🔵 disorientation,
neurons, and widening of the cortex
Diffuse: Numerous regions
#pathology #PediPath
(WHO Blue book)
#pathology #PediPath #neuropath