People constantly point to Europe to show how MfA will work - apparently unaware that we have our own decades-long case study of how it would likely work here. And there are big...
This involves the government's program for kidney dialysis as adopted in the 1970s. It was something that, even as a kid, when I heard of it, I supported it. But aspirations and reality are quite different. In the decades since....
The problem? Not for-profit insurance. ALL for-profit healthcare coupled with government....
What was the problem? Every one of the...
In swooped private industry. They began cutting and cutting quality to meet the reimbursement levels (just like happens with Medicare.) Then they cut some more to increase profits. Happy with...
You can see what's coming: Government held down costs to the level they predicted, private industry made..
All of the activists who fought for this program patted themselves on the back and moved on. Kidney dialysis patients raged for help, but no one listened. Death tolls kept climbing.....…
I reached the wife of the first man. He had died.
So had the second. And the third. And the fourth.
Of the 12 people who were..
So, when people say MfA....
And the 11 wonderful people who died while fighting to improve the lot of others. In vain.