"Even in an imaginary future where algorithmic discrimination does not exist, facial recognition software simply cannot de-bias the practice and impact of state surveillance."
"Amid rising concern over police use of facial recognition technology, the SPD stopped using its facial-recognition software about a year ago" #SB6280
- It ignores intersectional biases - against Black women for example.
- exceptions open up huge loopholes that companies can use to prevent effective testing
- Who approves the mitigation plan? What if it's not executed as planned?
"Facial recognition is generally applied by those who already have power—like employers, landlords and the police—to surveil and in some cases oppress those who don’t."
"Even in an imaginary future where algorithmic discrimination does not exist, facial recognition software simply cannot de-bias the practice and impact of state surveillance."
As @luke_stark says: facial recognition is like plutonium.
While we’re figuring out how to regulate it, we don’t want to be installing plutonium dispensers on every shop, sidewalk, and street in Washington. #SB6280
For those keeping score at home, everybody testifying against the bill called for a moratorium.
But then again, neither is spraying plutonium without *any* regulation.
- its protections are not strong enough
- we need a moratorium
Here's a post from @WaIndivisible with details about how to do that.
Here's the bill's text -- it's fairly short, those two sections are less than a page. lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2019-…