@SEAindivisible has an action item up, with a ample script and instructions on how to contact your legislators, at facebook.com/SeattleIndivis…
Stay tuned!
Beginning with a quick briefing discussing some differences between #SB6281 and HB2742 (which came from the ITED committee), available online at app.leg.wa.gov/committeesched…
That's why I call #SB6281 the "bad" Washington Privacy Act. Don't let the name fool you!
I agree, and wish we had a bill that would give us real improvements. #SB6281 does not. #waleg
Plus we made @SlatterVandana happy. Bellevue represents!!!!!
Another clause in #SB6281 is a "recipe for profiling".
And there needs to be a private right of action.
AG's office notes that private right of action would have to show harm. Again discusses why it's valuable. #SB6281
Also they want an exemption for targeted advertising, or something like that #SB6281
Take Action Network has a list of town halls at takeaction.network/xactions?shara…