Lokhova sued the defendants on three counts:
1: Defamation (basically claiming she was a Russian agent/honeypot entrapping @GenFlynn, which she isn't)
2: Conspiracy (to defame)
3: Tortious interference (e.g. loss of a book deal as a result of the defamation)
Lokhova filed her lawsuit on May 23 2019*, alleging the following defamation examples:
—WSJ article (Mar 2017)
—Tweets by Nance (Apr 2017 & Jul 2018)
—MSNBC shows (May 6 & 18 2018)
—NYT article & tweets (May 18/19 2019)
—WaPo article (June 5 2018)
(This was obviously the intention & false)
—Lokhova can appeal to 4th Circuit (which is currently a 6-9 Dem majority, even putting aside the merits of an appeal)
—Halper & co. can also appeal the sanctions ruling, and may try to obtain attorney fees (which the judge side-stepped for now)