Or that nothing has, and some of us learn from history?
Vaginal mesh
All those times where women & children were harmed by drugs en masse?
Right side of history, indeed. I mean, it's not like it's happened before or anything you guys, and women are just hysterical anyway, amirite? Oh, wait, we have a treatment for that too. Burn them.
Or, has what has ALWAYS been true (men hurting women & children, corporations being greedy, the working class being divided so they don't revolt), been given jet fuel by big tech, to create an uber-complex?
Come on.
Come on, now.
These tribes are manufactured.
Again, let's anchor what we know to be true. "Data Innovation Labs" indeed. I've been in these rooms.
It's a product.
I've seen these labs & worked with these people. It's likely.
Just thoughts.
They want us at war. They want us in a pressure cooker. They want to crack us so they know WHAT cracks us.
PS I didn't kill myself. haha
I mean, there's a fine line. Look at "hysteria", right? It's easy to make genuine dissidents into crackpots.
But think. What's more plausible?
What we already know/have established as truth, which is mega corporations dividing us/seeing if they can get us to believe 2 + 2 = 5?
Or that 2 + 2 = 5 all along and we're all bigots?
Come on.
The "TERF Wars" are at the nexus of a lot of this. A perfect case study in Psy Ops of people who mostly agree, in all out war.
Why is that?
Who benefits?
The people most likely to critique this are fighting the wrong enemies.
Create (or encourage/support) something (Wokism) that splinters your critics into tribal warfare. This is some Art of War shit, man.
This is how good people end up doing evil things.
They're not really included in the big picture until it's too late and they're in.
As of this week, I am retired from any data-driven marketing work.
We are being nudged into tribal wars. Try to fight that & be aware of it, and we might get somewhere.